MCP Memory Service

import { z } from 'zod'; // Base schemas for common types export const GitLabAuthorSchema = z.object({ name: z.string(), email: z.string(), date: z.string() }); // Repository related schemas export const GitLabOwnerSchema = z.object({ username: z.string(), // Changed from login to match GitLab API id: z.number(), avatar_url: z.string(), web_url: z.string(), // Changed from html_url to match GitLab API name: z.string(), // Added as GitLab includes full name state: z.string() // Added as GitLab includes user state }); export const GitLabRepositorySchema = z.object({ id: z.number(), name: z.string(), path_with_namespace: z.string(), // Changed from full_name to match GitLab API visibility: z.string(), // Changed from private to match GitLab API owner: GitLabOwnerSchema, web_url: z.string(), // Changed from html_url to match GitLab API description: z.string().nullable(), fork: z.boolean(), ssh_url_to_repo: z.string(), // Changed from ssh_url to match GitLab API http_url_to_repo: z.string(), // Changed from clone_url to match GitLab API created_at: z.string(), last_activity_at: z.string(), // Changed from updated_at to match GitLab API default_branch: z.string() }); // File content schemas export const GitLabFileContentSchema = z.object({ file_name: z.string(), // Changed from name to match GitLab API file_path: z.string(), // Changed from path to match GitLab API size: z.number(), encoding: z.string(), content: z.string(), content_sha256: z.string(), // Changed from sha to match GitLab API ref: z.string(), // Added as GitLab requires branch reference blob_id: z.string(), // Added to match GitLab API last_commit_id: z.string() // Added to match GitLab API }); export const GitLabDirectoryContentSchema = z.object({ name: z.string(), path: z.string(), type: z.string(), mode: z.string(), id: z.string(), // Changed from sha to match GitLab API web_url: z.string() // Changed from html_url to match GitLab API }); export const GitLabContentSchema = z.union([ GitLabFileContentSchema, z.array(GitLabDirectoryContentSchema) ]); // Operation schemas export const FileOperationSchema = z.object({ path: z.string(), content: z.string() }); // Tree and commit schemas export const GitLabTreeEntrySchema = z.object({ id: z.string(), // Changed from sha to match GitLab API name: z.string(), type: z.enum(['blob', 'tree']), path: z.string(), mode: z.string() }); export const GitLabTreeSchema = z.object({ id: z.string(), // Changed from sha to match GitLab API tree: z.array(GitLabTreeEntrySchema) }); export const GitLabCommitSchema = z.object({ id: z.string(), // Changed from sha to match GitLab API short_id: z.string(), // Added to match GitLab API title: z.string(), // Changed from message to match GitLab API author_name: z.string(), author_email: z.string(), authored_date: z.string(), committer_name: z.string(), committer_email: z.string(), committed_date: z.string(), web_url: z.string(), // Changed from html_url to match GitLab API parent_ids: z.array(z.string()) // Changed from parents to match GitLab API }); // Reference schema export const GitLabReferenceSchema = z.object({ name: z.string(), // Changed from ref to match GitLab API commit: z.object({ id: z.string(), // Changed from sha to match GitLab API web_url: z.string() // Changed from url to match GitLab API }) }); // Input schemas for operations export const CreateRepositoryOptionsSchema = z.object({ name: z.string(), description: z.string().optional(), visibility: z.enum(['private', 'internal', 'public']).optional(), // Changed from private to match GitLab API initialize_with_readme: z.boolean().optional() // Changed from auto_init to match GitLab API }); export const CreateIssueOptionsSchema = z.object({ title: z.string(), description: z.string().optional(), // Changed from body to match GitLab API assignee_ids: z.array(z.number()).optional(), // Changed from assignees to match GitLab API milestone_id: z.number().optional(), // Changed from milestone to match GitLab API labels: z.array(z.string()).optional() }); export const