# Workflow for publishing the DBHub package to npm # This workflow has two trigger modes: # # 1. Manual trigger (workflow_dispatch): # - Allows manually specifying version and tag # - Useful for deliberate releases # # 2. Automatic trigger (on push to main branch that modifies package.json): # - Detects if the version has changed # - Automatically determines the appropriate npm tag based on version format # - Skips publishing if the version already exists on npm name: Publish to npm on: # Manual trigger with customizable version and tag workflow_dispatch: inputs: version: description: "Version to publish (e.g., 0.1.0, 0.2.0-beta)" required: false default: "" tag: description: "NPM tag (e.g., latest, dev)" required: false default: "dev" # Automatic trigger when package.json changes in main branch push: branches: - main paths: - 'package.json' jobs: build-and-publish: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: # Checkout the repository to get access to the code - name: Checkout repository uses: actions/checkout@v4 # Set up Node.js with npm registry configuration - name: Setup Node.js uses: actions/setup-node@v4 with: node-version: "22" registry-url: "https://registry.npmjs.org/" # Use the public npm registry scope: "@bytebase" # Set the npm scope for publishing # Install pnpm for faster and more reliable package management - name: Install pnpm uses: pnpm/action-setup@v3 with: version: latest # Install project dependencies - name: Install dependencies run: pnpm install # Build the project (compile TypeScript to JavaScript) - name: Build run: pnpm run build # Determine if we need to publish and what version/tag to use - name: Check version and prepare for publishing run: | # Get current version from package.json CURRENT_VERSION=$(jq -r '.version' package.json) # CASE 1: Manual workflow trigger with specified version if [ -n "${{ inputs.version }}" ]; then VERSION="${{ inputs.version }}" TAG="${{ inputs.tag }}" SHOULD_PUBLISH="true" echo "Manual trigger: Using provided version ${VERSION} with tag ${TAG}" # CASE 2: Automatic trigger from package.json changes else VERSION="${CURRENT_VERSION}" # Check if this version already exists in npm registry to avoid duplicates if npm view @bytebase/dbhub@${VERSION} version &> /dev/null; then echo "Version ${VERSION} already exists in npm registry. Skipping publish." SHOULD_PUBLISH="false" else echo "Version ${VERSION} is new. Proceeding with publish." SHOULD_PUBLISH="true" # Determine appropriate npm tag based on version format: # - For prerelease versions like "0.1.0-beta", use "beta" as the tag # - For stable versions like "1.0.0", use "latest" as the tag if [[ "${VERSION}" == *"-"* ]]; then # Extract tag from version string (e.g., "beta" from "0.1.0-beta") TAG=$(echo "${VERSION}" | cut -d'-' -f2 | cut -d'.' -f1) echo "Prerelease version detected. Using '${TAG}' npm tag." else TAG="latest" echo "Stable version detected. Using 'latest' npm tag." fi fi fi # Store values as environment variables for use in later steps echo "PACKAGE_VERSION=${VERSION}" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "NPM_TAG=${TAG}" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "SHOULD_PUBLISH=${SHOULD_PUBLISH}" >> $GITHUB_ENV # Summary message if [ "${SHOULD_PUBLISH}" = "true" ]; then echo "Publishing version: ${VERSION} with tag: ${TAG}" fi # Only modify package.json if we're going to publish if [ "${SHOULD_PUBLISH}" = "true" ]; then # Step 1: Update package name and version echo "Preparing package.json for publishing..." jq --arg version "$VERSION" '.name = "@bytebase/dbhub" | .version = $version' package.json > package.json.tmp mv package.json.tmp package.json # Step 2: Configure which files to include in the published package echo "Setting files to include in the npm package..." jq '.files = ["dist/**/*", "LICENSE", "README.md"]' package.json > package.json.tmp mv package.json.tmp package.json # Step 3: Add binary entry for CLI usage (makes it executable with 'npx' or after global install) echo "Adding bin entry for CLI usage..." jq '.bin = {"dbhub": "dist/index.js"}' package.json > package.json.tmp mv package.json.tmp package.json echo "Package.json prepared successfully for publishing" else echo "Skipping package.json modifications as we won't be publishing" fi # Publish the package to npm if conditions are met - name: Publish to npm if: env.SHOULD_PUBLISH == 'true' run: | echo "Publishing @bytebase/dbhub@${{ env.PACKAGE_VERSION }} with tag ${{ env.NPM_TAG }}..." pnpm publish --no-git-checks --access public --tag ${{ env.NPM_TAG }} echo "✅ Successfully published to npm!" env: # Uses NPM_TOKEN from repository secrets for authentication NODE_AUTH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.NPM_TOKEN }} # Display a message when skipping publication - name: Skip publishing if: env.SHOULD_PUBLISH != 'true' run: | echo "⏭️ Skipping publish step because:" echo " - Version has not changed, or" echo " - Version already exists in the npm registry" echo "To force publication, use the manual workflow trigger with a custom version."