Image Toolkit MCP Server

# """ PromptShopMCP A MCP server that allows you to edit photos using simple text commands. Transform images like a professional designer by just describing what you want in natural language. Features: - Image generation from text prompts using Google's Gemini models - Image modification based on text instructions - Background removal using API - Image hosting and sharing via Required environment variables: - GEMINI_API_KEY: Your Google Gemini API key - FREEIMAGE_API_KEY: Your API key - REMOVEBG_API_KEY: Your API key Usage: 1. Set the required environment variables 2. Run the server using FastMCP 3. Use the provided tools to generate and process images """ from mcp.server.fastmcp import FastMCP import base64 import os import tempfile import requests from io import BytesIO from PIL import Image import hashlib from google import genai from google.genai import types from mcp.server.fastmcp import Image as MCPImage import sys # Create an MCP server mcp = FastMCP("PromptShopMCP") # Directory to store generated images IMAGES_DIR = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "generated_images") os.makedirs(IMAGES_DIR, exist_ok=True) # Track uploaded and generated files uploaded_files = {} generated_files = {} # Helper function for logging to stderr (won't interfere with JSON RPC) def log_debug(message): print(message, file=sys.stderr, flush=True) def is_safe_image(image_data): """ Perform basic safety checks on an image Parameters: - image_data: Binary image data Returns: - Boolean indicating if image appears safe """ try: # Basic validation that this is a valid image file img = img.verify() # Check file size (prevent excessively large images) if len(image_data) > 10 * 1024 * 1024: # 10MB limit return False # Calculate image hash for potential blacklist checking # (Could be expanded to check against known unsafe image hashes) image_hash = hashlib.md5(image_data).hexdigest() # Additional checks could be added here # - AI-based content moderation # - More sophisticated image analysis return True except Exception as e: log_debug(f"Image safety check failed: {str(e)}") return False def download_image(url): """ Download an image from a URL Parameters: - url: URL of the image to download Returns: - Tuple of (success_boolean, image_data_or_error_message) """ try: # Set a timeout and user agent for the request headers = { "User-Agent": "GeminiImageModifier/1.0" } response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, timeout=10) # Check if request was successful if response.status_code == 200: # Check content type is an image content_type = response.headers.get('Content-Type', '') if not content_type.startswith('image/'): return False, f"Not an image: Content-Type is {content_type}" # Get image data image_data = response.content # Check image safety if is_safe_image(image_data): return True, image_data else: return False, "Image failed safety checks" else: return False, f"Failed to download image: HTTP {response.status_code}" except Exception as e: return False, f"Error downloading image: {str(e)}" def upload_to_freeimage(image_data, filename="gemini_generated_image.jpg"): """ Upload an image to Parameters: - image_data: Binary image data - filename: Name to use for the uploaded file Returns: - Tuple of (success_boolean, response_data_or_error_message) """ try: # Get API key from environment or use default api_key = os.environ.get("FREEIMAGE_API_KEY") # Prepare the API endpoint upload_url = "" # Encode image data as base64 image_base64 = base64.b64encode(image_data).decode('utf-8') # Prepare payload payload = { 'key': api_key, 'action': 'upload', 'source': image_base64, 'format': 'json' } # Make the API request response =, data=payload, timeout=30) # Check if request was successful if response.status_code == 200: response_data = response.json() if response_data.get('status_code') == 200: return True, response_data else: return False, f"API error: {response_data.get('status_txt', 'Unknown error')}" else: return False, f"HTTP error: {response.status_code}" except Exception as e: return False, f"Error uploading to {str(e)}" @mcp.resource("generated-image://{image_id}") def get_generated_image(image_id: str) -> bytes: """ Get a previously generated image by its ID """ if image_id in generated_files: with open(generated_files[image_id]["path"], "rb") as f: return elif image_id in