CreateMergeRequestOptionsSchema = z.object({ // Changed from CreatePullRequestOptionsSchema title: z.string(), description: z.string().optional(), // Changed from body to match GitLab API source_branch: z.string(), // Changed from head to match GitLab API target_branch: z.string(), // Changed from base to match GitLab API allow_collaboration: z.boolean().optional(), // Changed from maintainer_can_modify to match GitLab API draft: z.boolean().optional() }); export const CreateBranchOptionsSchema = z.object({ name: z.string(), // Changed from ref to match GitLab API ref: z.string() // The source branch/commit for the new branch }); // Response schemas for operations export const GitLabCreateUpdateFileResponseSchema = z.object({ file_path: z.string(), branch: z.string(), commit_id: z.string(), // Changed from sha to match GitLab API content: GitLabFileContentSchema.optional() }); export const GitLabSearchResponseSchema = z.object({ count: z.number(), // Changed from total_count to match GitLab API items: z.array(GitLabRepositorySchema) }); // Fork related schemas export const GitLabForkParentSchema = z.object({ name: z.string(), path_with_namespace: z.string(), // Changed from full_name to match GitLab API owner: z.object({ username: z.string(), // Changed from login to match GitLab API id: z.number(), avatar_url: z.string() }), web_url: z.string() // Changed from html_url to match GitLab API }); export const GitLabForkSchema = GitLabRepositorySchema.extend({ forked_from_project: GitLabForkParentSchema // Changed from parent to match GitLab API }); // Issue related schemas export const GitLabLabelSchema = z.object({ id: z.number(), name: z.string(), color: z.string(), description: z.string().optional() }); export const GitLabUserSchema = z.object({ username: z.string(), // Changed from login to match GitLab API id: z.number(), name: z.string(), avatar_url: z.string(), web_url: z.string() // Changed from html_url to match GitLab API }); export const GitLabMilestoneSchema = z.object({ id: z.number(), iid: z.number(), // Added to match GitLab API title: z.string(), description: z.string(), state: z.string(), web_url: z.string() // Changed from html_url to match GitLab API }); export const GitLabIssueSchema = z.object({ id: z.number(), iid: z.number(), // Added to match GitLab API project_id: z.number(), // Added to match GitLab API title: z.string(), description: z.string(), // Changed from body to match GitLab API state: z.string(), author: GitLabUserSchema, assignees: z.array(GitLabUserSchema), labels: z.array(GitLabLabelSchema), milestone: GitLabMilestoneSchema.nullable(), created_at: z.string(), updated_at: z.string(), closed_at: z.string().nullable(), web_url: z.string() // Changed from html_url to match GitLab API }); // Merge Request related schemas (equivalent to Pull Request) export const GitLabMergeRequestDiffRefSchema = z.object({ base_sha: z.string(), head_sha: z.string(), start_sha: z.string() }); export const GitLabMergeRequestSchema = z.object({ id: z.number(), iid: z.number(), // Added to match GitLab API project_id: z.number(), // Added to match GitLab API title: z.string(), description: z.string(), // Changed from body to match GitLab API state: z.string(), merged: z.boolean(), author: GitLabUserSchema, assignees: z.array(GitLabUserSchema), source_branch: z.string(), // Changed from head to match GitLab API target_branch: z.string(), // Changed from base to match GitLab API diff_refs: GitLabMergeRequestDiffRefSchema, web_url: z.string(), // Changed from html_url to match GitLab API created_at: z.string(), updated_at: z.string(), merged_at: z.string().nullable(), closed_at: z.string().nullable(), merge_commit_sha: z.string().nullable() }); // API Operation Parameter Schemas const ProjectParamsSchema = z.object({ project_id: z.string().describe("Project ID or URL-encoded path") // Changed from owner/repo to match GitLab API }); export const CreateOrUpdateFileSchema = ProjectParamsSchema.extend({ file_path: z.string().describe("Path where to create/update the