Cloudflare API MCP Server
by zueai
# cloudflare-api-mcp
This is a lightweight Model Control Protocol (MCP) server bootstrapped with [create-mcp]( and deployed on Cloudflare Workers.
This MCP server allows agents (such as Cursor) to interface with the [Cloudflare REST API](
It's still under development, I will be adding more tools as I find myself needing them.
## Available Tools
See [src/index.ts](src/index.ts) for the current list of tools. Every method in the class is an MCP tool.
## Installation
1. Run the automated install script to clone this MCP server and deploy it to your Cloudflare account:
bun create mcp --clone
2. Open `Cursor Settings -> MCP -> Add new MCP server` and paste the command that was copied to your clipboard.
3. Upload your Cloudflare API key and email to your worker secrets:
bunx wrangler secret put CLOUDFLARE_API_KEY
bunx wrangler secret put CLOUDFLARE_API_EMAIL
## Local Development
Add your Cloudflare API key and email to the `.dev.vars` file:
## Deploying
1. Run the deploy script:
bun run deploy
2. Reload your Cursor window to see the new tools.
## How to Create New MCP Tools
To create new MCP tools, add methods to the `MyWorker` class in `src/index.ts`. Each function will automatically become an MCP tool that your agent can use.
* Create a new DNS record in a zone.
* @param zoneId {string} The ID of the zone to create the record in.
* @param name {string} The name of the DNS record.
* @param content {string} The content of the DNS record.
* @param type {string} The type of DNS record (CNAME, A, TXT, or MX).
* @param comment {string} Optional comment for the DNS record.
* @param proxied {boolean} Optional whether to proxy the record through Cloudflare.
* @return {object} The created DNS record.
createDNSRecord(zoneId: string, name: string, content: string, type: string, comment?: string, proxied?: boolean) {
// Implementation
The JSDoc comments are important:
- First line becomes the tool's description
- `@param` tags define the tool's parameters with types and descriptions
- `@return` tag specifies the return value and type
## Learn More
- [Model Control Protocol Documentation](
- [create-mcp Documentation](
- [workers-mcp](
- [Cloudflare Workers documentation](
- [Cloudflare API Documentation](