by erithwik
Hacker News MCP Server
A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server that provides tools for fetching information from Hacker News.
Fetching (top, new, ask_hn, show_hn) storiesget_story_info
Fetching comments associated with a storysearch_stories
Searching for stories by queryget_user_info
Fetching user info
Example Usage
Use prompts like the following:
User: Get the top stories of today
Output: Uses `get_stories` tool and returns a story about AI
User: What does the details of the story today that talks about the future of AI
Output: Uses `get_story_info` tool based on the results of the previous tool
User: What has the user `pg` been up to?
Output: Uses `get_user_info` tool and returns a summary of the user's activity
User: What does hackernews say about careers in AI?
Output: Uses `search_stories` tool and returns a summary of the comments
A more detailed example with the puppeteer MCP server:
User: What are the top stories of today?
Output: Uses `get_stories` tool and returns a story about AI
User: Can you use the puppeteer tool to read the article about <AI> and also use the hackernews tool to view the comments and give me a summary of what the main comments are about the article?
Output: Uses puppeteer tool to read the article about AI and then uses the `get_story_info` hn tool to get the comments and returns a summary of the comments
Claude Desktop:
Update the following:
On MacOS: ~/Library/Application\ Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json
On Windows: %APPDATA%/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json
With the following for production:
"mcpServers": {
"mcp-hn": {
"command": "uvx",
"args": ["mcp-hn"]
A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server that provides tools for searching and fetching information from Hacker News.