PyTorch HUD MCP Server

""" PyTorch HUD data tools for MCP """ import re from typing import Dict, Any, Optional, List from datetime import datetime from mcp.server.fastmcp import Context from pytorch_hud.api.client import PyTorchHudAPI # Initialize API client singleton api = PyTorchHudAPI() def enrich_jobs_with_names(jobs: List[Dict[str, Any]], job_names: List[str]) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Enrich job objects with their names from the jobNames array. Args: jobs: List of job objects job_names: List of job names from the jobNames array Returns: List of job objects with 'name' field added/updated """ enriched_jobs = [] for job in jobs: job_id = job.get("id") enriched_job = job.copy() # First try to get job name from jobNames array if ID is available # and is a valid index into job_names if job_id is not None and isinstance(job_id, int) and 0 <= job_id < len(job_names): enriched_job["name"] = job_names[job_id] # Fallback: extract from URL if still needed elif "name" not in enriched_job and "htmlUrl" in enriched_job: html_url = enriched_job.get("htmlUrl", "") if html_url: parts = html_url.split("/") if len(parts) > 4: enriched_job["name"] = parts[-1] # Extract job name from URL enriched_jobs.append(enriched_job) return enriched_jobs def enrich_hud_data(hud_data: Dict[str, Any]) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Extract and enrich jobs from HUD data with their names. This helper function handles the common pattern of extracting jobs from HUD data and enriching them with names from the jobNames array. Args: hud_data: The response from get_hud_data Returns: List of jobs enriched with names, or empty list if no jobs found """ job_names = hud_data.get("jobNames", []) # Process job data if available if "shaGrid" in hud_data and len(hud_data["shaGrid"]) > 0 and "jobs" in hud_data["shaGrid"][0]: jobs = hud_data["shaGrid"][0]["jobs"] return enrich_jobs_with_names(jobs, job_names) return [] async def get_job_details(job_id: int, ctx: Optional[Context] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get detailed information for a specific job. This endpoint returns comprehensive details about a single job, including: - Basic job metadata (status, duration, URLs) - Failure information if the job failed - Links to artifacts Args: job_id: The ID of the job to fetch ctx: MCP context Returns: Dictionary with detailed job information """ if ctx: await"Fetching detailed information for job {job_id}") # Convert job_id to string for API calls job_id_str = str(job_id) result = { "job_id": job_id, "log_url": api.get_s3_log_url(job_id_str) } # Try to get artifacts try: artifacts = api.get_artifacts("s3", job_id_str) result["artifacts"] = artifacts except Exception as e: if ctx: await ctx.warning(f"Failed to get artifacts for job {job_id}: {e}") result["artifacts"] = None return result async def get_recent_commits_with_jobs( repo_owner: str = "pytorch", repo_name: str = "pytorch", branch_or_commit_sha: str = "main", include_success: bool = False, include_pending: bool = False, include_failures: bool = False, include_commit_details: bool = True, job_name_filter_regex: Optional[str] = None, failure_line_filter_regex: Optional[str] = None, page: int = 1, per_page: int = 10, ctx: Optional[Context] = None ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get recent commits with optional job details and filtering. This universal function consolidates various HUD data endpoints, providing flexible options to fetch exactly the data needed while avoiding context overload. Args: repo_owner: Repository owner (e.g., 'pytorch') repo_name: Repository name (e.g., 'pytorch') branch_or_commit_sha: Branch name (e.g., 'main') or commit SHA - When passing a branch name like 'main', returns recent commits on that branch - When passing a full commit SHA, returns data starting from that specific commit include_success: Whether to include successful jobs in the response (default: False) include_pending: Whether to include pending/in-progress jobs in the response (default: False) include_failures: Whether to include failing jobs in the response (default: False) include_commit_details: Whether to include PR number, diff URL, etc. (default: True) job_name_filter_regex: Optional regex pattern to filter jobs by name failure_line_filter_regex: Optional regex pattern to filter failure lines page: Page number for pagination (default: 1) per_page: Number of commits per page (default: 10) ctx: MCP context Returns: Dictionary containing: - List of recent commits with status counts - Job details for each commit based on filter settings - Pagination information """ if ctx: await"Fetching