/** * Response formatter utility for consistent API responses * Provides formatting for resources, tools, and prompts */ /** * Create a success response with the given data */ export function formatSuccessResponse<T>(data: T, meta: Record<string, any> = {}): { success: true; data: T; meta?: Record<string, any>; } { return { success: true, data, ...(Object.keys(meta).length > 0 ? { meta } : {}) }; } /** * Create an error response with the given message and code */ export function formatErrorResponse(error: string, code: string = 'ERROR', details?: any): { success: false; error: string; code: string; details?: any; } { return { success: false, error, code, ...(details ? { details } : {}) }; } /** * Create a tool error response object */ export function createToolErrorResponse(error: string, code: string = 'ERROR', details?: any) { return { content: [{ type: "text" as const, text: JSON.stringify(formatErrorResponse(error, code, details), null, 2), mimeType: "application/json" }], isError: true }; } /** * Create a tool success response object */ export function createToolSuccessResponse<T>(data: T, meta: Record<string, any> = {}) { return { content: [{ type: "text" as const, text: JSON.stringify(formatSuccessResponse(data, meta), null, 2), mimeType: "application/json" }] }; } /** * Create a resource error response object */ export function createResourceErrorResponse(uri: string, error: string, code: string = 'ERROR', details?: any) { return { contents: [{ uri, text: JSON.stringify(formatErrorResponse(error, code, details), null, 2), mimeType: "application/json" }] }; } /** * Create a resource success response object */ export function createResourceSuccessResponse<T>(uri: string, data: T, meta: Record<string, any> = {}) { return { contents: [{ uri, text: JSON.stringify(formatSuccessResponse(data, meta), null, 2), mimeType: "application/json" }] }; } /** * Format a successful prompt response in the MCP format */ export function formatPromptSuccessResponse(text: string, references: string[] = []): { messages: Array<{ role: 'assistant'; content: { type: 'text'; text: string; }; }>; references?: string[]; } { return { messages: [ { role: 'assistant', content: { type: 'text', text } } ], ...(references.length > 0 ? { references } : {}) }; } /** * Format an error prompt response in the MCP format */ export function formatPromptErrorResponse(error: string, code: string = 'ERROR'): { messages: Array<{ role: 'assistant'; content: { type: 'text'; text: string; }; }>; error: string; code: string; } { return { messages: [ { role: 'assistant', content: { type: 'text', text: `Error: ${error}` } } ], error, code }; }