MCP Filesystem Pythonmtunell-securityAlicense-qualityA secure MCP server enabling read-only access and file search capabilities within a specified directory, while respecting .gitignore patterns.PythonMIT LicenseAppleLinux
MCP File Preview ServerseanivoreAsecurityAlicenseAqualityProvides HTML file preview and analysis capabilities. This server enables capturing full-page screenshots of local HTML files and analyzing their structure.25JavaScriptMIT License
OpenAI MCP ServerpierrebrunelleAsecurityAlicenseAqualityQuery OpenAI models directly from Claude using MCP protocol.135PythonMIT License
mcp-k8s-gostrowkVerified-securityAlicense-qualityThis project is intended as a both MCP server connecting to Kubernetes and a library to build more servers for any custom resources in Kubernetes.30GoMIT License