by bytebase
- src
- prompts
import { z } from "zod";
import { ConnectorManager } from '../connectors/manager.js';
import { formatPromptSuccessResponse, formatPromptErrorResponse } from '../utils/response-formatter.js';
// Schema for database explainer prompt
export const dbExplainerSchema = {
target: z.string().describe("Name of the table, column, or database to explain")
* Database Explainer Prompt Handler
* Provides explanations about database elements
export async function dbExplainerPromptHandler({ target }: { target: string }, _extra: any) {
try {
const connector = ConnectorManager.getCurrentConnector();
// First check if this is a table name
const tables = await connector.getTables();
const normalizedTarget = target.toLowerCase();
// Check if target matches a table
const matchingTable = tables.find(t => t.toLowerCase() === normalizedTarget);
if (matchingTable) {
// Explain the table
const columns = await connector.getTableSchema(matchingTable);
// Create a table structure description
const tableDescription = `Table: ${matchingTable}
${columns.map(col => `- ${col.column_name} (${col.data_type})${col.is_nullable === 'YES' ? ', nullable' : ''}${col.column_default ? `, default: ${col.column_default}` : ''}`).join('\n')}
This table appears to store ${determineTablePurpose(matchingTable, columns)}
${determineRelationships(matchingTable, columns)}`;
return formatPromptSuccessResponse(tableDescription);
// Check if target is a table.column format
if (target.includes('.')) {
const [tableName, columnName] = target.split('.');
if (tables.find(t => t.toLowerCase() === tableName.toLowerCase())) {
// Get column info
const columns = await connector.getTableSchema(tableName);
const column = columns.find(c => c.column_name.toLowerCase() === columnName.toLowerCase());
if (column) {
const columnDescription = `Column: ${tableName}.${column.column_name}
Type: ${column.data_type}
Nullable: ${column.is_nullable === 'YES' ? 'Yes' : 'No'}
Default: ${column.column_default || 'None'}
${determineColumnPurpose(column.column_name, column.data_type)}`;
return formatPromptSuccessResponse(columnDescription);
// If target is not a specific table or column, provide database overview
// Determine if 'database' or similar term is in the target
if (['database', 'db', 'schema', 'overview', 'all'].includes(normalizedTarget)) {
let dbOverview = `Database Overview
Tables: ${tables.length}
${tables.map(t => `- ${t}`).join('\n')}
This database ${describeDatabasePurpose(tables)}`;
return formatPromptSuccessResponse(dbOverview);
// If no match is found but the target could be a partial match
const possibleTableMatches = tables.filter(t =>
t.toLowerCase().includes(normalizedTarget) ||
if (possibleTableMatches.length > 0) {
return formatPromptSuccessResponse(
`Could not find exact match for "${target}". Did you mean one of these tables?\n\n${possibleTableMatches.join('\n')}`
// No match found
return formatPromptErrorResponse(
`Could not find a table, column, or database feature matching "${target}"`,
} catch (error) {
return formatPromptErrorResponse(
`Error explaining database: ${(error as Error).message}`,
* Helper function to make an educated guess about the purpose of a table
* based on its name and columns
function determineTablePurpose(tableName: string, columns: any[]): string {
const lowerTableName = tableName.toLowerCase();
const columnNames = columns.map(c => c.column_name.toLowerCase());
// Check for common patterns
if (lowerTableName.includes('user') || columnNames.includes('username') || columnNames.includes('email')) {
return 'user information and profiles';
if (lowerTableName.includes('order') || lowerTableName.includes('purchase')) {
return 'order or purchase transactions';
if (lowerTableName.includes('product') || lowerTableName.includes('item')) {
return 'product or item information';
if (lowerTableName.includes('log') || columnNames.includes('timestamp')) {
return 'event or activity logs';
if (columnNames.includes('created_at') && columnNames.includes('updated_at')) {
return 'tracking timestamped data records';
// Default
return 'data related to ' + tableName;
* Helper function to determine potential relationships based on column names
function determineRelationships(tableName: string, columns: any[]): string {
const potentialRelationships = [];
// Look for _id columns which often indicate foreign keys
const idColumns = columns.filter(c =>
c.column_name.toLowerCase().endsWith('_id') &&
if (idColumns.length > 0) {
idColumns.forEach(col => {
const referencedTable = col.column_name.toLowerCase().replace('_id', '');
potentialRelationships.push(`May have a relationship with the "${referencedTable}" table (via ${col.column_name})`);
// Check if the table itself might be referenced by others
if (columns.some(c => c.column_name.toLowerCase() === 'id')) {
potentialRelationships.push(`May be referenced by other tables as "${tableName.toLowerCase()}_id"`);
return potentialRelationships.length > 0
? potentialRelationships.join('\n')
: 'No obvious relationships identified based on column names';
* Helper function to determine the purpose of a column based on naming patterns
function determineColumnPurpose(columnName: string, dataType: string): string {
const lowerColumnName = columnName.toLowerCase();
if (lowerColumnName === 'id') {
return 'Primary identifier for records in this table';
if (lowerColumnName.endsWith('_id')) {
const referencedTable = lowerColumnName.replace('_id', '');
return `Foreign key reference to the "${referencedTable}" table`;
if (lowerColumnName.includes('name')) {
return 'Stores name information';
if (lowerColumnName.includes('email')) {
return 'Stores email address information';
if (lowerColumnName.includes('password') || lowerColumnName.includes('hash')) {
return 'Stores security credential information (likely hashed)';
if (lowerColumnName === 'created_at' || lowerColumnName === 'created_on') {
return 'Timestamp for when the record was created';
if (lowerColumnName === 'updated_at' || lowerColumnName === 'modified_at') {
return 'Timestamp for when the record was last updated';
if (lowerColumnName.includes('date') || lowerColumnName.includes('time')) {
return 'Stores date or time information';
if (lowerColumnName.includes('price') || lowerColumnName.includes('cost') || lowerColumnName.includes('amount')) {
return 'Stores monetary value information';
// Data type specific purposes
if (dataType.includes('boolean')) {
return 'Stores a true/false flag';
if (dataType.includes('json')) {
return 'Stores structured JSON data';
if (dataType.includes('text') || dataType.includes('varchar') || dataType.includes('char')) {
return 'Stores text information';
// Default
return `Stores ${dataType} data`;
* Helper function to describe the overall database purpose based on tables
function describeDatabasePurpose(tables: string[]): string {
const tableNames = tables.map(t => t.toLowerCase());
if (tableNames.some(t => t.includes('user')) &&
tableNames.some(t => t.includes('order'))) {
return 'appears to be an e-commerce or customer order management system';
if (tableNames.some(t => t.includes('patient')) ||
tableNames.some(t => t.includes('medical'))) {
return 'appears to be related to healthcare or medical record management';
if (tableNames.some(t => t.includes('student')) ||
tableNames.some(t => t.includes('course'))) {
return 'appears to be related to education or student management';
if (tableNames.some(t => t.includes('employee')) ||
tableNames.some(t => t.includes('payroll'))) {
return 'appears to be related to HR or employee management';
if (tableNames.some(t => t.includes('inventory')) ||
tableNames.some(t => t.includes('stock'))) {
return 'appears to be related to inventory or stock management';
// Default
return 'contains multiple tables that store related information';