by normal-coder
- operations
import { z } from "zod";
import { giteeRequest, validateBranchName, validateOwnerName, validateRepositoryName, getGiteeApiBaseUrl } from "../common/utils.js";
import { GiteeCompleteBranchSchema, GiteeBranchSchema } from "../common/types.js";
// Schema definitions
export const CreateBranchSchema = z.object({
// 仓库所属空间地址 (企业、组织或个人的地址 path)
owner: z.string().describe("Repository owner path (enterprise, organization, or personal path)"),
// 仓库路径 (path)
repo: z.string().describe("Repository path"),
// 新创建的分支名称
branch_name: z.string().describe("Name for the new branch"),
// 起点名称,默认:master
refs: z.string().default("master").describe("Source reference for the branch, default: master"),
export const ListBranchesSchema = z.object({
// 仓库所属空间地址 (企业、组织或个人的地址 path)
owner: z.string().describe("Repository owner path (enterprise, organization, or personal path)"),
// 仓库路径 (path)
repo: z.string().describe("Repository path"),
// 排序字段
sort: z.enum(["name", "updated"]).default("name").optional().describe("Sort field"),
// 排序方向
direction: z.enum(["asc", "desc"]).default("asc").optional().describe("Sort direction"),
// 当前的页码
page: z.number().int().default(1).optional().describe("Page number"),
// 每页的数量,最大为 100
per_page: z.number().int().min(1).max(100).optional().describe("Number of items per page, maximum 100"),
export const GetBranchSchema = z.object({
// 仓库所属空间地址 (企业、组织或个人的地址 path)
owner: z.string().describe("Repository owner path (enterprise, organization, or personal path)"),
// 仓库路径 (path)
repo: z.string().describe("Repository path"),
// 分支名称
branch: z.string().describe("Branch name"),
// Type exports
export type CreateBranchOptions = z.infer<typeof CreateBranchSchema>;
export type ListBranchesOptions = z.infer<typeof ListBranchesSchema>;
export type GetBranchOptions = z.infer<typeof GetBranchSchema>;
// Function implementations
export async function createBranchFromRef(
owner: string,
repo: string,
branchName: string,
refs: string = "master"
) {
owner = validateOwnerName(owner);
repo = validateRepositoryName(repo);
branchName = validateBranchName(branchName);
const url = `/repos/${owner}/${repo}/branches`;
const body = {
branch_name: branchName,
refs: refs,
const response = await giteeRequest(url, "POST", body);
return GiteeBranchSchema.parse(response);
export async function listBranches(
owner: string,
repo: string,
sort?: string,
direction?: string,
page?: number,
per_page?: number
) {
owner = validateOwnerName(owner);
repo = validateRepositoryName(repo);
const url = new URL(`${getGiteeApiBaseUrl()}/repos/${owner}/${repo}/branches`);
if (sort) {
url.searchParams.append("sort", sort);
if (direction) {
url.searchParams.append("direction", direction);
if (page !== undefined) {
url.searchParams.append("page", page.toString());
if (per_page !== undefined) {
url.searchParams.append("per_page", per_page.toString());
const response = await giteeRequest(url.toString());
return z.array(GiteeBranchSchema).parse(response);
export async function getBranch(owner: string, repo: string, branch: string) {
owner = validateOwnerName(owner);
repo = validateRepositoryName(repo);
branch = validateBranchName(branch);
const url = `/repos/${owner}/${repo}/branches/${branch}`;
const response = await giteeRequest(url);
return GiteeCompleteBranchSchema.parse(response);