Vercel MCP

# Domains (*domains*) ## Overview ### Available Operations * [buyDomain](#buydomain) - Purchase a domain * [checkDomainPrice](#checkdomainprice) - Check the price for a domain * [checkDomainStatus](#checkdomainstatus) - Check a Domain Availability * [getDomainTransfer](#getdomaintransfer) - Get domain transfer info. * [getDomainConfig](#getdomainconfig) - Get a Domain's configuration * [getDomain](#getdomain) - Get Information for a Single Domain * [getDomains](#getdomains) - List all the domains * [createOrTransferDomain](#createortransferdomain) - Register or transfer-in a new Domain * [patchDomain](#patchdomain) - Update or move apex domain * [deleteDomain](#deletedomain) - Remove a domain by name ## buyDomain Allows to purchase the specified domain. ### Example Usage ```typescript import { Vercel } from "@vercel/sdk"; const vercel = new Vercel({ bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>", }); async function run() { const result = await{ teamId: "team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l", slug: "my-team-url-slug", requestBody: { name: "", expectedPrice: 10, renew: true, country: "US", orgName: "Acme Inc.", firstName: "Jane", lastName: "Doe", address1: "340 S Lemon Ave Suite 4133", city: "San Francisco", state: "CA", postalCode: "91789", phone: "+1.4158551452", email: "", }, }); // Handle the result console.log(result); } run(); ``` ### Standalone function The standalone function version of this method: ```typescript import { VercelCore } from "@vercel/sdk/core.js"; import { domainsBuyDomain } from "@vercel/sdk/funcs/domainsBuyDomain.js"; // Use `VercelCore` for best tree-shaking performance. // You can create one instance of it to use across an application. const vercel = new VercelCore({ bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>", }); async function run() { const res = await domainsBuyDomain(vercel, { teamId: "team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l", slug: "my-team-url-slug", requestBody: { name: "", expectedPrice: 10, renew: true, country: "US", orgName: "Acme Inc.", firstName: "Jane", lastName: "Doe", address1: "340 S Lemon Ave Suite 4133", city: "San Francisco", state: "CA", postalCode: "91789", phone: "+1.4158551452", email: "", }, }); if (!res.ok) { throw res.error; } const { value: result } = res; // Handle the result console.log(result); } run(); ``` ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | `request` | [models.BuyDomainRequest](../../models/ | :heavy_check_mark: | The request object to use for the request. | | `options` | RequestOptions | :heavy_minus_sign: | Used to set various options for making HTTP requests. | | `options.fetchOptions` | [RequestInit]( | :heavy_minus_sign: | Options that are passed to the underlying HTTP request. This can be used to inject extra headers for examples. All `Request` options, except `method` and `body`, are allowed. | | `options.retries` | [RetryConfig](../../lib/utils/ | :heavy_minus_sign: | Enables retrying HTTP requests under certain failure conditions. | ### Response **Promise\<[models.BuyDomainResponse](../../models/\>** ### Errors | Error Type | Status Code | Content Type | | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | models.VercelBadRequestError | 400 | application/json | | models.VercelForbiddenError | 401 | application/json | | models.VercelRateLimitError | 429 | application/json | | models.SDKError | 4XX, 5XX | \*/\* | ## checkDomainPrice Check the price to purchase a domain and how long a single purchase period is. ### Example Usage ```typescript import { Vercel } from "@vercel/sdk"; const vercel = new Vercel({ bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>", }); async function run() { const result = await{ name: "", type: "new", teamId: "team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l", slug: "my-team-url-slug", }); // Handle the result console.log(result); } run(); ``` ### Standalone function The standalone function version of this method: ```typescript import { VercelCore } from "@vercel/sdk/core.js"; import { domainsCheckDomainPrice } from "@vercel/sdk/funcs/domainsCheckDomainPrice.js"; // Use `VercelCore` for best tree-shaking performance. // You can create one instance of it to use across an application. const vercel = new VercelCore({ bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>", }); async function run() { const res = await domainsCheckDomainPrice(vercel, { name: "", type: "new", teamId: "team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l", slug: "my-team-url-slug", }); if (!res.ok) { throw res.error; } const { value: result } = res; // Handle the result console.log(result); } run(); ``` ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | `request` | [models.CheckDomainPriceRequest](../../models/ | :heavy_check_mark: | The request