recent commits for {repo_owner}/{repo_name} with branch_or_commit_sha={branch_or_commit_sha}") await"Filters: include_success={include_success}, include_pending={include_pending}, include_failures={include_failures}") if job_name_filter_regex: await"Job name filter: {job_name_filter_regex}") if failure_line_filter_regex: await"Failure line filter: {failure_line_filter_regex}") # Get the data from API hud_data = api.get_hud_data(repo_owner, repo_name, branch_or_commit_sha, per_page=per_page, merge_lf=True, page=page) # Prepare job filters if needed job_name_pattern = None failure_line_pattern = None if job_name_filter_regex: job_name_pattern = re.compile(job_name_filter_regex, re.IGNORECASE) if failure_line_filter_regex: failure_line_pattern = re.compile(failure_line_filter_regex, re.IGNORECASE) # Compile result commits result_commits: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [] sha_grid = hud_data.get("shaGrid", []) job_names = hud_data.get("jobNames", []) # Process each commit in the grid for commit_idx, commit in enumerate(sha_grid): # Stop after reaching per_page if len(result_commits) >= per_page: break # Extract commit info commit_sha = commit.get("sha", "") commit_info = { "sha": commit_sha, "short_sha": commit_sha[:7] if commit_sha else "", "title": commit.get("commitTitle", ""), "author": commit.get("author", ""), "time": commit.get("time", ""), "job_counts": { "total": 0, "success": 0, "failure": 0, "pending": 0, "skipped": 0 }, "status": "unknown", "hud_url": f"{repo_owner}/{repo_name}/commit/{commit_sha}" } # Include additional commit details if requested if include_commit_details: for field in ["prNum", "diffNum", "authorUrl", "commitUrl"]: if field in commit: commit_info[field] = commit[field] # Process jobs for this commit filtered_jobs = [] original_jobs = commit.get("jobs", []) # Get job counts regardless of filtering for job in original_jobs: # Skip empty job entries (sometimes returned in the API) if not job: continue status = job.get("status", "unknown") conclusion = job.get("conclusion", "unknown") # Update total count commit_info["job_counts"]["total"] += 1 # Count by status based on conclusion if conclusion == "success": commit_info["job_counts"]["success"] += 1 elif conclusion == "failure": commit_info["job_counts"]["failure"] += 1 elif conclusion == "skipped": commit_info["job_counts"]["skipped"] += 1 elif status == "queued" or status == "in_progress" or conclusion == "pending": commit_info["job_counts"]["pending"] += 1 # Determine overall commit status if commit_info["job_counts"]["failure"] > 0: commit_info["status"] = "red" elif commit_info["job_counts"]["pending"] > 0: commit_info["status"] = "pending" elif commit_info["job_counts"]["success"] > 0: commit_info["status"] = "green" # Filter and enrich jobs based on criteria if include_success or include_pending or include_failures: # Pre-enrich all jobs with names all_jobs = enrich_jobs_with_names(original_jobs, job_names) # Apply filtering to jobs for job in all_jobs: include_job = False status = job.get("status", "unknown") conclusion = job.get("conclusion", "unknown") # Apply status filters if conclusion == "success" and include_success: include_job = True elif conclusion == "failure" and include_failures: include_job = True elif (status == "queued" or status == "in_progress" or conclusion == "pending") and include_pending: include_job = True # Apply job name filter if needed if include_job and job_name_pattern: job_name = job.get("name", "") if not include_job = False # Apply failure line filter if needed if include_job and failure_line_pattern and "failureLines" in job: failure_match = False for line in job["failureLines"]: if failure_match = True break if not failure_match: include_job = False # Add job if it passed all filters if include_job: filtered_jobs.append(job) # Add filtered jobs to commit info if filtered_jobs: commit_info["jobs"] = filtered_jobs # Add commit to results result_commits.append(commit_info) # Prepare result result = { "repo": f"{repo_owner}/{repo_name}", "branch_or_commit_sha": branch_or_commit_sha, "commits": result_commits, "pagination": { "page": page, "per_page": per_page, "total_commits": len(sha_grid), # This is an approximation, API doesn't provide total count "returned_commits": len(result_commits) }, "filters": { "include_success": include_success, "include_pending": include_pending, "include_failures": include_failures, "job_name_filter_regex": job_name_filter_regex, "failure_line_filter_regex": failure_line_filter_regex }, "_metadata": { "timestamp":, "api_request": { "page": page, "per_page": per_page, "merge_lf": True } } } return result