from typing import Any from rich.console import Console from rich.panel import Panel from rich.table import Table from rich.align import Align from .price import get_estimated_cost console = Console() def spacing(): console.print("") def connected_to_server(server_type: str, status: str): """ Prints a 'Connected to Server' section for DigitalFate, full width, with two columns: - left column (labels) left-aligned - right column (values) left-aligned, positioned on the right half """ # Determine color and symbol for the status if status.lower() == "established": status_text = "[green]✓ Established[/green]" elif status.lower() == "failed": status_text = "[red]✗ Failed[/red]" else: status_text = f"[cyan]… {status}[/cyan]" # Build a table that expands to full console width table = Table(show_header=False, expand=True, box=None) # We define 2 columns, each with ratio=1 so they evenly split the width # Both are left-aligned, but the second column will end up on the right half. table.add_column("Label", justify="left", ratio=1) table.add_column("Value", justify="left", ratio=1) # Rows: one for server type, one for status table.add_row("[bold]Server Type:[/bold]", f"[yellow]{server_type}[/yellow]") table.add_row("[bold]Connection Status:[/bold]", status_text) table.width = 60 # Wrap the table in a Panel that also expands full width panel = Panel( table, title="[bold cyan]DigitalFate - Server Connection[/bold cyan]", border_style="cyan", expand=True, # panel takes the full terminal width width=70 # Adjust as preferred ) # Print the panel (it will fill the entire width, with two columns inside) console.print(panel) spacing() def call_end(result: Any, llm_model: str, response_format: str, start_time: float, end_time: float, usage: dict, debug: bool = False): table = Table(show_header=False, expand=True, box=None) table.width = 60 table.add_row("[bold]LLM Model:[/bold]", f"{llm_model}") # Add spacing table.add_row("") from ..client.level_two.agent import SubTaskList, SearchResult, CompanyObjective, HumanObjective is_it_subtask = isinstance(result, SubTaskList) is_it_search = isinstance(result, SearchResult) is_it_company = isinstance(result, CompanyObjective) is_it_human = isinstance(result, HumanObjective) if is_it_subtask: # Print total task count table.add_row(f"[bold]Total Subtasks:[/bold]", f"[yellow]{len(result.sub_tasks)}[/yellow]") table.add_row("") # Print each task as well as bullet list for each in result.sub_tasks: table.add_row(f"[bold]Subtask:[/bold]", f"[green]{each.description}[/green]") table.add_row(f"[bold]Required Output:[/bold]", f"[green]{each.required_output}[/green]") table.add_row(f"[bold]Tools:[/bold]", f"[green]{each.tools}[/green]") table.add_row("") elif is_it_search: table.add_row("[bold]Has Customers:[/bold]", f"[green]{'Yes' if result.any_customers else 'No'}[/green]") table.add_row("") table.add_row("[bold]Products:[/bold]") for product in result.products: table.add_row("", f"[green]• {product}[/green]") table.add_row("") table.add_row("[bold]Services:[/bold]") for service in result.services: table.add_row("", f"[green]• {service}[/green]") table.add_row("") table.add_row("[bold]Potential Competitors:[/bold]") for competitor in result.potential_competitors: table.add_row("", f"[yellow]• {competitor}[/yellow]") table.add_row("") elif is_it_company: table.add_row("[bold]Company Objective:[/bold]", f"[blue]{result.objective}[/blue]") table.add_row("") table.add_row("[bold]Goals:[/bold]") for goal in result.goals: table.add_row("", f"[blue]• {goal}[/blue]") table.add_row("") table.add_row("[bold]State:[/bold]", f"[blue]{result.state}[/blue]") table.add_row("") elif is_it_human: table.add_row("[bold]Job Title:[/bold]", f"[magenta]{result.job_title}[/magenta]") table.add_row("") table.add_row("[bold]Job Description:[/bold]", f"[magenta]{result.job_description}[/magenta]") table.add_row("") table.add_row("[bold]Job Goals:[/bold]") for goal in result.job_goals: table.add_row("", f"[magenta]• {goal}[/magenta]") table.add_row("") else: result_str = str(result) # Limit result to 370 characters if not debug: result_str = result_str[:370] # Add ellipsis if result is truncated if len(result_str) < len(str(result)): result_str += "[bold white]...[/bold white]" table.add_row("[bold]Result:[/bold]", f"[green]{result_str}[/green]") # Add spacing table.add_row("") table.add_row("[bold]Response Format:[/bold]", f"{response_format}") table.add_row("[bold]Estimated Cost:[/bold]", f"{get_estimated_cost(usage['input_tokens'], usage['output_tokens'], llm_model)}$") time_taken = end_time - start_time time_taken_str = f"{time_taken:.2f} seconds" table.add_row("[bold]Time Taken:[/bold]", f"{time_taken_str}") panel = Panel( table, title="[bold white]DigitalFate - Call Result[/bold white]", border_style="white", expand=True, width=70 ) console.print(panel) spacing() def agent_end(result: Any, llm_model: str, response_format: str, start_time: float, end_time: float, usage: dict, tool_count: int, context_count: int, debug: bool = False): table = Table(show_header=False, expand=True, box=None) table.width = 60 table.add_row("[bold]LLM Model:[/bold]", f"{llm_model}") # Add spacing table.add_row("") result_str = str(result) # Limit result to 370 characters if not debug: result_str = result_str[:370] # Add ellipsis if result is truncated if len(result_str) < len(str(result)): result_str += "[bold white]...[/bold white]" table.add_row("[bold]Result:[/bold]", f"[green]{result_str}[/green]") # Add spacing table.add_row("") table.add_row("[bold]Response Format:[/bold]", f"{response_format}") table.add_row("[bold]Tools:[/bold]", f"{tool_count} [bold]Context Used:[/bold]", f"{context_count}") table.add_row("[bold]Estimated Cost:[/bold]", f"{get_estimated_cost(usage['input_tokens'], usage['output_tokens'], llm_model)}$") time_taken = end_time - start_time time_taken_str = f"{time_taken:.2f} seconds" table.add_row("[bold]Time Taken:[/bold]", f"{time_taken_str}") panel = Panel( table, title="[bold white]DigitalFate - Agent Result[/bold white]", border_style="white", expand=True, width=70 ) console.print(panel) spacing() def agent_total_cost(total_input_tokens: int, total_output_tokens: int, total_time: float, llm_model: str): table = Table(show_header=False, expand=True, box=None) table.width = 60 table.add_row("[bold]Estimated Cost:[/bold]", f"{get_estimated_cost(total_input_tokens, total_output_tokens, llm_model)}$") table.add_row("[bold]Time Taken:[/bold]", f"{total_time:.2f} seconds") panel = Panel( table, title="[bold white]DigitalFate - Agent Total Cost[/bold white]", border_style="white", expand=True, width=70 ) console.print(panel) spacing() def agent_retry(retry_count: int, max_retries: int): table = Table(show_header=False, expand=True, box=None) table.width = 60 table.add_row("[bold]Retry Status:[/bold]", f"[yellow]Attempt {retry_count + 1} of {max_retries + 1}[/yellow]") panel = Panel( table, title="[bold yellow]DigitalFate - Agent Retry[/bold yellow]", border_style="yellow", expand=True, width=70 ) console.print(panel) spacing()