Vercel MCP

# Deployments (*deployments*) ## Overview ### Available Operations * [getDeploymentEvents](#getdeploymentevents) - Get deployment events * [getDeployment](#getdeployment) - Get a deployment by ID or URL * [createDeployment](#createdeployment) - Create a new deployment * [cancelDeployment](#canceldeployment) - Cancel a deployment * [uploadFile](#uploadfile) - Upload Deployment Files * [listDeploymentFiles](#listdeploymentfiles) - List Deployment Files * [getDeploymentFileContents](#getdeploymentfilecontents) - Get Deployment File Contents * [getDeployments](#getdeployments) - List deployments * [deleteDeployment](#deletedeployment) - Delete a Deployment ## getDeploymentEvents Get the build logs of a deployment by deployment ID and build ID. It can work as an infinite stream of logs or as a JSON endpoint depending on the input parameters. ### Example Usage ```typescript import { Vercel } from "@vercel/sdk"; const vercel = new Vercel({ bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>", }); async function run() { await vercel.deployments.getDeploymentEvents({ idOrUrl: "dpl_5WJWYSyB7BpgTj3EuwF37WMRBXBtPQ2iTMJHJBJyRfd", direction: "backward", follow: 1, limit: 100, name: "bld_cotnkcr76", since: 1540095775941, until: 1540106318643, statusCode: "5xx", delimiter: 1, builds: 1, teamId: "team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l", slug: "my-team-url-slug", }); } run(); ``` ### Standalone function The standalone function version of this method: ```typescript import { VercelCore } from "@vercel/sdk/core.js"; import { deploymentsGetDeploymentEvents } from "@vercel/sdk/funcs/deploymentsGetDeploymentEvents.js"; // Use `VercelCore` for best tree-shaking performance. // You can create one instance of it to use across an application. const vercel = new VercelCore({ bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>", }); async function run() { const res = await deploymentsGetDeploymentEvents(vercel, { idOrUrl: "dpl_5WJWYSyB7BpgTj3EuwF37WMRBXBtPQ2iTMJHJBJyRfd", direction: "backward", follow: 1, limit: 100, name: "bld_cotnkcr76", since: 1540095775941, until: 1540106318643, statusCode: "5xx", delimiter: 1, builds: 1, teamId: "team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l", slug: "my-team-url-slug", }); if (!res.ok) { throw res.error; } const { value: result } = res; } run(); ``` ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | `request` | [models.GetDeploymentEventsRequest](../../models/ | :heavy_check_mark: | The request object to use for the request. | | `options` | RequestOptions | :heavy_minus_sign: | Used to set various options for making HTTP requests. | | `options.fetchOptions` | [RequestInit]( | :heavy_minus_sign: | Options that are passed to the underlying HTTP request. This can be used to inject extra headers for examples. All `Request` options, except `method` and `body`, are allowed. | | `options.retries` | [RetryConfig](../../lib/utils/ | :heavy_minus_sign: | Enables retrying HTTP requests under certain failure conditions. | ### Response **Promise\<void\>** ### Errors | Error Type | Status Code | Content Type | | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | models.VercelBadRequestError | 400 | application/json | | models.VercelForbiddenError | 401 | application/json | | models.SDKError | 4XX, 5XX | \*/\* | ## getDeployment Retrieves information for a deployment either by supplying its ID (`id` property) or Hostname (`url` property). Additional details will be included when the authenticated user or team is an owner of the deployment. ### Example Usage ```typescript import { Vercel } from "@vercel/sdk"; const vercel = new Vercel({ bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>", }); async function run() { const result = await vercel.deployments.getDeployment({ idOrUrl: "dpl_89qyp1cskzkLrVicDaZoDbjyHuDJ", withGitRepoInfo: "true", teamId: "team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l", slug: "my-team-url-slug", }); // Handle the result console.log(result); } run(); ``` ### Standalone function The standalone function version of this method: ```typescript import { VercelCore } from "@vercel/sdk/core.js"; import { deploymentsGetDeployment } from "@vercel/sdk/funcs/deploymentsGetDeployment.js"; // Use `VercelCore` for best tree-shaking performance. // You can create one instance of it to use across an application. const vercel = new VercelCore({ bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>", }); async function run() { const res = await deploymentsGetDeployment(vercel, { idOrUrl: "dpl_89qyp1cskzkLrVicDaZoDbjyHuDJ", withGitRepoInfo: "true", teamId: "team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l", slug: "my-team-url-slug", }); if (!res.ok) { throw res.error; } const { value: result } = res; // Handle the result console.log(result); } run(); ``` ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | `request` | [models.GetDeploymentRequest](../../models/ | :heavy_check_mark: | The request object to use for the