dbt Semantic Layer MCP Server

/* eslint-disable */ import { ResultOf, DocumentTypeDecoration } from '@graphql-typed-document-node/core'; import { Incremental, TypedDocumentString } from './graphql'; export type FragmentType<TDocumentType extends DocumentTypeDecoration<any, any>> = TDocumentType extends DocumentTypeDecoration< infer TType, any > ? [TType] extends [{ ' $fragmentName'?: infer TKey }] ? TKey extends string ? { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { [key in TKey]: TType } } : never : never : never; // return non-nullable if `fragmentType` is non-nullable export function useFragment<TType>( _documentNode: DocumentTypeDecoration<TType, any>, fragmentType: FragmentType<DocumentTypeDecoration<TType, any>> ): TType; // return nullable if `fragmentType` is undefined export function useFragment<TType>( _documentNode: DocumentTypeDecoration<TType, any>, fragmentType: FragmentType<DocumentTypeDecoration<TType, any>> | undefined ): TType | undefined; // return nullable if `fragmentType` is nullable export function useFragment<TType>( _documentNode: DocumentTypeDecoration<TType, any>, fragmentType: FragmentType<DocumentTypeDecoration<TType, any>> | null ): TType | null; // return nullable if `fragmentType` is nullable or undefined export function useFragment<TType>( _documentNode: DocumentTypeDecoration<TType, any>, fragmentType: FragmentType<DocumentTypeDecoration<TType, any>> | null | undefined ): TType | null | undefined; // return array of non-nullable if `fragmentType` is array of non-nullable export function useFragment<TType>( _documentNode: DocumentTypeDecoration<TType, any>, fragmentType: Array<FragmentType<DocumentTypeDecoration<TType, any>>> ): Array<TType>; // return array of nullable if `fragmentType` is array of nullable export function useFragment<TType>( _documentNode: DocumentTypeDecoration<TType, any>, fragmentType: Array<FragmentType<DocumentTypeDecoration<TType, any>>> | null | undefined ): Array<TType> | null | undefined; // return readonly array of non-nullable if `fragmentType` is array of non-nullable export function useFragment<TType>( _documentNode: DocumentTypeDecoration<TType, any>, fragmentType: ReadonlyArray<FragmentType<DocumentTypeDecoration<TType, any>>> ): ReadonlyArray<TType>; // return readonly array of nullable if `fragmentType` is array of nullable export function useFragment<TType>( _documentNode: DocumentTypeDecoration<TType, any>, fragmentType: ReadonlyArray<FragmentType<DocumentTypeDecoration<TType, any>>> | null | undefined ): ReadonlyArray<TType> | null | undefined; export function useFragment<TType>( _documentNode: DocumentTypeDecoration<TType, any>, fragmentType: FragmentType<DocumentTypeDecoration<TType, any>> | Array<FragmentType<DocumentTypeDecoration<TType, any>>> | ReadonlyArray<FragmentType<DocumentTypeDecoration<TType, any>>> | null | undefined ): TType | Array<TType> | ReadonlyArray<TType> | null | undefined { return fragmentType as any; } export function makeFragmentData< F extends DocumentTypeDecoration<any, any>, FT extends ResultOf<F> >(data: FT, _fragment: F): FragmentType<F> { return data as FragmentType<F>; } export function isFragmentReady<TQuery, TFrag>( queryNode: TypedDocumentString<TQuery, any>, fragmentNode: TypedDocumentString<TFrag, any>, data: FragmentType<TypedDocumentString<Incremental<TFrag>, any>> | null | undefined ): data is FragmentType<typeof fragmentNode> { const deferredFields = queryNode.__meta__?.deferredFields as Record<string, (keyof TFrag)[]>; const fragName = fragmentNode.__meta__?.fragmentName as string | undefined; if (!deferredFields || !fragName) return true; const fields = deferredFields[fragName] ?? []; return fields.length > 0 && fields.every(field => data && field in data); }