MCP Alchemy

# MCP Alchemy **Status: Works great and is in daily use without any known bugs.** Let Claude be your database expert! MCP Alchemy connects Claude Desktop directly to your databases, allowing it to: - Help you explore and understand your database structure - Assist in writing and validating SQL queries - Displays relationships between tables - Analyze large datasets and create reports - Claude Desktop Can analyse and create artifacts for very large datasets using [claude-local-files]( Works with PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite, Oracle, MS SQL Server and a host of other [SQLAlchemy-compatible]( databases. ![MCP Alchemy in action](screenshot.png) ## API ### Tools - **all_table_names** - Return all table names in the database - No input required - Returns comma-separated list of tables ``` users, orders, products, categories ``` - **filter_table_names** - Find tables matching a substring - Input: `q` (string) - Returns matching table names ``` Input: "user" Returns: "users, user_roles, user_permissions" ``` - **schema_definitions** - Get detailed schema for specified tables - Input: `table_names` (string[]) - Returns table definitions including: - Column names and types - Primary keys - Foreign key relationships - Nullable flags ``` users: id: INTEGER, primary key, autoincrement email: VARCHAR(255), nullable created_at: DATETIME Relationships: id -> orders.user_id ``` - **execute_query** - Execute SQL query with vertical output format - Inputs: - `query` (string): SQL query - `params` (object, optional): Query parameters - Returns results in clean vertical format: ``` 1. row id: 123 name: John Doe created_at: 2024-03-15T14:30:00 email: NULL Result: 1 rows ``` - Features: - Smart truncation of large results - Full result set access via [claude-local-files]( integration - Clean NULL value display - ISO formatted dates - Clear row separation ## Usage with Claude Desktop Add to your `claude_desktop_config.json`: ```json { "mcpServers": { "my_database": { "command": "uv", "args": ["--directory", "/path/to/mcp-alchemy", "run", ""], "env": { "DB_URL": "mysql+pymysql://root:secret@localhost/databasename", } } } } ``` Environment Variables: - `DB_URL`: SQLAlchemy [database URL]( (required) Examples: - PostgreSQL: `postgresql://user:password@localhost/dbname` - MySQL: `mysql+pymysql://user:password@localhost/dbname` - MariaDB: `mariadb+pymysql://user:password@localhost/dbname` - SQLite: `sqlite:///path/to/database.db` - `CLAUDE_LOCAL_FILES_PATH`: Directory for full result sets (optional) - `EXECUTE_QUERY_MAX_CHARS`: Maximum output length (optional, default 4000) ## Installation 1. Clone repository: ```bash git clone ``` 2. Ensure you have uv ```bash # Install uv if you haven't already curl -LsSf | sh ``` 3. Add database to claude_desktop_config.json (see above) ## Database Drivers The following database drivers are included by default: - SQLite: Built into Python, no additional installation needed - MySQL/MariaDB: Via `pymysql` - PostgreSQL: Via `psycopg2-binary` To use other databases supported by SQLAlchemy, install the appropriate driver: ```bash # Microsoft SQL Server uv pip install pymssql # Oracle uv pip install cx_oracle # Other databases # See: ``` ## Claude Local Files When [claude-local-files]( is configured: - Access complete result sets beyond Claude's context window - Generate detailed reports and visualizations - Perform deep analysis on large datasets - Export results for further processing The integration automatically activates when `CLAUDE_LOCAL_FILES_PATH` is set. ## Contributing Contributions are warmly welcomed! Whether it's bug reports, feature requests, documentation improvements, or code contributions - all input is valuable. Feel free to: - Open an issue to report bugs or suggest features - Submit pull requests with improvements - Enhance documentation or share your usage examples - Ask questions and share your experiences The goal is to make database interaction with Claude even better, and your insights and contributions help achieve that. ## License Mozilla Public License Version 2.0