by tizee
# MCP-Server-IETF
A Model Context Protocol server for fetching IETF documents (RFCs) for Large Language Models.
## Overview
This project implements a [Model Context Protocol (MCP)]( server that provides access to IETF RFC documents. It enables Large Language Models to access RFC specifications through a standardized interface.
Key features:
- Download and cache RFC index and documents
- Search RFCs by keyword in titles
- Access RFC documents with pagination support
- Extract metadata like page numbers from documents
## Installation
### Requirements
- Python 3.11 or higher
- Dependencies as listed in `pyproject.toml`
### Install from source
# Clone the repository
git clone
cd mcp-server-ietf
# Install with pip
pip install -e .
## Usage
### Starting the server
# Start the server
Or use it with the MCP inspector:
npx @modelcontextprotocol/inspector uv run mcp-server-ietf
### Available Tools
When connected to the server, the following tools are available:
#### `list_docs_number`
Get the total number of RFC documents available in the index.
#### `get_doc`
Get an RFC document by its number with pagination support.
- `number`: The RFC number (e.g., "1234")
- `start_line`: The line number to start from (default: 1)
- `max_lines`: Maximum number of lines to return (default: 200)
#### `search_rfc_by_keyword`
Search for RFC documents by keyword in their titles.
- `keyword`: The search term to look for in RFC titles
## Development
### Setup Development Environment
# Install development dependencies
uv install -e .[dev]
Run inspector with Makefile:
make dev
### Running Tests
# Run tests
uv run pytest
Or using the Makefile:
make test
### Cache Location
By default, the server caches RFC documents and the index at `~/.cache/ietf-doc-server`.
### Environment Variables
- `LOG_LEVEL`: Set the logging level (default: "DEBUG")
## License
MIT License - See `LICENSE` file for details.
## Contributing
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.