request. | | `options` | RequestOptions | :heavy_minus_sign: | Used to set various options for making HTTP requests. | | `options.fetchOptions` | [RequestInit]( | :heavy_minus_sign: | Options that are passed to the underlying HTTP request. This can be used to inject extra headers for examples. All `Request` options, except `method` and `body`, are allowed. | | `options.retries` | [RetryConfig](../../lib/utils/ | :heavy_minus_sign: | Enables retrying HTTP requests under certain failure conditions. | ### Response **Promise\<[models.GetDeploymentResponseBody](../../models/\>** ### Errors | Error Type | Status Code | Content Type | | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | models.VercelBadRequestError | 400 | application/json | | models.VercelNotFoundError | 404 | application/json | | models.SDKError | 4XX, 5XX | \*/\* | ## createDeployment Create a new deployment with all the required and intended data. If the deployment is not a git deployment, all files must be provided with the request, either referenced or inlined. Additionally, a deployment id can be specified to redeploy a previous deployment. ### Example Usage ```typescript import { Vercel } from "@vercel/sdk"; const vercel = new Vercel({ bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>", }); async function run() { const result = await vercel.deployments.createDeployment({ teamId: "team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l", slug: "my-team-url-slug", requestBody: { deploymentId: "dpl_2qn7PZrx89yxY34vEZPD31Y9XVj6", files: [ { file: "folder/file.js", }, { file: "folder/file.js", }, ], gitMetadata: { remoteUrl: "", commitAuthorName: "kyliau", commitMessage: "add method to measure Interaction to Next Paint (INP) (#36490)", commitRef: "main", commitSha: "dc36199b2234c6586ebe05ec94078a895c707e29", dirty: true, }, gitSource: { ref: "main", repoId: 123456789, sha: "a1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8i9j0k1l2m3n4o5p6q7r8s9t0", type: "github", }, meta: { "foo": "bar", }, name: "my-instant-deployment", project: "my-deployment-project", projectSettings: { buildCommand: "next build", installCommand: "pnpm install", }, }, }); // Handle the result console.log(result); } run(); ``` ### Standalone function The standalone function version of this method: ```typescript import { VercelCore } from "@vercel/sdk/core.js"; import { deploymentsCreateDeployment } from "@vercel/sdk/funcs/deploymentsCreateDeployment.js"; // Use `VercelCore` for best tree-shaking performance. // You can create one instance of it to use across an application. const vercel = new VercelCore({ bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>", }); async function run() { const res = await deploymentsCreateDeployment(vercel, { teamId: "team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l", slug: "my-team-url-slug", requestBody: { deploymentId: "dpl_2qn7PZrx89yxY34vEZPD31Y9XVj6", files: [ { file: "folder/file.js", }, { file: "folder/file.js", }, ], gitMetadata: { remoteUrl: "", commitAuthorName: "kyliau", commitMessage: "add method to measure Interaction to Next Paint (INP) (#36490)", commitRef: "main", commitSha: "dc36199b2234c6586ebe05ec94078a895c707e29", dirty: true, }, gitSource: { ref: "main", repoId: 123456789, sha: "a1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8i9j0k1l2m3n4o5p6q7r8s9t0", type: "github", }, meta: { "foo": "bar", }, name: "my-instant-deployment", project: "my-deployment-project", projectSettings: { buildCommand: "next build", installCommand: "pnpm install", }, }, }); if (!res.ok) { throw res.error; } const { value: result } = res; // Handle the result console.log(result); } run(); ``` ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | `request` | [models.CreateDeploymentRequest](../../models/ | :heavy_check_mark: | The request object to use for the request. | | `options` | RequestOptions | :heavy_minus_sign: | Used to set various options for making HTTP requests. | | `options.fetchOptions` | [RequestInit]( | :heavy_minus_sign: | Options that are passed to the underlying HTTP request. This can be used to inject extra headers for examples. All `Request` options, except `method` and `body`, are allowed. | | `options.retries` | [RetryConfig](../../lib/utils/ | :heavy_minus_sign: | Enables retrying HTTP requests under certain failure conditions. | ### Response **Promise\<[models.CreateDeploymentResponseBody](../../models/\>** ### Errors | Error Type | Status Code | Content Type | | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | models.VercelBadRequestError | 400 | application/json | | models.VercelForbiddenError | 401 | application/json | | models.VercelNotFoundError | 404 | application/json | | models.SDKError | 4XX, 5XX | \*/\* | ## cancelDeployment This endpoint allows you to cancel a deployment which is currently building, by supplying its `id` in the URL. ### Example Usage ```typescript import { Vercel } from "@vercel/sdk"; const vercel = new Vercel({ bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>", }); async