uploaded_files: with open(uploaded_files[image_id]["path"], "rb") as f: return else: return f"Error: Image with ID {image_id} not found" @mcp.resource("image-info://{image_id}") def get_image_info(image_id: str) -> str: """ Get information about a previously generated or uploaded image """ if image_id in generated_files: info = generated_files[image_id] result = f"Generated image: {info['name']}\nMIME type: {info['mime_type']}\nPrompt: {info['prompt']}" # Add external URL if available if 'external_url' in info: result += f"\nExternal URL: {info['external_url']}" if 'display_url' in info: result += f"\nDisplay URL: {info['display_url']}" if 'thumb_url' in info: result += f"\nThumbnail URL: {info['thumb_url']}" return result elif image_id in uploaded_files: info = uploaded_files[image_id] return f"Uploaded image: {info['name']}\nMIME type: {info['mime_type']}" else: return f"Error: Image with ID {image_id} not found" @mcp.resource("list-images://") def list_images() -> str: """ List all available images (both uploaded and generated) """ result = "Uploaded images:\n" for img_id, info in uploaded_files.items(): result += f"- {img_id}: {info['name']} ({info['mime_type']})\n" result += "\nGenerated images:\n" for img_id, info in generated_files.items(): result += f"- {img_id}: {info['name']} ({info['mime_type']})" if 'external_url' in info: result += f" | External URL: {info['external_url']}" result += "\n" return result @mcp.tool() def generate_image_from_url( image_url: str, prompt: str, mime_type: str = "image/jpeg", temperature: float = 1.0, top_p: float = 0.95, top_k: int = 40 ) -> str: """ Download an image from URL and use Gemini to modify it based on prompt, returning only the image URL. The image will be uploaded to and can be embedded in markdown using ![image](url) format. Use this tool to edit images. We will give you an image and a url, use the url for further image editing. You must provide the image url in markdown format in the response. Parameters: - image_url: URL of the image to download and modify - prompt: Text instruction for how to modify the image, this prompt should be simple and concise, like "add sth to sth" or "remove sth" or "change sth to sth" - mime_type: MIME type of the image (default: image/jpeg) - temperature: Creativity parameter (0.0-1.0) - top_p: Token selection parameter (0.0-1.0) - top_k: Token selection parameter (1-100) Returns: - String containing only the image URL """ # Get API key from environment api_key = os.environ.get("GEMINI_API_KEY") if not api_key: raise ValueError("GEMINI_API_KEY environment variable not set") # Download image from URL success, result = download_image(image_url) if not success: raise ValueError(f"Error downloading image from URL: {result}") # Create a temporary file for the downloaded image with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=".jpg") as temp_file: temp_file.write(result) temp_file_path = try: # Initialize Gemini client client = genai.Client(api_key=api_key) # Upload file to Gemini uploaded_file = client.files.upload( file=temp_file_path, config={"mime_type": mime_type} ) # Create a conversation history with the uploaded image # This is similar to the reference code structure contents = [ types.Content( role="user", parts=[ types.Part.from_uri( file_uri=uploaded_file.uri, mime_type=mime_type, ), types.Part.from_text(text=prompt), ] ), ] # Configure the generation request generate_content_config = types.GenerateContentConfig( temperature=temperature, top_p=top_p, top_k=top_k, max_output_tokens=8192, response_modalities=[ "image", "text", ], response_mime_type="text/plain", ) # Use streaming to capture the response chunks image_data = None response_mime_type = None text_response = "" # Process the streamed response for chunk in client.models.generate_content_stream( model="gemini-2.0-flash-exp", contents=contents, config=generate_content_config, ): if not chunk.candidates or not chunk.candidates[0].content or not chunk.candidates[0] continue # Check for inline image data if hasattr(chunk.candidates[0][0], 'inline_data') and chunk.candidates[0][0].inline_data: image_data = chunk.candidates[0][0] response_mime_type = chunk.candidates[0][0].inline_data.mime_type log_debug(f"Received inline image data: {response_mime_type}") break # Once we have the image, we can stop processing # Accumulate text response elif hasattr(chunk, 'text') and