Elasticsearch MCP Server

import { TOOLS } from "../config/constants.js"; import { handleListTemplates } from "./list_templates/index.js"; import { handleGenerateCreative } from "./generate_creative/index.js"; import { listTemplatesSchema } from "./list_templates/schema.js"; import { generateCreativeSchema } from "./generate_creative/schema.js"; export const TOOL_DEFINITIONS = [ { name: TOOLS.LIST_TEMPLATES, description: "Get a list of available Placid templates with optional filtering. Each template includes its title, ID, preview image URL, available layers, and tags.", inputSchema: listTemplatesSchema, handler: handleListTemplates, }, { name: TOOLS.GENERATE_CREATIVE, description: "Generate a creative using a template and provided assets", inputSchema: generateCreativeSchema, handler: handleGenerateCreative, }, ] as const; export * from "./list_templates/index.js"; export * from "./generate_creative/index.js";