function run() { const result = await vercel.deployments.cancelDeployment({ id: "dpl_5WJWYSyB7BpgTj3EuwF37WMRBXBtPQ2iTMJHJBJyRfd", teamId: "team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l", slug: "my-team-url-slug", }); // Handle the result console.log(result); } run(); ``` ### Standalone function The standalone function version of this method: ```typescript import { VercelCore } from "@vercel/sdk/core.js"; import { deploymentsCancelDeployment } from "@vercel/sdk/funcs/deploymentsCancelDeployment.js"; // Use `VercelCore` for best tree-shaking performance. // You can create one instance of it to use across an application. const vercel = new VercelCore({ bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>", }); async function run() { const res = await deploymentsCancelDeployment(vercel, { id: "dpl_5WJWYSyB7BpgTj3EuwF37WMRBXBtPQ2iTMJHJBJyRfd", teamId: "team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l", slug: "my-team-url-slug", }); if (!res.ok) { throw res.error; } const { value: result } = res; // Handle the result console.log(result); } run(); ``` ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | `request` | [models.CancelDeploymentRequest](../../models/ | :heavy_check_mark: | The request object to use for the request. | | `options` | RequestOptions | :heavy_minus_sign: | Used to set various options for making HTTP requests. | | `options.fetchOptions` | [RequestInit]( | :heavy_minus_sign: | Options that are passed to the underlying HTTP request. This can be used to inject extra headers for examples. All `Request` options, except `method` and `body`, are allowed. | | `options.retries` | [RetryConfig](../../lib/utils/ | :heavy_minus_sign: | Enables retrying HTTP requests under certain failure conditions. | ### Response **Promise\<[models.CancelDeploymentResponseBody](../../models/\>** ### Errors | Error Type | Status Code | Content Type | | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | models.VercelBadRequestError | 400 | application/json | | models.VercelForbiddenError | 401 | application/json | | models.VercelNotFoundError | 404 | application/json | | models.SDKError | 4XX, 5XX | \*/\* | ## uploadFile Before you create a deployment you need to upload the required files for that deployment. To do it, you need to first upload each file to this endpoint. Once that's completed, you can create a new deployment with the uploaded files. The file content must be placed inside the body of the request. In the case of a successful response you'll receive a status code 200 with an empty body. ### Example Usage ```typescript import { Vercel } from "@vercel/sdk"; const vercel = new Vercel({ bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>", }); async function run() { const result = await vercel.deployments.uploadFile({ teamId: "team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l", slug: "my-team-url-slug", }); // Handle the result console.log(result); } run(); ``` ### Standalone function The standalone function version of this method: ```typescript import { VercelCore } from "@vercel/sdk/core.js"; import { deploymentsUploadFile } from "@vercel/sdk/funcs/deploymentsUploadFile.js"; // Use `VercelCore` for best tree-shaking performance. // You can create one instance of it to use across an application. const vercel = new VercelCore({ bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>", }); async function run() { const res = await deploymentsUploadFile(vercel, { teamId: "team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l", slug: "my-team-url-slug", }); if (!res.ok) { throw res.error; } const { value: result } = res; // Handle the result console.log(result); } run(); ``` ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | `request` | [models.UploadFileRequest](../../models/ | :heavy_check_mark: | The request object to use for the request. | | `options` | RequestOptions | :heavy_minus_sign: | Used to set various options for making HTTP requests. | | `options.fetchOptions` | [RequestInit]( | :heavy_minus_sign: | Options that are passed to the underlying HTTP request. This can be used to inject extra headers for examples. All `Request` options, except `method` and `body`, are allowed. | | `options.retries` | [RetryConfig](../../lib/utils/ | :heavy_minus_sign: | Enables retrying HTTP requests under certain failure conditions. | ### Response **Promise\<[models.UploadFileResponseBody](../../models/\>** ### Errors | Error Type | Status Code | Content Type | | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | models.VercelBadRequestError | 400 | application/json | | models.VercelForbiddenError | 401 | application/json | | models.SDKError | 4XX, 5XX | \*/\* | ## listDeploymentFiles Allows to retrieve the file structure of a deployment by supplying the deployment unique identifier. ### Example Usage ```typescript import { Vercel } from "@vercel/sdk"; const vercel = new Vercel({ bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>", }); async