chunk.text: text_response += chunk.text # If we found inline image data if image_data: # Save generated image to a file for history tracking import time output_file_name = f"generated_{int(time.time())}.jpg" output_file_path = os.path.join(IMAGES_DIR, output_file_name) # Save to file for history with open(output_file_path, "wb") as f: f.write(image_data) # Store generated file info file_id = f"gen_{len(generated_files)}" generated_files[file_id] = { "path": output_file_path, "name": output_file_name, "mime_type": response_mime_type or "image/jpeg", "prompt": prompt, "source_url": image_url } # Upload the generated image to upload_success, upload_result = upload_to_freeimage( image_data, output_file_name) image_url = None if upload_success: # Extract the URL from the response image_url = upload_result.get('image', {}).get('url') thumb_url = upload_result.get( 'image', {}).get('thumb', {}).get('url') display_url = upload_result.get('image', {}).get('display_url') # Add the URL to the generated file info generated_files[file_id]['external_url'] = image_url generated_files[file_id]['thumb_url'] = thumb_url generated_files[file_id]['display_url'] = display_url log_debug(f"Image uploaded to {image_url}") # Just return the URL as a string return image_url else: log_debug( f"Failed to upload to {upload_result}") raise ValueError( f"Failed to upload image to {upload_result}") # If no inline image found, but we have text response, log for debugging if text_response: log_debug(f"Received text response: {text_response}") # If we reach here, no valid image was obtained raise ValueError( "No image data returned from Gemini. Please try a different prompt or image.") finally: # Clean up temporary file try: os.unlink(temp_file_path) except: pass @mcp.tool() def generate_image_from_text( prompt: str, temperature: float = 1.0, top_p: float = 0.95, top_k: int = 40 ) -> str: """ Generate an image using Gemini based on a text prompt only (no input image required). Here's how prompt should be written like, you need to expand on the details: - "Close-up photograph of a pair of mismatched socks with different patterns, on a dark blue velvet wooden background." - "Dreamy pastel landscape, soft lines, gentle colors, fluffy clouds, rainbow mountains, minimalist" - "Group of aliens visiting a farmer's market, trying to understand human food culture. Lots of fresh fruits and vegetables everywhere" - "Renaissance vampire king, flower-studded hat, flared nostrils, pink hue, soft gaze, portrait, candid, quarter-turn" The image will be uploaded to and can be embedded in markdown using ![image](url) format. Use this tool when you need to create a completely new image from a text description. You must provide the image url in markdown format in your response. Parameters: - prompt: Text instruction for what image to generate - temperature: Creativity parameter (0.0-1.0) - top_p: Token selection parameter (0.0-1.0) - top_k: Token selection parameter (1-100) Returns: - String containing only the image URL """ # Get API key from environment api_key = os.environ.get("GEMINI_API_KEY") if not api_key: raise ValueError("GEMINI_API_KEY environment variable not set") try: # Initialize Gemini client client = genai.Client(api_key=api_key) # Create content with just the text prompt contents = [ types.Content( role="user", parts=[ types.Part.from_text(text=prompt), ] ), ] # Configure the generation request generate_content_config = types.GenerateContentConfig( temperature=temperature, top_p=top_p, top_k=top_k, max_output_tokens=8192, response_modalities=[ "image", "text", ], response_mime_type="text/plain", ) # Use streaming to capture the response chunks image_data = None response_mime_type = None text_response = "" # Process the streamed response for chunk in client.models.generate_content_stream( model="gemini-2.0-flash-exp", contents=contents, config=generate_content_config, ): if not chunk.candidates or not chunk.candidates[0].content or not chunk.candidates[0] continue # Check for inline image data if hasattr(chunk.candidates[0][0], 'inline_data') and chunk.candidates[0][0].inline_data: image_data = chunk.candidates[0][0] response_mime_type = chunk.candidates[0][0].inline_data.mime_type log_debug(f"Received inline image data: {response_mime_type}") break # Once we have the image, we can stop processing # Accumulate text response elif hasattr(chunk, 