object to use for the request. | | `options` | RequestOptions | :heavy_minus_sign: | Used to set various options for making HTTP requests. | | `options.fetchOptions` | [RequestInit]( | :heavy_minus_sign: | Options that are passed to the underlying HTTP request. This can be used to inject extra headers for examples. All `Request` options, except `method` and `body`, are allowed. | | `options.retries` | [RetryConfig](../../lib/utils/ | :heavy_minus_sign: | Enables retrying HTTP requests under certain failure conditions. | ### Response **Promise\<[models.CheckDomainPriceResponseBody](../../models/\>** ### Errors | Error Type | Status Code | Content Type | | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | models.VercelBadRequestError | 400 | application/json | | models.VercelForbiddenError | 401 | application/json | | models.SDKError | 4XX, 5XX | \*/\* | ## checkDomainStatus Check if a domain name is available for purchase. ### Example Usage ```typescript import { Vercel } from "@vercel/sdk"; const vercel = new Vercel({ bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>", }); async function run() { const result = await{ name: "", teamId: "team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l", slug: "my-team-url-slug", }); // Handle the result console.log(result); } run(); ``` ### Standalone function The standalone function version of this method: ```typescript import { VercelCore } from "@vercel/sdk/core.js"; import { domainsCheckDomainStatus } from "@vercel/sdk/funcs/domainsCheckDomainStatus.js"; // Use `VercelCore` for best tree-shaking performance. // You can create one instance of it to use across an application. const vercel = new VercelCore({ bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>", }); async function run() { const res = await domainsCheckDomainStatus(vercel, { name: "", teamId: "team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l", slug: "my-team-url-slug", }); if (!res.ok) { throw res.error; } const { value: result } = res; // Handle the result console.log(result); } run(); ``` ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | `request` | [models.CheckDomainStatusRequest](../../models/ | :heavy_check_mark: | The request object to use for the request. | | `options` | RequestOptions | :heavy_minus_sign: | Used to set various options for making HTTP requests. | | `options.fetchOptions` | [RequestInit]( | :heavy_minus_sign: | Options that are passed to the underlying HTTP request. This can be used to inject extra headers for examples. All `Request` options, except `method` and `body`, are allowed. | | `options.retries` | [RetryConfig](../../lib/utils/ | :heavy_minus_sign: | Enables retrying HTTP requests under certain failure conditions. | ### Response **Promise\<[models.CheckDomainStatusResponseBody](../../models/\>** ### Errors | Error Type | Status Code | Content Type | | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | models.VercelBadRequestError | 400 | application/json | | models.VercelForbiddenError | 401 | application/json | | models.SDKError | 4XX, 5XX | \*/\* | ## getDomainTransfer Fetch domain transfer availability or transfer status if a transfer is in progress. ### Example Usage ```typescript import { Vercel } from "@vercel/sdk"; const vercel = new Vercel({ bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>", }); async function run() { const result = await{ teamId: "team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l", slug: "my-team-url-slug", domain: "", }); // Handle the result console.log(result); } run(); ``` ### Standalone function The standalone function version of this method: ```typescript import { VercelCore } from "@vercel/sdk/core.js"; import { domainsGetDomainTransfer } from "@vercel/sdk/funcs/domainsGetDomainTransfer.js"; // Use `VercelCore` for best tree-shaking performance. // You can create one instance of it to use across an application. const vercel = new VercelCore({ bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>", }); async function run() { const res = await domainsGetDomainTransfer(vercel, { teamId: "team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l", slug: "my-team-url-slug", domain: "", }); if (!res.ok) { throw res.error; } const { value: result } = res; // Handle the result console.log(result); } run(); ``` ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | `request` | [models.GetDomainTransferRequest](../../models/ | :heavy_check_mark: | The request object to use for the request. | | `options` | RequestOptions | :heavy_minus_sign: | Used to set various options for making HTTP requests. | | `options.fetchOptions` | [RequestInit]( | :heavy_minus_sign: | Options that are passed to the underlying HTTP request. This can be used to inject extra headers for examples. All `Request` options, except `method` and `body`, are