PyTorch HUD MCP Server

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# PyTorch HUD API Data Structure Documentation This document outlines the structure of data returned by the PyTorch HUD API. ## Top Level Structure The PyTorch HUD API returns a JSON object with the following top-level fields: ```json { "shaGrid": [], // Array of commit objects "jobNames": [] // Array of job name strings } ``` - `shaGrid`: Array of commit objects, each representing a single commit with all its jobs - `jobNames`: Array of job name strings, used for job name reference ## Pagination The `per_page` parameter controls how many commits are returned in the `shaGrid` array: - `per_page=1`: Returns only the specified commit - `per_page=N`: Returns the specified commit plus N-1 previous commits ## Commit Object Structure Each commit object in the `shaGrid` array has the following structure: ```json { "author": "string", // GitHub username of the commit author "authorUrl": "string", // GitHub URL for the author "time": "string", // ISO timestamp of the commit "sha": "string", // Full commit SHA "commitUrl": "string", // GitHub URL to the commit "commitTitle": "string", // First line of the commit message "commitMessageBody": "string", // Rest of the commit message "prNum": number, // PR number (if applicable) "diffNum": null, // Differential number (if applicable) "jobs": [], // Array of job objects "isForcedMerge": boolean, // Whether commit was force-merged "isForcedMergeWithFailures": boolean // Whether commit was force-merged despite failures } ``` ## Job Object Structure Each job object has the following structure: ```json { "id": number, // Job ID (numeric) "name": "string", // Job name "conclusion": "string", // Job status: "success", "failure", "pending", "skipped", "queued" "workflowName": "string", // Name of the workflow this job belongs to "url": "string", // URL to view job details "duration": number, // Job duration in seconds "failureLines": [ // Array of failure message lines (only present for failures) "string", "string", ... ] } ``` Common job status values: - `success`: Job completed successfully - `failure`: Job failed - `pending`: Job is running - `skipped`: Job was skipped - `queued`: Job is waiting to start ## Usage Examples ### Iterating Through Commits ```python data = api.get_hud_data("pytorch", "pytorch", COMMIT_SHA, per_page=5) for commit in data["shaGrid"]: print(f"Commit SHA: {commit['sha']}") print(f"Author: {commit['author']}") print(f"PR: {commit['prNum']}") ``` ### Analyzing Jobs for a Commit ```python commit = data["shaGrid"][0] # Get the first commit in the response jobs = commit["jobs"] # Count jobs by status status_counts = {} for job in jobs: status = job.get("conclusion", "pending") status_counts[status] = status_counts.get(status, 0) + 1 # Find failing jobs failing_jobs = [job for job in jobs if job.get("conclusion") == "failure"] for job in failing_jobs: print(f"Failed job: {job.get('name')}") if "failureLines" in job: print(f"Failure reason: {job['failureLines'][0]}") ``` ## Notes 1. Job IDs are numeric and should be used as integers when making API calls to get job details. 2. When using `per_page=1`, you get only the requested commit. 3. Failure information is only included for jobs that have failed. 4. Some job entries might be missing certain fields depending on their status.