WeCom Bot MCP Server
by loonghao
- src
- commands
import { SyntaxNode, Tree } from 'tree-sitter';
* Base interface for all CEDARScript commands
export interface Command {
execute(content: string, tree: Tree): string;
* Command to update code content
export class UpdateCommand implements Command {
constructor(private node: SyntaxNode) {}
execute(content: string, tree: Tree): string {
const targetNode = this.node.child(0);
const conditionNode = this.node.child(1);
const contentNode = this.node.child(2);
if (!contentNode) {
throw new Error('Update command requires content');
// Extract the new content from the content node
const newContent = this.extractContent(contentNode);
// If no target is specified, replace the entire content
if (!targetNode) {
return newContent;
// Find the target in the content tree
const targets = this.findTargets(tree, targetNode, conditionNode || undefined);
// Apply the update to each target
let result = content;
for (const target of targets.reverse()) { // Reverse to maintain positions
result = this.replaceContent(result, target.startIndex, target.endIndex, newContent);
return result;
private extractContent(node: SyntaxNode): string {
// Remove quotes from string content
return node.text.replace(/^['"`]|['"`]$/g, '');
private findTargets(tree: Tree, targetNode: SyntaxNode, conditionNode?: SyntaxNode): Array<{startIndex: number, endIndex: number}> {
const targets: Array<{startIndex: number, endIndex: number}> = [];
const rootNode = tree.rootNode;
// Handle different target types
switch (targetNode.type) {
case 'identifier':
// Find all nodes matching the identifier
this.findNodesWithType(rootNode, targetNode.text, targets);
case 'string':
// Find exact text matches
const searchText = targetNode.text.replace(/^['"`]|['"`]$/g, '');
this.findNodesWithText(rootNode, searchText, targets);
case 'regex_pattern':
// Find regex matches
const pattern = this.extractRegexPattern(targetNode);
this.findNodesMatchingRegex(rootNode, pattern, targets);
// Apply condition filtering if present
if (conditionNode) {
return this.filterTargetsByCondition(targets, conditionNode, tree);
return targets;
private findNodesWithType(node: SyntaxNode, type: string, targets: Array<{startIndex: number, endIndex: number}>) {
if (node.type === type) {
startIndex: node.startIndex,
endIndex: node.endIndex,
for (let i = 0; i < node.childCount; i++) {
const child = node.child(i);
if (child) {
this.findNodesWithType(child, type, targets);
private findNodesWithText(node: SyntaxNode, text: string, targets: Array<{startIndex: number, endIndex: number}>) {
if (node.text === text) {
startIndex: node.startIndex,
endIndex: node.endIndex,
for (let i = 0; i < node.childCount; i++) {
const child = node.child(i);
if (child) {
this.findNodesWithText(child, text, targets);
private findNodesMatchingRegex(node: SyntaxNode, pattern: RegExp, targets: Array<{startIndex: number, endIndex: number}>) {
if (pattern.test(node.text)) {
startIndex: node.startIndex,
endIndex: node.endIndex,
for (let i = 0; i < node.childCount; i++) {
const child = node.child(i);
if (child) {
this.findNodesMatchingRegex(child, pattern, targets);
private extractRegexPattern(node: SyntaxNode): RegExp {
const pattern = node.text.match(/\/(.+)\/([gimsuy]*)/);
if (!pattern) {
throw new Error('Invalid regex pattern');
return new RegExp(pattern[1], pattern[2]);
private filterTargetsByCondition(
targets: Array<{startIndex: number, endIndex: number}>,
conditionNode: SyntaxNode,
tree: Tree
): Array<{startIndex: number, endIndex: number}> {
// Extract condition components
const [field, operator, value] = this.parseCondition(conditionNode);
return targets.filter(target => {
// Apply condition based on field and operator
switch (field) {
case 'type':
const node = this.findNodeAtPosition(tree.rootNode, target.startIndex, target.endIndex);
return node ? (operator === '=' ? node.type === value : node.type.includes(value)) : false;
case 'text':
const textNode = this.findNodeAtPosition(tree.rootNode, target.startIndex, target.endIndex);
return textNode ? (operator === '=' ? textNode.text === value : textNode.text.includes(value)) : false;