allowed. | | `options.retries` | [RetryConfig](../../lib/utils/ | :heavy_minus_sign: | Enables retrying HTTP requests under certain failure conditions. | ### Response **Promise\<[models.GetDomainTransferResponseBody](../../models/\>** ### Errors | Error Type | Status Code | Content Type | | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | models.VercelBadRequestError | 400 | application/json | | models.VercelForbiddenError | 401 | application/json | | models.SDKError | 4XX, 5XX | \*/\* | ## getDomainConfig Get a Domain's configuration. ### Example Usage ```typescript import { Vercel } from "@vercel/sdk"; const vercel = new Vercel({ bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>", }); async function run() { const result = await{ domain: "", teamId: "team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l", slug: "my-team-url-slug", }); // Handle the result console.log(result); } run(); ``` ### Standalone function The standalone function version of this method: ```typescript import { VercelCore } from "@vercel/sdk/core.js"; import { domainsGetDomainConfig } from "@vercel/sdk/funcs/domainsGetDomainConfig.js"; // Use `VercelCore` for best tree-shaking performance. // You can create one instance of it to use across an application. const vercel = new VercelCore({ bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>", }); async function run() { const res = await domainsGetDomainConfig(vercel, { domain: "", teamId: "team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l", slug: "my-team-url-slug", }); if (!res.ok) { throw res.error; } const { value: result } = res; // Handle the result console.log(result); } run(); ``` ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | `request` | [models.GetDomainConfigRequest](../../models/ | :heavy_check_mark: | The request object to use for the request. | | `options` | RequestOptions | :heavy_minus_sign: | Used to set various options for making HTTP requests. | | `options.fetchOptions` | [RequestInit]( | :heavy_minus_sign: | Options that are passed to the underlying HTTP request. This can be used to inject extra headers for examples. All `Request` options, except `method` and `body`, are allowed. | | `options.retries` | [RetryConfig](../../lib/utils/ | :heavy_minus_sign: | Enables retrying HTTP requests under certain failure conditions. | ### Response **Promise\<[models.GetDomainConfigResponseBody](../../models/\>** ### Errors | Error Type | Status Code | Content Type | | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | models.VercelBadRequestError | 400 | application/json | | models.VercelForbiddenError | 401 | application/json | | models.SDKError | 4XX, 5XX | \*/\* | ## getDomain Get information for a single domain in an account or team. ### Example Usage ```typescript import { Vercel } from "@vercel/sdk"; const vercel = new Vercel({ bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>", }); async function run() { const result = await{ domain: "", teamId: "team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l", slug: "my-team-url-slug", }); // Handle the result console.log(result); } run(); ``` ### Standalone function The standalone function version of this method: ```typescript import { VercelCore } from "@vercel/sdk/core.js"; import { domainsGetDomain } from "@vercel/sdk/funcs/domainsGetDomain.js"; // Use `VercelCore` for best tree-shaking performance. // You can create one instance of it to use across an application. const vercel = new VercelCore({ bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>", }); async function run() { const res = await domainsGetDomain(vercel, { domain: "", teamId: "team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l", slug: "my-team-url-slug", }); if (!res.ok) { throw res.error; } const { value: result } = res; // Handle the result console.log(result); } run(); ``` ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | `request` | [models.GetDomainRequest](../../models/ | :heavy_check_mark: | The request object to use for the request. | | `options` | RequestOptions | :heavy_minus_sign: | Used to set various options for making HTTP requests. | | `options.fetchOptions` | [RequestInit]( | :heavy_minus_sign: | Options that are passed to the underlying HTTP request. This can be used to inject extra headers for examples. All `Request` options, except `method` and `body`, are allowed. | | `options.retries` | [RetryConfig](../../lib/utils/ | :heavy_minus_sign: | Enables retrying HTTP requests under certain failure conditions. | ### Response **Promise\<[models.GetDomainResponseBody](../../models/\>** ### Errors | Error Type | Status Code | Content Type | | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | models.VercelBadRequestError | 400 | application/json | | models.VercelForbiddenError | 401 | application/json | | models.VercelNotFoundError | 404 | application/json | | models.SDKError | 4XX, 5XX | \*/\* | ## getDomains Retrieves a list of domains registered for the authenticated user or team. By default it returns the last 20 domains if no limit is provided. ### Example Usage ```typescript import { Vercel } from "@vercel/sdk"; const vercel = new Vercel({ bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>", }); async function run() { const result = await{ limit: 20, since: 1609499532000, until: 1612264332000, teamId: "team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l", slug: "my-team-url-slug", }); // Handle the result console.log(result); } run(); ``` ### Standalone function The standalone function version of this method: ```typescript import { VercelCore } from "@vercel/sdk/core.js"; import { domainsGetDomains } from "@vercel/sdk/funcs/domainsGetDomains.js"; // Use `VercelCore` for best tree-shaking performance. // You can create one instance of it to use across an application. const vercel = new VercelCore({ bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>", }); async function run() { const res = await domainsGetDomains(vercel, { limit: 20, since: 1609499532000, until: 1612264332000, teamId: "team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l", slug: "my-team-url-slug", }); if (!res.ok) { throw res.error; } const { value: result } = res; // Handle the result console.log(result); } run(); ``` ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | `request` | [models.GetDomainsRequest](../../models/ | :heavy_check_mark: | The request object to use for the request. | | `options` | RequestOptions | :heavy_minus_sign: | Used to set various options for making HTTP requests. | | `options.fetchOptions` | [RequestInit]( | :heavy_minus_sign: | Options that are passed to the underlying HTTP request. This can be used to inject extra headers for examples. All `Request` options, except `method` and `body`, are allowed. | | `options.retries` | [RetryConfig](../../lib/utils/ | :heavy_minus_sign: | Enables retrying HTTP requests under certain failure conditions. | ### Response **Promise\<[models.GetDomainsResponseBody](../../models/\>** ### Errors | Error Type | Status Code | Content Type | | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | models.VercelBadRequestError | 400 | application/json | | models.VercelForbiddenError | 401 | application/json | | models.SDKError | 4XX, 5XX | \*/\* | ## createOrTransferDomain This endpoint is used for adding a new apex domain name with Vercel for the authenticating user. Can also be used for initiating a domain transfer request from an external Registrar to Vercel. ### Example Usage ```typescript import { Vercel } from "@vercel/sdk"; const vercel = new Vercel({ bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>", }); async function run() { const result = await{ teamId: "team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l", slug: "my-team-url-slug", requestBody: { name: "", method: "transfer-in", authCode: "fdhfr820ad#@FAdlj$$", expectedPrice: 8, }, }); // Handle the result console.log(result); } run(); ``` ### Standalone function The standalone function version of this method: ```typescript import { VercelCore } from "@vercel/sdk/core.js"; import { domainsCreateOrTransferDomain } from "@vercel/sdk/funcs/domainsCreateOrTransferDomain.js"; // Use `VercelCore` for best tree-shaking performance. // You can create one instance of it to use across an application. const vercel = new VercelCore({ bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>", }); async function run() { const res = await domainsCreateOrTransferDomain(vercel, { teamId: "team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l", slug: "my-team-url-slug", requestBody: { name: "", method: "transfer-in", authCode: "fdhfr820ad#@FAdlj$$", expectedPrice: 8, }, }); if (!res.ok) { throw res.error; } const { value: result } = res; // Handle the result console.log(result); } run(); ``` ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | `request` | [models.CreateOrTransferDomainRequest](../../models/ | :heavy_check_mark: | The request object to use for the request. | | `options` | RequestOptions | :heavy_minus_sign: | Used to set various options for making HTTP requests. | | `options.fetchOptions` | [RequestInit]( | :heavy_minus_sign: | Options that are passed to the underlying HTTP request. This can be used to inject extra headers for examples. All `Request` options, except `method` and `body`, are allowed. | | `options.retries` | [RetryConfig](../../lib/utils/ | :heavy_minus_sign: | Enables retrying HTTP requests under certain failure conditions. | ### Response **Promise\<[models.CreateOrTransferDomainResponseBody](../../models/\>** ### Errors | Error Type | Status Code | Content Type | | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | models.VercelBadRequestError | 400 | application/json | | models.VercelForbiddenError | 401 | application/json | | models.VercelNotFoundError | 404 | application/json | | models.SDKError | 4XX, 5XX | \*/\* | ## patchDomain Update or move apex domain. ### Example Usage ```typescript import { Vercel } from "@vercel/sdk"; const vercel = new Vercel({ bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>", }); async function run() { const result = await{ domain: "", teamId: "team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l", slug: "my-team-url-slug", requestBody: { op: "update", }, }); // Handle the result console.log(result); } run(); ``` ### Standalone function The standalone function version of this method: ```typescript import { VercelCore } from "@vercel/sdk/core.js"; import { domainsPatchDomain } from "@vercel/sdk/funcs/domainsPatchDomain.js"; // Use `VercelCore` for best tree-shaking performance. // You can create one instance of it to use across an application. const vercel = new VercelCore({ bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>", }); async function run() { const res = await domainsPatchDomain(vercel, { domain: "", teamId: "team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l", slug: "my-team-url-slug", requestBody: { op: "update", }, }); if (!res.ok) { throw res.error; } const { value: result } = res; // Handle the result console.log(result); } run(); ``` ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | `request` | [models.PatchDomainRequest](../../models/ | :heavy_check_mark: | The request object to use for the request. | | `options` | RequestOptions | :heavy_minus_sign: | Used to set various options for making HTTP requests. | | `options.fetchOptions` | [RequestInit]( | :heavy_minus_sign: | Options that are passed to the underlying HTTP request. This can be used to inject extra headers for examples. All `Request` options, except `method` and `body`, are allowed. | | `options.retries` | [RetryConfig](../../lib/utils/ | :heavy_minus_sign: | Enables retrying HTTP requests under certain failure conditions. | ### Response **Promise\<[models.PatchDomainResponseBody](../../models/\>** ### Errors | Error Type | Status Code | Content Type | | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | models.VercelBadRequestError | 400 | application/json | | models.VercelForbiddenError | 401 | application/json | | models.VercelNotFoundError | 404 | application/json | | models.SDKError | 4XX, 5XX | \*/\* | ## deleteDomain Delete a previously registered domain name from Vercel. Deleting a domain will automatically remove any associated aliases. ### Example Usage ```typescript import { Vercel } from "@vercel/sdk"; const vercel = new Vercel({ bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>", }); async function run() { const result = await{ domain: "", teamId: "team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l", slug: "my-team-url-slug", }); // Handle the result console.log(result); } run(); ``` ### Standalone function The standalone function version of this method: ```typescript import { VercelCore } from "@vercel/sdk/core.js"; import { domainsDeleteDomain } from "@vercel/sdk/funcs/domainsDeleteDomain.js"; // Use `VercelCore` for best tree-shaking performance. // You can create one instance of it to use across an application. const vercel = new VercelCore({ bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>", }); async function run() { const res = await domainsDeleteDomain(vercel, { domain: "", teamId: "team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l", slug: "my-team-url-slug", }); if (!res.ok) { throw res.error; } const { value: result } = res; // Handle the result console.log(result); } run(); ``` ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | `request` | [models.DeleteDomainRequest](../../models/ | :heavy_check_mark: | The request object to use for the request. | | `options` | RequestOptions | :heavy_minus_sign: | Used to set various options for making HTTP requests. | | `options.fetchOptions` | [RequestInit]( | :heavy_minus_sign: | Options that are passed to the underlying HTTP request. This can be used to inject extra headers for examples. All `Request` options, except `method` and `body`, are allowed. | | `options.retries` | [RetryConfig](../../lib/utils/ | :heavy_minus_sign: | Enables retrying HTTP requests under certain failure conditions. | ### Response **Promise\<[models.DeleteDomainResponseBody](../../models/\>** ### Errors | Error Type | Status Code | Content Type | | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | models.VercelBadRequestError | 400 | application/json | | models.VercelForbiddenError | 401 | application/json | | models.VercelNotFoundError | 404 | application/json | | models.SDKError | 4XX, 5XX | \*/\* |