'text') and chunk.text: text_response += chunk.text # If we found inline image data if image_data: # Save generated image to a file for history tracking import time output_file_name = f"generated_{int(time.time())}.jpg" output_file_path = os.path.join(IMAGES_DIR, output_file_name) # Save to file for history with open(output_file_path, "wb") as f: f.write(image_data) # Store generated file info file_id = f"gen_{len(generated_files)}" generated_files[file_id] = { "path": output_file_path, "name": output_file_name, "mime_type": response_mime_type or "image/jpeg", "prompt": prompt } # Upload the generated image to upload_success, upload_result = upload_to_freeimage( image_data, output_file_name) if upload_success: # Extract the URL from the response image_url = upload_result.get('image', {}).get('url') thumb_url = upload_result.get( 'image', {}).get('thumb', {}).get('url') display_url = upload_result.get('image', {}).get('display_url') # Add the URL to the generated file info generated_files[file_id]['external_url'] = image_url generated_files[file_id]['thumb_url'] = thumb_url generated_files[file_id]['display_url'] = display_url log_debug(f"Image uploaded to {image_url}") # Just return the URL as a string return image_url else: log_debug( f"Failed to upload to {upload_result}") raise ValueError( f"Failed to upload image to {upload_result}") # If no inline image found, but we have text response, log for debugging if text_response: log_debug(f"Received text response: {text_response}") # If we reach here, no valid image was obtained raise ValueError( "No image data returned from Gemini. Please try a different prompt.") except Exception as e: log_debug(f"Error in generate_image_from_text: {str(e)}") raise ValueError(f"Failed to generate image: {str(e)}") @mcp.tool() def remove_background( image_url: str, size: str = "auto" ) -> str: """ Remove the background from an image using the API. The processed image will be uploaded to and can be embedded in markdown using ![image](url) format. You must provide the image url in markdown format in your response. Parameters: - image_url: URL of the image to process - size: Output image size (auto, small, medium, hd, 4k, etc.) Returns: - String containing only the URL of the background-removed image """ # Get API key from environment api_key = os.environ.get("REMOVEBG_API_KEY") if not api_key: raise ValueError("REMOVEBG_API_KEY environment variable not set") # Download image from URL success, image_data = download_image(image_url) if not success: raise ValueError(f"Error downloading image from URL: {image_data}") try: # Call the API response = '', files={'image_file': image_data}, data={'size': size}, headers={'X-Api-Key': api_key}, ) # Check if request was successful if response.status_code != raise ValueError( f" API error: {response.status_code} - {response.text}") # Get the processed image data processed_image_data = response.content # Save processed image to a file for history tracking import time output_file_name = f"no_bg_{int(time.time())}.png" output_file_path = os.path.join(IMAGES_DIR, output_file_name) # Save to file for history with open(output_file_path, "wb") as f: f.write(processed_image_data) # Store generated file info file_id = f"gen_{len(generated_files)}" generated_files[file_id] = { "path": output_file_path, "name": output_file_name, "mime_type": "image/png", "prompt": f"Background removed from {image_url}", "source_url": image_url } # Upload the processed image to upload_success, upload_result = upload_to_freeimage( processed_image_data, output_file_name) if upload_success: # Extract the URL from the response result_url = upload_result.get('image', {}).get('url') thumb_url = upload_result.get( 'image', {}).get('thumb', {}).get('url') display_url = upload_result.get('image', {}).get('display_url') # Add the URL to the generated file info generated_files[file_id]['external_url'] = result_url generated_files[file_id]['thumb_url'] = thumb_url generated_files[file_id]['display_url'] = display_url log_debug( f"Background-removed image uploaded to {result_url}") # Just return the URL as a string return result_url else: log_debug(f"Failed to upload to {upload_result}") raise ValueError( f"Failed to upload image to {upload_result}") except Exception as e: log_debug(f"Error in remove_background: {str(e)}") raise ValueError(f"Failed to remove background: {str(e)}")