/** * Database Connector Interface * This defines the contract that all database connectors must implement. */ export interface QueryResult { rows: any[]; [key: string]: any; } export interface TableColumn { column_name: string; data_type: string; is_nullable: string; column_default: string | null; } /** * Connection string (DSN) parser interface * Each connector needs to implement its own DSN parser */ export interface DSNParser { /** * Parse a connection string into connector-specific configuration * Example DSN formats: * - PostgreSQL: "postgres://user:password@localhost:5432/dbname?sslmode=disable" * - MySQL: "mysql://user:password@localhost:3306/dbname" * - SQLite: "sqlite:///path/to/database.db" or "sqlite::memory:" */ parse(dsn: string): any; /** * Generate a sample DSN string for this connector type */ getSampleDSN(): string; /** * Check if a DSN is valid for this connector */ isValidDSN(dsn: string): boolean; } export interface Connector { /** A unique identifier for the connector */ id: string; /** Human-readable name of the connector */ name: string; /** DSN parser for this connector */ dsnParser: DSNParser; /** Connect to the database using DSN */ connect(dsn: string): Promise<void>; /** Close the connection */ disconnect(): Promise<void>; /** Get all tables in the database */ getTables(): Promise<string[]>; /** Get schema information for a specific table */ getTableSchema(tableName: string): Promise<TableColumn[]>; /** Check if a table exists */ tableExists(tableName: string): Promise<boolean>; /** Execute a query */ executeQuery(query: string): Promise<QueryResult>; /** Validate query for safety (preventing destructive operations) */ validateQuery(query: string): { isValid: boolean; message?: string }; } /** * Registry for available database connectors */ export class ConnectorRegistry { private static connectors: Map<string, Connector> = new Map(); /** * Register a new connector */ static register(connector: Connector): void { ConnectorRegistry.connectors.set(connector.id, connector); } /** * Get a connector by ID */ static getConnector(id: string): Connector | null { return ConnectorRegistry.connectors.get(id) || null; } /** * Get connector for a DSN string * Tries to find a connector that can handle the given DSN format */ static getConnectorForDSN(dsn: string): Connector | null { for (const connector of ConnectorRegistry.connectors.values()) { if (connector.dsnParser.isValidDSN(dsn)) { return connector; } } return null; } /** * Get all available connector IDs */ static getAvailableConnectors(): string[] { return Array.from(ConnectorRegistry.connectors.keys()); } /** * Get sample DSN for a specific connector */ static getSampleDSN(connectorId: string): string | null { const connector = ConnectorRegistry.getConnector(connectorId); if (!connector) return null; return connector.dsnParser.getSampleDSN(); } /** * Get all available sample DSNs */ static getAllSampleDSNs(): { [connectorId: string]: string } { const samples: { [connectorId: string]: string } = {}; for (const [id, connector] of ConnectorRegistry.connectors.entries()) { samples[id] = connector.dsnParser.getSampleDSN(); } return samples; } }