function run() { const result = await vercel.deployments.listDeploymentFiles({ id: "<id>", teamId: "team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l", slug: "my-team-url-slug", }); // Handle the result console.log(result); } run(); ``` ### Standalone function The standalone function version of this method: ```typescript import { VercelCore } from "@vercel/sdk/core.js"; import { deploymentsListDeploymentFiles } from "@vercel/sdk/funcs/deploymentsListDeploymentFiles.js"; // Use `VercelCore` for best tree-shaking performance. // You can create one instance of it to use across an application. const vercel = new VercelCore({ bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>", }); async function run() { const res = await deploymentsListDeploymentFiles(vercel, { id: "<id>", teamId: "team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l", slug: "my-team-url-slug", }); if (!res.ok) { throw res.error; } const { value: result } = res; // Handle the result console.log(result); } run(); ``` ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | `request` | [models.ListDeploymentFilesRequest](../../models/ | :heavy_check_mark: | The request object to use for the request. | | `options` | RequestOptions | :heavy_minus_sign: | Used to set various options for making HTTP requests. | | `options.fetchOptions` | [RequestInit]( | :heavy_minus_sign: | Options that are passed to the underlying HTTP request. This can be used to inject extra headers for examples. All `Request` options, except `method` and `body`, are allowed. | | `options.retries` | [RetryConfig](../../lib/utils/ | :heavy_minus_sign: | Enables retrying HTTP requests under certain failure conditions. | ### Response **Promise\<[models.FileTree[]](../../models/.md)\>** ### Errors | Error Type | Status Code | Content Type | | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | models.VercelBadRequestError | 400 | application/json | | models.VercelForbiddenError | 401 | application/json | | models.VercelNotFoundError | 404 | application/json | | models.SDKError | 4XX, 5XX | \*/\* | ## getDeploymentFileContents Allows to retrieve the content of a file by supplying the file identifier and the deployment unique identifier. The response body will contain a JSON response containing the contents of the file encoded as base64. ### Example Usage ```typescript import { Vercel } from "@vercel/sdk"; const vercel = new Vercel({ bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>", }); async function run() { await vercel.deployments.getDeploymentFileContents({ id: "<id>", fileId: "<id>", teamId: "team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l", slug: "my-team-url-slug", }); } run(); ``` ### Standalone function The standalone function version of this method: ```typescript import { VercelCore } from "@vercel/sdk/core.js"; import { deploymentsGetDeploymentFileContents } from "@vercel/sdk/funcs/deploymentsGetDeploymentFileContents.js"; // Use `VercelCore` for best tree-shaking performance. // You can create one instance of it to use across an application. const vercel = new VercelCore({ bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>", }); async function run() { const res = await deploymentsGetDeploymentFileContents(vercel, { id: "<id>", fileId: "<id>", teamId: "team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l", slug: "my-team-url-slug", }); if (!res.ok) { throw res.error; } const { value: result } = res; } run(); ``` ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | `request` | [models.GetDeploymentFileContentsRequest](../../models/ | :heavy_check_mark: | The request object to use for the request. | | `options` | RequestOptions | :heavy_minus_sign: | Used to set various options for making HTTP requests. | | `options.fetchOptions` | [RequestInit]( | :heavy_minus_sign: | Options that are passed to the underlying HTTP request. This can be used to inject extra headers for examples. All `Request` options, except `method` and `body`, are allowed. | | `options.retries` | [RetryConfig](../../lib/utils/ | :heavy_minus_sign: | Enables retrying HTTP requests under certain failure conditions. | ### Response **Promise\<void\>** ### Errors | Error Type | Status Code | Content Type | | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | models.VercelBadRequestError | 400 | application/json | | models.VercelForbiddenError | 401 | application/json | | models.VercelNotFoundError | 404 | application/json | | models.SDKError | 4XX, 5XX | \*/\* | ## getDeployments List deployments under the authenticated user or team. If a deployment hasn't finished uploading (is incomplete), the `url` property will have a value of `null`. ### Example Usage ```typescript import { Vercel } from "@vercel/sdk"; const vercel = new Vercel({ bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>", }); async function run() { const result = await vercel.deployments.getDeployments({ app: "docs", from: 1612948664566, limit: 10, projectId: "QmXGTs7mvAMMC7WW5ebrM33qKG32QK3h4vmQMjmY", target: "production", to: 1612948664566, users: "kr1PsOIzqEL5Xg6M4VZcZosf,K4amb7K9dAt5R2vBJWF32bmY", since: 1540095775941, until: 1540095775951, state: "BUILDING,READY", teamId: "team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l", slug: "my-team-url-slug", }); // Handle the result console.log(result); } run(); ``` ### Standalone function The standalone function version of this method: ```typescript import { VercelCore } from "@vercel/sdk/core.js"; import { deploymentsGetDeployments } from "@vercel/sdk/funcs/deploymentsGetDeployments.js"; // Use `VercelCore` for best tree-shaking performance. // You can create one instance of it to use across an application. const vercel = new VercelCore({ bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>", }); async function run() { const res = await deploymentsGetDeployments(vercel, { app: "docs", from: 1612948664566, limit: 10, projectId: "QmXGTs7mvAMMC7WW5ebrM33qKG32QK3h4vmQMjmY", target: "production", to: 1612948664566, users: "kr1PsOIzqEL5Xg6M4VZcZosf,K4amb7K9dAt5R2vBJWF32bmY", since: 1540095775941, until: 1540095775951, state: "BUILDING,READY", teamId: "team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l", slug: "my-team-url-slug", }); if (!res.ok) { throw res.error; } const { value: result } = res; // Handle the result console.log(result); } run(); ``` ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | `request` | [models.GetDeploymentsRequest](../../models/ | :heavy_check_mark: | The request object to use for the request. | | `options` | RequestOptions | :heavy_minus_sign: | Used to set various options for making HTTP requests. | | `options.fetchOptions` | [RequestInit]( | :heavy_minus_sign: | Options that are passed to the underlying HTTP request. This can be used to inject extra headers for examples. All `Request` options, except `method` and `body`, are allowed. | | `options.retries` | [RetryConfig](../../lib/utils/ | :heavy_minus_sign: | Enables retrying HTTP requests under certain failure conditions. | ### Response **Promise\<[models.GetDeploymentsResponseBody](../../models/\>** ### Errors | Error Type | Status Code | Content Type | | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | models.VercelBadRequestError | 400 | application/json | | models.VercelForbiddenError | 401 | application/json | | models.VercelNotFoundError | 404 | application/json | | models.SDKError | 4XX, 5XX | \*/\* | ## deleteDeployment This API allows you to delete a deployment, either by supplying its `id` in the URL or the `url` of the deployment as a query parameter. You can obtain the ID, for example, by listing all deployments. ### Example Usage ```typescript import { Vercel } from "@vercel/sdk"; const vercel = new Vercel({ bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>", }); async function run() { const result = await vercel.deployments.deleteDeployment({ id: "dpl_5WJWYSyB7BpgTj3EuwF37WMRBXBtPQ2iTMJHJBJyRfd", url: "", teamId: "team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l", slug: "my-team-url-slug", }); // Handle the result console.log(result); } run(); ``` ### Standalone function The standalone function version of this method: ```typescript import { VercelCore } from "@vercel/sdk/core.js"; import { deploymentsDeleteDeployment } from "@vercel/sdk/funcs/deploymentsDeleteDeployment.js"; // Use `VercelCore` for best tree-shaking performance. // You can create one instance of it to use across an application. const vercel = new VercelCore({ bearerToken: "<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>", }); async function run() { const res = await deploymentsDeleteDeployment(vercel, { id: "dpl_5WJWYSyB7BpgTj3EuwF37WMRBXBtPQ2iTMJHJBJyRfd", url: "", teamId: "team_1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l", slug: "my-team-url-slug", }); if (!res.ok) { throw res.error; } const { value: result } = res; // Handle the result console.log(result); } run(); ``` ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | `request` | [models.DeleteDeploymentRequest](../../models/ | :heavy_check_mark: | The request object to use for the request. | | `options` | RequestOptions | :heavy_minus_sign: | Used to set various options for making HTTP requests. | | `options.fetchOptions` | [RequestInit]( | :heavy_minus_sign: | Options that are passed to the underlying HTTP request. This can be used to inject extra headers for examples. All `Request` options, except `method` and `body`, are allowed. | | `options.retries` | [RetryConfig](../../lib/utils/ | :heavy_minus_sign: | Enables retrying HTTP requests under certain failure conditions. | ### Response **Promise\<[models.DeleteDeploymentResponseBody](../../models/\>** ### Errors | Error Type | Status Code | Content Type | | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | models.VercelBadRequestError | 400 | application/json | | models.VercelForbiddenError | 401 | application/json | | models.VercelNotFoundError | 404 | application/json | | models.SDKError | 4XX, 5XX | \*/\* |