WorkOS MCP Server

remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.



This is a lightweight Model Control Protocol (MCP) server bootstrapped with create-mcp, and deployed on Cloudflare Workers.

This MCP Server allows agents (like Cursor Agents) to interact with the WorkOS API.

Available Tools

See src/index.ts for the current list of tools. Every method in the class is an MCP tool.


  1. Run the automated install script to clone this MCP server and deploy it to your Cloudflare account:
bun create mcp --clone
  1. Open Cursor Settings -> MCP -> Add new MCP server and paste the command that was copied to your clipboard.
  2. Upload your WorkOS API key and client ID as secrets:
bunx wrangler secret put WORKOS_API_KEY bunx wrangler secret put WORKOS_CLIENT_ID

Deploying Changes

  1. Run the deploy script:
bun run deploy
  1. Then reload your Cursor window to use the updated tools.

How to create new MCP tools

To create new MCP tools, add methods to the MyWorker class in src/index.ts. Each function will automatically become an MCP tool that your agent can use.


/** * A warm, friendly greeting from your MCP server. * @param name {string} the name of the person we are greeting. * @return {string} the contents of our greeting. */ sayHello(name: string) { return `Hello from an MCP Worker, ${name}!`; }

The JSDoc comments are important:

  • First line becomes the tool's description
  • @param tags define the tool's parameters with types and descriptions
  • @return tag specifies the return value and type

Learn More

Check out the following resources to learn more:

security - not tested
license - permissive license
quality - not tested

A lightweight MCP server allowing agents to interact with the WorkOS API for streamlined WorkOS operations through natural language commands.

  1. Available Tools
    1. Installation
      1. Deploying Changes
        1. How to create new MCP tools
          1. Learn More