file"), content: z.string().describe("Content of the file"), commit_message: z.string().describe("Commit message"), branch: z.string().describe("Branch to create/update the file in"), previous_path: z.string().optional() .describe("Path of the file to move/rename") }); export const SearchRepositoriesSchema = z.object({ search: z.string().describe("Search query"), // Changed from query to match GitLab API page: z.number().optional().describe("Page number for pagination (default: 1)"), per_page: z.number().optional().describe("Number of results per page (default: 20)") }); export const CreateRepositorySchema = z.object({ name: z.string().describe("Repository name"), description: z.string().optional().describe("Repository description"), visibility: z.enum(['private', 'internal', 'public']).optional() .describe("Repository visibility level"), initialize_with_readme: z.boolean().optional() .describe("Initialize with") }); export const GetFileContentsSchema = ProjectParamsSchema.extend({ file_path: z.string().describe("Path to the file or directory"), ref: z.string().optional().describe("Branch/tag/commit to get contents from") }); export const PushFilesSchema = ProjectParamsSchema.extend({ branch: z.string().describe("Branch to push to"), files: z.array(z.object({ file_path: z.string().describe("Path where to create the file"), content: z.string().describe("Content of the file") })).describe("Array of files to push"), commit_message: z.string().describe("Commit message") }); export const CreateIssueSchema = ProjectParamsSchema.extend({ title: z.string().describe("Issue title"), description: z.string().optional().describe("Issue description"), assignee_ids: z.array(z.number()).optional().describe("Array of user IDs to assign"), labels: z.array(z.string()).optional().describe("Array of label names"), milestone_id: z.number().optional().describe("Milestone ID to assign") }); export const CreateMergeRequestSchema = ProjectParamsSchema.extend({ title: z.string().describe("Merge request title"), description: z.string().optional().describe("Merge request description"), source_branch: z.string().describe("Branch containing changes"), target_branch: z.string().describe("Branch to merge into"), draft: z.boolean().optional().describe("Create as draft merge request"), allow_collaboration: z.boolean().optional() .describe("Allow commits from upstream members") }); export const ForkRepositorySchema = ProjectParamsSchema.extend({ namespace: z.string().optional() .describe("Namespace to fork to (full path)") }); export const CreateBranchSchema = ProjectParamsSchema.extend({ branch: z.string().describe("Name for the new branch"), ref: z.string().optional() .describe("Source branch/commit for new branch") }); // Export types export type GitLabAuthor = z.infer<typeof GitLabAuthorSchema>; export type GitLabFork = z.infer<typeof GitLabForkSchema>; export type GitLabIssue = z.infer<typeof GitLabIssueSchema>; export type GitLabMergeRequest = z.infer<typeof GitLabMergeRequestSchema>; export type GitLabRepository = z.infer<typeof GitLabRepositorySchema>; export type GitLabFileContent = z.infer<typeof GitLabFileContentSchema>; export type GitLabDirectoryContent = z.infer<typeof GitLabDirectoryContentSchema>; export type GitLabContent = z.infer<typeof GitLabContentSchema>; export type FileOperation = z.infer<typeof FileOperationSchema>; export type GitLabTree = z.infer<typeof GitLabTreeSchema>; export type GitLabCommit = z.infer<typeof GitLabCommitSchema>; export type GitLabReference = z.infer<typeof GitLabReferenceSchema>; export type CreateRepositoryOptions = z.infer<typeof CreateRepositoryOptionsSchema>; export type CreateIssueOptions = z.infer<typeof CreateIssueOptionsSchema>; export type CreateMergeRequestOptions = z.infer<typeof CreateMergeRequestOptionsSchema>; export type CreateBranchOptions = z.infer<typeof CreateBranchOptionsSchema>; export type GitLabCreateUpdateFileResponse = z.infer<typeof GitLabCreateUpdateFileResponseSchema>; export type GitLabSearchResponse = z.infer<typeof GitLabSearchResponseSchema>;