PyTorch HUD MCP Server
by izaitsevfb
- pytorch_hud
- clickhouse
PyTorch HUD ClickHouse query wrappers
from typing import Dict, Any, Optional
from mcp.server.fastmcp import Context
from pytorch_hud.api.client import PyTorchHudAPI
from pytorch_hud.api.utils import parse_time_range
# Initialize API client singleton
api = PyTorchHudAPI()
def query_clickhouse(query_name: str, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Run a ClickHouse query by name with parameters."""
return api.query_clickhouse(query_name, parameters)
async def get_master_commit_red(time_range: str = "7d",
timezone: str = "America/Los_Angeles",
ctx: Optional[Context] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Get historical master commit status aggregated by day for a specified time range.
This function provides a historical view of trunk health with daily aggregation,
showing counts of red/green/pending commits per day. For immediate trunk status
of specific recent commits, use get_recent_commit_status instead.
time_range: Time range (e.g., 7d, 24h, 2023-01-01:2023-01-31)
timezone: Timezone to use for the query
ctx: MCP context
Dictionary with daily counts of red/green/pending commits
if ctx:
await"Fetching master commit red data for time range: {time_range}")
start_time, end_time = parse_time_range(time_range)
if ctx:
await"Time range resolved to: {start_time} - {end_time}")
parameters = {
"startTime": start_time,
"stopTime": end_time,
"timezone": timezone
return api.query_clickhouse("master_commit_red", parameters)
def get_queued_jobs() -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Get queued jobs data."""
return api.query_clickhouse("queued_jobs", {})
async def get_disabled_test_historical(time_range: str = "7d",
label: str = "skipped",
repo: str = "pytorch/pytorch",
state: str = "open",
platform: str = "",
triaged: str = "",
granularity: str = "day",
ctx: Optional[Context] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Get historical disabled test data."""
if ctx:
await"Fetching disabled test data for time range: {time_range}")
start_time, end_time = parse_time_range(time_range)
if ctx:
await"Time range resolved to: {start_time} - {end_time}")
parameters = {
"startTime": start_time,
"stopTime": end_time,
"label": label,
"repo": repo,
"state": state,
"platform": platform,
"triaged": triaged,
"granularity": granularity
return api.query_clickhouse("disabled_test_historical", parameters)
async def get_flaky_tests(time_range: str = "7d",
test_name: Optional[str] = None,
ctx: Optional[Context] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Get flaky test data."""
if ctx:
await"Fetching flaky test data for test: {test_name or 'all tests'}")
start_time, end_time = parse_time_range(time_range)
if ctx:
await"Time range resolved to: {start_time} - {end_time}")
parameters = {
"startTime": start_time,
"stopTime": end_time
if test_name:
parameters["test_name"] = test_name
return api.query_clickhouse("flaky_tests/across_jobs", parameters)