Notion MCP Server

by ramidecodes
  • docs
# Project Structure This document provides an overview of the Notion MCP Server project structure. ## Directory Structure ``` mcp-server-notion/ ├── docs/ # Documentation files │ ├── # Guide for using with Cursor │ ├── # Rules for working with MCP servers in Cursor │ ├── # Detailed explanation of server architecture │ ├── # Information about Model Context Protocol │ ├── # This file - project structure overview │ └── # Documentation for available tools ├── src/ # Source code │ ├── index.ts # Entry point for the application │ └── lib/ # Core libraries and services │ ├── mcp-server.ts # MCP server implementation │ └── notion.ts # Notion API service ├── .env.example # Example environment variables ├── .gitignore # Git ignore file ├── package.json # Project dependencies and scripts ├── # Project overview and usage instructions └── tsconfig.json # TypeScript configuration ``` ## Key Files and Their Purposes ### Entry Point - **src/index.ts**: The main entry point for the application. It initializes the Notion MCP Server and starts listening for requests. ### Core Libraries - **src/lib/mcp-server.ts**: Implements the `NotionMCPServer` class, which integrates the Model Context Protocol with Notion API functionality. This file defines all the available tools and their handlers. - **src/lib/notion.ts**: Implements the `NotionService` class, which provides methods for interacting with the Notion API. This service is used by the MCP server to execute operations on Notion. ### Configuration Files - **.env.example**: Contains example environment variables needed for the application, such as the Notion API key. - **tsconfig.json**: TypeScript configuration for the project, specifying compiler options and build settings. - **package.json**: Defines project dependencies, scripts for building and running the application, and other metadata. ### Documentation - ****: Provides an overview of the project, installation instructions, usage examples, and other essential information. - **docs/**: Detailed explanation of the server architecture, communication protocol, and implementation details. - **docs/**: Guide for using the Notion MCP Server with Cursor, including setup instructions and usage examples. - **docs/**: Comprehensive rules and best practices for working with MCP servers in Cursor, including configuration, usage patterns, and troubleshooting. - **docs/**: Information about the Model Context Protocol, its purpose, and how it's implemented in this project. - **docs/**: Comprehensive documentation for all tools available in the Notion MCP Server, including parameters, examples, and responses. ## Code Structure ### NotionMCPServer Class The `NotionMCPServer` class in `src/lib/mcp-server.ts` is the core of the application. It: 1. Initializes the MCP server with specific capabilities 2. Registers tools for various Notion operations 3. Implements request handlers for each tool 4. Manages error handling and response formatting ### NotionService Class The `NotionService` class in `src/lib/notion.ts` provides a clean interface for interacting with the Notion API. It: 1. Manages authentication with the Notion API 2. Implements methods for each Notion API operation 3. Handles error cases and provides meaningful error messages 4. Formats responses from the Notion API ## Build and Runtime Structure When built, the TypeScript code is compiled to JavaScript in a `dist` directory. The compiled code maintains the same structure as the source code. The server can be run in two modes: 1. As a local subprocess (recommended for Cursor integration) 2. As a hosted service In both cases, the server communicates using the Model Context Protocol over standard input/output or HTTP, depending on the deployment mode.