MCP Web Tools Server
by surya-madhav
- tools
DuckDuckGo search tool for MCP server.
This module provides functionality to search the web using DuckDuckGo's search engine.
It leverages the duckduckgo_search package to perform text-based web searches and
returns formatted results.
- Web search with customizable parameters
- Region-specific search support
- SafeSearch filtering options
- Time-limited search results
- Maximum results configuration
- Error handling for rate limits and timeouts
from duckduckgo_search import DDGS
from duckduckgo_search.exceptions import (
async def search_duckduckgo(
keywords: str,
region: str = "wt-wt",
safesearch: str = "moderate",
timelimit: str = None,
max_results: int = 10
) -> str:
Perform a web search using DuckDuckGo and return formatted results.
keywords (str): The search query/keywords to search for.
region (str, optional): Region code for search results. Defaults to "wt-wt" (worldwide).
safesearch (str, optional): SafeSearch level: "on", "moderate", or "off". Defaults to "moderate".
timelimit (str, optional): Time limit for results: "d" (day), "w" (week), "m" (month), "y" (year).
Defaults to None (no time limit).
max_results (int, optional): Maximum number of results to return. Defaults to 10.
str: Formatted search results as text, or an error message if the search fails.
# Create a DuckDuckGo search instance
ddgs = DDGS()
# Perform the search with the given parameters
results = ddgs.text(
# Format the results into a readable string
formatted_results = []
# Check if results is empty
if not results:
return "No results found for your search query."
# Process and format each result
for i, result in enumerate(results, 1):
formatted_result = (
f"{i}. {result.get('title', 'No title')}\n"
f" URL: {result.get('href', 'No URL')}\n"
f" {result.get('body', 'No description')}\n"
# Join all formatted results with a separator
return "\n".join(formatted_results)
except RatelimitException:
return "Error: DuckDuckGo search rate limit exceeded. Please try again later."
except TimeoutException:
return "Error: The search request timed out. Please try again."
except DuckDuckGoSearchException as e:
return f"Error: DuckDuckGo search failed - {str(e)}"
except Exception as e:
return f"Error: An unexpected error occurred - {str(e)}"
# Standalone test functionality
if __name__ == "__main__":
import asyncio
async def test():
# Example usage with a test query
query = "Python programming language"
result = await search_duckduckgo(query, max_results=3)
print(f"Search results for '{query}':")
# Run the test function in an async event loop