Docker MCP Server
by ckreiling
- src
- mcp_server_docker
import json
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Any, Literal, get_args, get_origin
from pydantic import (
class JSONParsingModel(BaseModel):
A base Pydantic model that attempts to parse JSON strings for non-primitive fields.
If a string is provided for a field that expects a complex type (dict, list, or another model),
it will attempt to parse it as JSON.
Claude appears to not understand that a nested field shouldn't be a JSON-encoded string...
But it does send valid JSON!
@field_validator("*", mode="before")
def _try_parse_json(cls, value: Any, info: ValidationInfo):
if not isinstance(value, str):
return value
fields = cls.model_fields
field_name = info.field_name
if field_name not in fields:
return value
field = fields[field_name]
field_type = field.annotation
# Handle Optional/Union types
origin = get_origin(field_type)
if origin is not None:
args = get_args(field_type)
# Find the non-None type in case of Optional
field_type = next(
(arg for arg in args if arg is not type(None)), field_type
# Don't try to parse strings, numbers, or dates
if field_type in (str, int, float, bool, datetime):
return value
return json.loads(value)
except json.JSONDecodeError:
return value
class FetchContainerLogsInput(JSONParsingModel):
container_id: str = Field(..., description="Container ID or name")
tail: int | Literal["all"] = Field(
100, description="Number of lines to show from the end"
class ListContainersFilters(JSONParsingModel):
label: list[str] | None = Field(
None, description="Filter by label, either `key` or `key=value` format"
class ListContainersInput(JSONParsingModel):
all: bool = Field(
False, description="Show all containers (default shows just running)"
filters: ListContainersFilters | None = Field(None, description="Filter containers")
class CreateContainerInput(JSONParsingModel):
Schema for creating a new container.
This is passed to the Python Docker SDK directly, so the fields are the same
as the `docker.containers.create` method.
detach: bool = Field(
description="Run container in the background. Should be True for long-running containers, can be false for short-lived containers",
image: str = Field(..., description="Docker image name")
name: str | None = Field(None, description="Container name")
entrypoint: str | None = Field(None, description="Entrypoint to run in container")
command: str | None = Field(None, description="Command to run in container")
network: str | None = Field(None, description="Network to attach the container to")
environment: dict[str, str] | None = Field(
None, description="Environment variables dictionary"
ports: dict[str, int | list[int] | tuple[str, int] | None] | None = Field(
None, description="Mapping of container_port to host_port"
volumes: dict[str, dict[str, str]] | list[str] | None = Field(
None, description="Volume mappings"
labels: dict[str, str] | list[str] | None = Field(
description="Container labels, either as a dictionary or a list of key=value strings",
auto_remove: bool = Field(False, description="Automatically remove the container")
class RecreateContainerInput(CreateContainerInput):
container_id: str | None = Field(
description="Container ID to recreate. The `name` parameter will be used if this is not provided",
def resolved_container_id(self) -> str:
return self.container_id or # pyright: ignore
def validate_container_id(self):
if self.container_id is None and is None:
raise ValueError(
"container_id or name is required for identifying the container to stop+remove"
return self
class ContainerActionInput(JSONParsingModel):
container_id: str = Field(..., description="Container ID or name")
class RemoveContainerInput(JSONParsingModel):
container_id: str = Field(..., description="Container ID or name")
force: bool = Field(False, description="Force remove the container")
class ListImagesFilters(JSONParsingModel):
dangling: bool | None = Field(None, description="Show dangling images")
label: list[str] | None = Field(
None, description="Filter by label, either `key` or `key=value` format"
class ListImagesInput(JSONParsingModel):
name: str | None = Field(
None, description="Filter images by repository name, if desired"
all: bool = Field(False, description="Show all images (default hides intermediate)")
filters: ListImagesFilters | None = Field(None, description="Filter images")
class PullPushImageInput(JSONParsingModel):
repository: str = Field(..., description="Image repository")
tag: str | None = Field("latest", description="Image tag")
class BuildImageInput(JSONParsingModel):
path: str = Field(..., description="Path to build context")
tag: str = Field(..., description="Image tag")
dockerfile: str | None = Field(None, description="Path to Dockerfile")
class RemoveImageInput(JSONParsingModel):
image: str = Field(..., description="Image ID or name")
force: bool = Field(False, description="Force remove the image")
class ListNetworksFilter(JSONParsingModel):
label: list[str] | None = Field(
None, description="Filter by label, either `key` or `key=value` format"
class ListNetworksInput(JSONParsingModel):
filters: ListNetworksFilter | None = Field(None, description="Filter networks")
class CreateNetworkInput(JSONParsingModel):
name: str = Field(..., description="Network name")
driver: str | None = Field("bridge", description="Network driver")
internal: bool = Field(False, description="Create an internal network")
labels: dict[str, str] | None = Field(None, description="Network labels")
class RemoveNetworkInput(JSONParsingModel):
network_id: str = Field(..., description="Network ID or name")
class ListVolumesInput(JSONParsingModel):
class CreateVolumeInput(JSONParsingModel):
name: str = Field(..., description="Volume name")
driver: str | None = Field("local", description="Volume driver")
labels: dict[str, str] | None = Field(None, description="Volume labels")
class RemoveVolumeInput(JSONParsingModel):
volume_name: str = Field(..., description="Volume name")
force: bool = Field(False, description="Force remove the volume")
class DockerComposePromptInput(BaseModel):
name: str
containers: str