return true;
findNodeAtPosition(node: SyntaxNode, startIndex: number, endIndex: number): SyntaxNode | null {
if (node.startIndex === startIndex && node.endIndex === endIndex) {
return node;
for (let i = 0; i < node.childCount; i++) {
const child = node.child(i);
if (child && child.startIndex <= startIndex && child.endIndex >= endIndex) {
const found = this.findNodeAtPosition(child, startIndex, endIndex);
if (found) {
return found;
return null;
parseCondition(node: SyntaxNode): [string, string, string] {
const field = node.child(0)?.text || '';
const operator = node.child(1)?.text || '=';
const value = node.child(2)?.text.replace(/^['"`]|['"`]$/g, '') || '';
return [field, operator, value];
replaceContent(content: string, start: number, end: number, newContent: string): string {
return content.substring(0, start) + newContent + content.substring(end);
* Command to select code elements
export class SelectCommand implements Command {
constructor(private node: SyntaxNode) {}
execute(content: string, tree: Tree): string {
const targetNode = this.node.child(0);
const conditionNode = this.node.child(1);
if (!targetNode) {
return content; // Return full content if no target specified
// Find matching nodes
const targets = this.findTargets(tree, targetNode, conditionNode || undefined);
// Extract and join the selected content
return targets.map(target =>
content.substring(target.startIndex, target.endIndex)
private findTargets(tree: Tree, targetNode: SyntaxNode, conditionNode?: SyntaxNode): Array<{startIndex: number, endIndex: number}> {
const targets: Array<{startIndex: number, endIndex: number}> = [];
const rootNode = tree.rootNode;
// Handle different target types
switch (targetNode.type) {
case 'identifier':
// Find all nodes matching the identifier
this.findNodesWithType(rootNode, targetNode.text, targets);
case 'string':
// Find exact text matches
const searchText = targetNode.text.replace(/^['"`]|['"`]$/g, '');
this.findNodesWithText(rootNode, searchText, targets);
case 'regex_pattern':
// Find regex matches
const pattern = this.extractRegexPattern(targetNode);
this.findNodesMatchingRegex(rootNode, pattern, targets);
// Apply condition filtering if present
if (conditionNode) {
return this.filterTargetsByCondition(targets, conditionNode, tree);
return targets;
private findNodesWithType(node: SyntaxNode, type: string, targets: Array<{startIndex: number, endIndex: number}>) {
if (node.type === type) {
startIndex: node.startIndex,
endIndex: node.endIndex
for (let i = 0; i < node.childCount; i++) {
const child = node.child(i);
if (child) {
this.findNodesWithType(child, type, targets);
private findNodesWithText(node: SyntaxNode, text: string, targets: Array<{startIndex: number, endIndex: number}>) {
if (node.text === text) {
startIndex: node.startIndex,
endIndex: node.endIndex
for (let i = 0; i < node.childCount; i++) {
const child = node.child(i);
if (child) {
this.findNodesWithText(child, text, targets);
private findNodesMatchingRegex(node: SyntaxNode, pattern: RegExp, targets: Array<{startIndex: number, endIndex: number}>) {
if (pattern.test(node.text)) {
startIndex: node.startIndex,
endIndex: node.endIndex
for (let i = 0; i < node.childCount; i++) {
const child = node.child(i);
if (child) {
this.findNodesMatchingRegex(child, pattern, targets);
private extractRegexPattern(node: SyntaxNode): RegExp {
const pattern = node.text.match(/\/(.+)\/([gimsuy]*)/);
if (!pattern) {
throw new Error('Invalid regex pattern');
return new RegExp(pattern[1], pattern[2]);
private filterTargetsByCondition(
targets: Array<{startIndex: number, endIndex: number}>,
conditionNode: SyntaxNode,
tree: Tree
): Array<{startIndex: number, endIndex: number}> {
// Extract condition components
const [field, operator, value] = this.parseCondition(conditionNode);
return targets.filter(target => {
// Apply condition based on field and operator
switch (field) {
case 'type':
const node = this.findNodeAtPosition(tree.rootNode, target.startIndex, target.endIndex);
return node ? (operator === '=' ? node.type === value : node.type.includes(value)) : false;
case 'text':
const textNode = this.findNodeAtPosition(tree.rootNode, target.startIndex, target.endIndex);
