Notion MCP Server

by ramidecodes
import { Client, APIErrorCode, ClientErrorCode, APIResponseError, isNotionClientError, } from "@notionhq/client"; import dotenv from "dotenv"; import { SearchQuery, DatabaseQuery, CreatePage, BlockChildren, UpdatePage, BlockChildrenQuery, CommentQuery, CreateComment, LinkPreview, } from "../types/notion.js"; // Load environment variables dotenv.config(); /** * Error class for Notion API errors */ export class NotionAPIError extends Error { code: string; status?: number; constructor(message: string, code: string, status?: number) { super(message); = "NotionAPIError"; this.code = code; this.status = status; } } /** * Notion service for interacting with the Notion API */ export class NotionService { private client: Client; constructor(apiKey?: string) { if (!apiKey && !process.env.NOTION_API_KEY) { throw new Error( "Notion API key is required. Provide it as a parameter or set the NOTION_API_KEY environment variable." ); } this.client = new Client({ auth: apiKey || process.env.NOTION_API_KEY, }); } /** * Handle Notion API errors */ private handleError(error: unknown): never { if (error instanceof APIResponseError) { throw new NotionAPIError(error.message, error.code, error.status); } else if (isNotionClientError(error)) { throw new NotionAPIError(error.message, error.code); } else { throw error; } } /** * Search for pages or databases in Notion */ async search(params: SearchQuery) { try { return await; } catch (error) { this.handleError(error); } } /** * Query a database */ async queryDatabase(params: DatabaseQuery) { try { const queryParams: Parameters<typeof this.client.databases.query>[0] = { database_id: params.database_id, page_size: params.page_size, start_cursor: params.start_cursor, }; // Only add filter and sorts if they exist to avoid type issues if (params.filter) { queryParams.filter = params.filter as any; } if (params.sorts) { queryParams.sorts = params.sorts as any; } return await this.client.databases.query(queryParams); } catch (error) { this.handleError(error); } } /** * Retrieve a database */ async retrieveDatabase(databaseId: string) { try { return await this.client.databases.retrieve({ database_id: databaseId, }); } catch (error) { this.handleError(error); } } /** * Create a database */ async createDatabase(params: any) { try { return await this.client.databases.create(params); } catch (error) { this.handleError(error); } } /** * Update a database */ async updateDatabase(databaseId: string, params: any) { try { return await this.client.databases.update({ database_id: databaseId, ...params, }); } catch (error) { this.handleError(error); } } /** * Create a new page */ async createPage(params: CreatePage) { try { return await this.client.pages.create({ parent: params.parent.type === "database_id" ? { database_id: params.parent.database_id! } : { page_id: params.parent.page_id! }, properties:, children: params.children, icon: params.icon, cover: params.cover, }); } catch (error) { this.handleError(error); } } /** * Retrieve a page */ async retrievePage(pageId: string) { try { return await this.client.pages.retrieve({ page_id: pageId, }); } catch (error) { this.handleError(error); } } /** * Retrieve a page property */ async retrievePageProperty(pageId: string, propertyId: string) { try { return await{ page_id: pageId, property_id: propertyId, }); } catch (error) { this.handleError(error); } } /** * Update a page */ async updatePage(params: UpdatePage) { try { return await this.client.pages.update({ page_id: params.page_id, properties:, archived: params.archived, icon: params.icon, cover: params.cover, }); } catch (error) { this.handleError(error); } } /** * Add blocks to a page */ async appendBlockChildren(params: BlockChildren) { try { return await this.client.blocks.children.append({ block_id: params.block_id, children: params.children, }); } catch (error) { this.handleError(error); } } /** * Retrieve a block */ async retrieveBlock(blockId: string) { try { return await this.client.blocks.retrieve({ block_id: blockId, }); } catch (error) { this.handleError(error); } } /** * Retrieve block children */ async retrieveBlockChildren(params: BlockChildrenQuery) { try { return await this.client.blocks.children.list({ block_id: params.block_id, start_cursor: params.start_cursor, page_size: params.page_size, }); } catch (error) { this.handleError(error); } } /** * Update a block */ async updateBlock(blockId: string, properties: Record<string, any>) { try { return await this.client.blocks.update({ block_id: blockId,, }); } catch (error) { this.handleError(error); } } /** * Delete a block (set archived to true) */ async deleteBlock(blockId: string) { try { return await this.client.blocks.delete({ block_id: blockId, }); } catch (error) { this.handleError(error); } } /** * List all users */ async listUsers() { try { return await this.client.users.list({}); } catch (error) { this.handleError(error); } } /** * Retrieve a user */ async retrieveUser(userId: string) { try { return await this.client.users.retrieve({ user_id: userId, }); } catch (error) { this.handleError(error); } } /** * Retrieve the bot user */ async retrieveMe() { try { return await{}); } catch (error) { this.handleError(error); } } /** * Create a comment */ async createComment(params: CreateComment) { try { return await this.client.comments.create(params); } catch (error) { this.handleError(error); } } /** * List comments */ async listComments(params: CommentQuery) { try { if (!params.page_id && !params.block_id) { throw new NotionAPIError( "Either page_id or block_id must be provided", "INVALID_REQUEST_PARAMETERS" ); } // According to the Notion API docs, we should use block_id for both pages and blocks // Pages are technically blocks in Notion's data model const blockId = params.block_id || params.page_id; return await this.client.comments.list({ block_id: blockId!, // Non-null assertion since we've checked above start_cursor: params.start_cursor, page_size: params.page_size, }); } catch (error) { this.handleError(error); } } /** * Create a link preview (unfurl) */ async createLinkPreview(params: LinkPreview) { try { // The Notion API doesn't have a direct method for link previews yet // This is a placeholder for when the feature becomes available in the SDK throw new NotionAPIError( "Link Preview API is not yet available in the official Notion SDK", "NOT_IMPLEMENTED" ); } catch (error) { this.handleError(error); } } }