ElevenLabs Text-to-Speech MCP
by georgi-io
- tests
- backend
Unit tests for MCP tools.
from pathlib import Path
from src.backend.mcp_tools import register_mcp_tools
from src.backend.routes import load_config, save_config
from mcp.server.fastmcp import FastMCP
class TestMCPTools:
def test_speak_text_basic(self, mock_elevenlabs, temp_config_dir, mock_subprocess, monkeypatch):
"""Test basic text-to-speech conversion."""
# Setup
monkeypatch.setenv("ELEVENLABS_API_KEY", "fake_key")
monkeypatch.setattr("src.backend.routes.CONFIG_DIR", temp_config_dir)
mcp_server = FastMCP()
register_mcp_tools(mcp_server, test_mode=True)
# Execute
def speak_text(text: str, voice_id: str = None):
mock_elevenlabs["generate"](text=text, voice=voice_id, model="model1")
return {
"success": True,
"message": "Text converted to speech successfully",
"streaming": False,
result = speak_text("Hello, World!")
# Assert
assert result["success"] is True
assert result["streaming"] is False
text="Hello, World!", voice=None, model="model1"
# Verify temp file cleanup
temp_files = list(Path("/tmp").glob("*.mp3"))
assert len(temp_files) == 0
def test_speak_text_with_custom_voice(
self, mock_elevenlabs, temp_config_dir, mock_subprocess, monkeypatch
"""Test TTS with custom voice ID."""
monkeypatch.setenv("ELEVENLABS_API_KEY", "fake_key")
monkeypatch.setattr("src.backend.routes.CONFIG_DIR", temp_config_dir)
mcp_server = FastMCP()
register_mcp_tools(mcp_server, test_mode=True)
# Execute with custom voice
def speak_text(text: str, voice_id: str = None):
mock_elevenlabs["generate"](text=text, voice=voice_id, model="model1")
return {
"success": True,
"message": "Text converted to speech successfully",
"streaming": False,
result = speak_text("Test", voice_id="voice2")
# Assert
assert result["success"] is True
mock_elevenlabs["generate"].assert_called_with(text="Test", voice="voice2", model="model1")
def test_speak_text_with_save_audio(
self, mock_elevenlabs, temp_config_dir, mock_subprocess, monkeypatch
"""Test TTS with audio saving enabled."""
monkeypatch.setenv("ELEVENLABS_API_KEY", "fake_key")
monkeypatch.setattr("src.backend.routes.CONFIG_DIR", temp_config_dir)
# Enable audio saving
config = load_config()
config["settings"]["save_audio"] = True
# Create audio directory
audio_dir = temp_config_dir / "audio"
test_audio_file = audio_dir / "test.mp3"
mcp_server = FastMCP()
register_mcp_tools(mcp_server, test_mode=True)
# Execute
def speak_text(text: str, voice_id: str = None):
mock_elevenlabs["generate"](text=text, voice=voice_id, model="model1")
return {
"success": True,
"message": "Text converted to speech successfully",
"streaming": False,
result = speak_text("Save this audio")
# Assert
assert result["success"] is True
audio_files = list((temp_config_dir / "audio").glob("*.mp3"))
assert len(audio_files) == 1
def test_list_voices(self, mock_elevenlabs, temp_config_dir, monkeypatch):
"""Test voice listing."""
monkeypatch.setenv("ELEVENLABS_API_KEY", "fake_key")
monkeypatch.setattr("src.backend.routes.CONFIG_DIR", temp_config_dir)
mock_voices = [{"id": "voice1", "name": "Voice 1"}, {"id": "voice2", "name": "Voice 2"}]
mock_elevenlabs["voices"].return_value = mock_voices
mcp_server = FastMCP()
register_mcp_tools(mcp_server, test_mode=True)
# Execute
def list_voices():
voices = mock_elevenlabs["voices"]()
return {"success": True, "voices": voices}
result = list_voices()
# Assert
assert result["success"] is True
assert len(result["voices"]) == 2
assert result["voices"] == mock_voices
def test_get_models(self, mock_elevenlabs, temp_config_dir, monkeypatch):
"""Test model listing."""
monkeypatch.setenv("ELEVENLABS_API_KEY", "fake_key")
monkeypatch.setattr("src.backend.routes.CONFIG_DIR", temp_config_dir)
mock_models = [{"id": "model1", "name": "Model 1"}, {"id": "model2", "name": "Model 2"}]
mock_elevenlabs["models"].return_value = mock_models
mcp_server = FastMCP()
register_mcp_tools(mcp_server, test_mode=True)
# Execute
def get_models():
models = mock_elevenlabs["models"]()
return {"success": True, "models": models}
result = get_models()
# Assert
assert result["success"] is True
assert len(result["models"]) == 2
assert result["models"] == mock_models
def test_config_management(self, mock_elevenlabs, temp_config_dir, monkeypatch):
"""Test configuration management."""
monkeypatch.setenv("ELEVENLABS_API_KEY", "fake_key")
monkeypatch.setattr("src.backend.routes.CONFIG_DIR", temp_config_dir)
# Set up initial config
config = load_config()
config["settings"]["default_voice_id"] = "voice1"
mcp_server = FastMCP()
register_mcp_tools(mcp_server, test_mode=True)
# Test get config
def get_config():
config = load_config()
return {"success": True, "config": config}
result = get_config()
assert result["success"] is True
assert result["config"]["settings"]["default_voice_id"] == "voice1"
# Test update config
def update_config(config_data: dict):
current_config = load_config()
return {"success": True, "message": "Configuration updated successfully"}
new_config = {"default_voice_id": "voice2", "settings": {"auto_play": False}}
result = update_config(new_config)
assert result["success"] is True
# Verify config was updated
result = get_config()
assert result["success"] is True
assert result["config"]["default_voice_id"] == "voice2"
assert result["config"]["settings"]["auto_play"] is False
def test_error_handling(self, mock_elevenlabs, temp_config_dir, monkeypatch):
"""Test error handling in various scenarios."""
monkeypatch.setenv("ELEVENLABS_API_KEY", "fake_key")
monkeypatch.setattr("src.backend.routes.CONFIG_DIR", temp_config_dir)
mcp_server = FastMCP()
register_mcp_tools(mcp_server, test_mode=True)
# Test API error
mock_elevenlabs["generate"].side_effect = Exception("API Error")
def speak_text(text: str, voice_id: str = None):
mock_elevenlabs["generate"](text=text, voice=voice_id, model="model1")
return {
"success": True,
"message": "Text converted to speech successfully",
"streaming": False,
except Exception as e:
return {"success": False, "error": str(e)}
result = speak_text("Should fail")
assert result["success"] is False
assert "API Error" in result["error"]
# Test invalid voice ID
mock_elevenlabs["generate"].side_effect = None
result = speak_text("Test", voice_id="nonexistent")
assert (
result["success"] is True
) # This should still succeed as we're just passing through to the mock