return textNode ? (operator === '=' ? textNode.text === value : textNode.text.includes(value)) : false;
return true;
findNodeAtPosition(node: SyntaxNode, startIndex: number, endIndex: number): SyntaxNode | null {
if (node.startIndex === startIndex && node.endIndex === endIndex) {
return node;
for (let i = 0; i < node.childCount; i++) {
const child = node.child(i);
if (child && child.startIndex <= startIndex && child.endIndex >= endIndex) {
const found = this.findNodeAtPosition(child, startIndex, endIndex);
if (found) {
return found;
return null;
parseCondition(node: SyntaxNode): [string, string, string] {
const field = node.child(0)?.text || '';
const operator = node.child(1)?.text || '=';
const value = node.child(2)?.text.replace(/^['"`]|['"`]$/g, '') || '';
return [field, operator, value];
* Command to delete code elements
export class DeleteCommand implements Command {
constructor(private node: SyntaxNode) {}
execute(content: string, tree: Tree): string {
const targetNode = this.node.child(0);
const conditionNode = this.node.child(1);
if (!targetNode) {
return ''; // Delete everything if no target specified
// Find the targets to delete
const targets = this.findTargets(tree, targetNode, conditionNode || undefined);
// Remove the targets from the content
let result = content;
for (const target of targets.reverse()) { // Reverse to maintain positions
result = this.deleteContent(result, target.startIndex, target.endIndex);
return result;
private findTargets(tree: Tree, targetNode: SyntaxNode, conditionNode?: SyntaxNode): Array<{startIndex: number, endIndex: number}> {
const targets: Array<{startIndex: number, endIndex: number}> = [];
const rootNode = tree.rootNode;
// Handle different target types
switch (targetNode.type) {
case 'identifier':
// Find all nodes matching the identifier
this.findNodesWithType(rootNode, targetNode.text, targets);
case 'string':
// Find exact text matches
const searchText = targetNode.text.replace(/^['"`]|['"`]$/g, '');
this.findNodesWithText(rootNode, searchText, targets);
case 'regex_pattern':
// Find regex matches
const pattern = this.extractRegexPattern(targetNode);
this.findNodesMatchingRegex(rootNode, pattern, targets);
// Apply condition filtering if present
if (conditionNode) {
return this.filterTargetsByCondition(targets, conditionNode, tree);
return targets;
private findNodesWithType(node: SyntaxNode, type: string, targets: Array<{startIndex: number, endIndex: number}>) {
if (node.type === type) {
startIndex: node.startIndex,
endIndex: node.endIndex
for (let i = 0; i < node.childCount; i++) {
const child = node.child(i);
if (child) {
this.findNodesWithType(child, type, targets);
private findNodesWithText(node: SyntaxNode, text: string, targets: Array<{startIndex: number, endIndex: number}>) {
if (node.text === text) {
startIndex: node.startIndex,
endIndex: node.endIndex
for (let i = 0; i < node.childCount; i++) {
const child = node.child(i);
if (child) {
this.findNodesWithText(child, text, targets);
private findNodesMatchingRegex(node: SyntaxNode, pattern: RegExp, targets: Array<{startIndex: number, endIndex: number}>) {
if (pattern.test(node.text)) {
startIndex: node.startIndex,
endIndex: node.endIndex
for (let i = 0; i < node.childCount; i++) {
const child = node.child(i);
if (child) {
this.findNodesMatchingRegex(child, pattern, targets);
private extractRegexPattern(node: SyntaxNode): RegExp {
const pattern = node.text.match(/\/(.+)\/([gimsuy]*)/);
if (!pattern) {
throw new Error('Invalid regex pattern');
return new RegExp(pattern[1], pattern[2]);
private filterTargetsByCondition(
targets: Array<{startIndex: number, endIndex: number}>,
conditionNode: SyntaxNode,
tree: Tree
): Array<{startIndex: number, endIndex: number}> {
// Extract condition components
const [field, operator, value] = this.parseCondition(conditionNode);
return targets.filter(target => {
// Apply condition based on field and operator
switch (field) {
case 'type':
const node = this.findNodeAtPosition(tree.rootNode, target.startIndex, target.endIndex);
return node ? (operator === '=' ? node.type === value : node.type.includes(value)) : false;
case 'text':
const textNode = this.findNodeAtPosition(tree.rootNode, target.startIndex, target.endIndex);
return textNode ? (operator === '=' ? textNode.text === value : textNode.text.includes(value)) : false;
return true;
findNodeAtPosition(node: SyntaxNode, startIndex: number, endIndex: number): SyntaxNode | null {
if (node.startIndex === startIndex && node.endIndex === endIndex) {
return node;
for (let i = 0; i < node.childCount; i++) {
const child = node.child(i);
if (child && child.startIndex <= startIndex && child.endIndex >= endIndex) {
const found = this.findNodeAtPosition(child, startIndex, endIndex);
if (found) {
return found;
return null;
parseCondition(node: SyntaxNode): [string, string, string] {
const field = node.child(0)?.text || '';
const operator = node.child(1)?.text || '=';
const value = node.child(2)?.text.replace(/^['"`]|['"`]$/g, '') || '';
return [field, operator, value];
deleteContent(content: string, start: number, end: number): string {
return content.substring(0, start) + content.substring(end);
* Command to insert code elements
export class InsertCommand implements Command {
constructor(private node: SyntaxNode) {}
execute(content: string, tree: Tree): string {
const positionNode = this.node.child(0);
const contentNode = this.node.child(1);
if (!positionNode || !contentNode) {
throw new Error('Insert command requires position and content');
const newContent = this.extractContent(contentNode);
const position = positionNode.text;
switch (position) {
case 'start':
return newContent + content;
case 'end':
return content + newContent;
case 'before':
case 'after':
// TODO: Implement relative positioning
return content;
throw new Error(`Unknown position: ${position}`);
private extractContent(node: SyntaxNode): string {
// Remove quotes from string content
return node.text.replace(/^['"`]|['"`]$/g, '');
* Command to create new files
export class CreateCommand implements Command {
constructor(private node: SyntaxNode) {}
execute(content: string, tree: Tree): string {
const pathNode = this.node.child(0);
const contentNode = this.node.child(1);
if (!pathNode) {
throw new Error('Create command requires a file path');
return contentNode ? this.extractContent(contentNode) : '';
private extractContent(node: SyntaxNode): string {
return node.text.replace(/^['"`]|['"`]$/g, '');
* Command to remove files
export class RemoveFileCommand implements Command {
constructor(private node: SyntaxNode) {}
execute(content: string, tree: Tree): string {
const pathNode = this.node.child(0);
if (!pathNode) {
throw new Error('Remove command requires a file path');
return ''; // File removal is handled by FileOperations
* Command to move files
export class MoveFileCommand implements Command {
constructor(private node: SyntaxNode) {}
execute(content: string, tree: Tree): string {
const sourceNode = this.node.child(0);
const targetNode = this.node.child(1);
if (!sourceNode || !targetNode) {
throw new Error('Move command requires source and target paths');
return content; // File moving is handled by FileOperations
* Command to call external functions
export class CallCommand implements Command {
constructor(private node: SyntaxNode) {}
execute(content: string, tree: Tree): string {
const functionNode = this.node.child(0);
const argsNode = this.node.child(1);
if (!functionNode) {
throw new Error('Call command requires a function name');
// Function calls should be handled by a separate function registry
return content;
* Factory to create appropriate command instances
export class CommandFactory {
static createCommand(node: SyntaxNode): Command {
switch (node.type) {
case 'update_command':
return new UpdateCommand(node);
case 'select_command':
return new SelectCommand(node);
case 'delete_command':
return new DeleteCommand(node);
case 'insert_command':
return new InsertCommand(node);
case 'create_command':
return new CreateCommand(node);
case 'rm_file_command':
return new RemoveFileCommand(node);
case 'mv_file_command':
return new MoveFileCommand(node);
case 'call_command':
return new CallCommand(node);
throw new Error(`Unknown command type: ${node.type}`);