MCP Server for MySQL
by zhaoxin34
# MCP Server for MySQL based on NodeJS

A Model Context Protocol server that provides read-only access to MySQL databases. This server enables LLMs to inspect database schemas and execute read-only queries.
## Installation
### Using Smithery
The easiest way to install and configure this MCP server is through [Smithery](
# Install the MCP server
npx -y @smithery/cli@latest install @benborla29/mcp-server-mysql --client claude
During configuration, you'll be prompted to enter your MySQL connection details. Smithery will automatically:
- Set up the correct environment variables
- Configure your LLM application to use the MCP server
- Test the connection to your MySQL database
- Provide helpful troubleshooting if needed
### Using MCP Get
You can also install this package using [MCP Get](
npx @michaellatman/mcp-get@latest install @benborla29/mcp-server-mysql
MCP Get provides a centralized registry of MCP servers and simplifies the installation process.
### Using NPM/PNPM
For manual installation:
# Using npm
npm install -g @benborla29/mcp-server-mysql
# Using pnpm
pnpm add -g @benborla29/mcp-server-mysql
After manual installation, you'll need to configure your LLM application to use the MCP server (see Configuration section below).
## Components
### Tools
- **mysql_query**
- Execute read-only SQL queries against the connected database
- Input: `sql` (string): The SQL query to execute
- All queries are executed within a READ ONLY transaction
- Supports prepared statements for secure parameter handling
- Configurable query timeouts and result pagination
- Built-in query execution statistics
### Resources
The server provides comprehensive database information:
- **Table Schemas**
- JSON schema information for each table
- Column names and data types
- Index information and constraints
- Foreign key relationships
- Table statistics and metrics
- Automatically discovered from database metadata
### Security Features
- SQL injection prevention through prepared statements
- Query whitelisting/blacklisting capabilities
- Rate limiting for query execution
- Query complexity analysis
- Configurable connection encryption
- Read-only transaction enforcement
### Performance Optimizations
- Optimized connection pooling
- Query result caching
- Large result set streaming
- Query execution plan analysis
- Configurable query timeouts
### Monitoring and Debugging
- Comprehensive query logging
- Performance metrics collection
- Error tracking and reporting
- Health check endpoints
- Query execution statistics
## Configuration
### Automatic Configuration with Smithery
If you installed using Smithery, your configuration is already set up. You can view or modify it with:
smithery configure @benborla29/mcp-server-mysql
### Manual Configuration for Claude Desktop App
To manually configure the MCP server for Claude Desktop App, add the following to your `claude_desktop_config.json` file (typically located in your user directory):
"mcpServers": {
"mcp_server_mysql": {
"command": "npx",
"args": [
"env": {
"MYSQL_PORT": "3306",
"MYSQL_USER": "root",
"MYSQL_DB": "db_name"
Replace `db_name` with your database name or leave it blank to access all databases.
### Advanced Configuration Options
For more control over the MCP server's behavior, you can use these advanced configuration options:
"mcpServers": {
"mcp_server_mysql": {
"command": "/path/to/npx/binary/npx",
"args": [
"env": {
// Basic connection settings
"MYSQL_PORT": "3306",
"MYSQL_USER": "root",
"MYSQL_DB": "db_name",
"PATH": "/path/to/node/bin:/usr/bin:/bin",
// Performance settings
"MYSQL_CACHE_TTL": "60000",
// Security settings
"MYSQL_SSL": "true",
// Monitoring settings
"MYSQL_LOG_LEVEL": "info",
## Environment Variables
### Basic Connection
- `MYSQL_HOST`: MySQL server host (default: "")
- `MYSQL_PORT`: MySQL server port (default: "3306")
- `MYSQL_USER`: MySQL username (default: "root")
- `MYSQL_PASS`: MySQL password
- `MYSQL_DB`: Target database name
### Performance Configuration
- `MYSQL_POOL_SIZE`: Connection pool size (default: "10")
- `MYSQL_QUERY_TIMEOUT`: Query timeout in milliseconds (default: "30000")
- `MYSQL_CACHE_TTL`: Cache time-to-live in milliseconds (default: "60000")
### Security Configuration
- `MYSQL_RATE_LIMIT`: Maximum queries per minute (default: "100")
- `MYSQL_MAX_QUERY_COMPLEXITY`: Maximum query complexity score (default: "1000")
- `MYSQL_SSL`: Enable SSL/TLS encryption (default: "false")
### Monitoring Configuration
- `MYSQL_ENABLE_LOGGING`: Enable query logging (default: "false")
- `MYSQL_LOG_LEVEL`: Logging level (default: "info")
- `MYSQL_METRICS_ENABLED`: Enable performance metrics (default: "false")
## Testing
### Database Setup
Before running tests, you need to set up the test database and seed it with test data:
1. **Create Test Database and User**
-- Connect as root and create test database
-- Create test user with appropriate permissions
CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS 'mcp_test'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'mcp_test_password';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON mcp_test.* TO 'mcp_test'@'localhost';
2. **Run Database Setup Script**
# Run the database setup script
pnpm run setup:test:db
This will create the necessary tables and seed data. The script is located in `scripts/setup-test-db.ts`
3. **Configure Test Environment**
Create a `.env.test` file in the project root:
4. **Update package.json Scripts**
Add these scripts to your package.json:
"scripts": {
"setup:test:db": "ts-node scripts/setup-test-db.ts",
"pretest": "pnpm run setup:test:db",
"test": "vitest run",
"test:watch": "vitest",
"test:coverage": "vitest run --coverage"
### Running Tests
The project includes a comprehensive test suite to ensure functionality and reliability:
# First-time setup
pnpm run setup:test:db
# Run all tests
pnpm test
## Troubleshooting
### Using Smithery for Troubleshooting
If you installed with Smithery, you can use its built-in diagnostics:
# Check the status of your MCP server
smithery status @benborla29/mcp-server-mysql
# Run diagnostics
smithery diagnose @benborla29/mcp-server-mysql
# View logs
smithery logs @benborla29/mcp-server-mysql
### Using MCP Get for Troubleshooting
If you installed with MCP Get:
# Check the status
mcp-get status @benborla29/mcp-server-mysql
# View logs
mcp-get logs @benborla29/mcp-server-mysql
### Common Issues
1. **Connection Issues**
- Verify MySQL server is running and accessible
- Check credentials and permissions
- Ensure SSL/TLS configuration is correct if enabled
- Try connecting with a MySQL client to confirm access
2. **Performance Issues**
- Adjust connection pool size
- Configure query timeout values
- Enable query caching if needed
- Check query complexity settings
- Monitor server resource usage
3. **Security Restrictions**
- Review rate limiting configuration
- Check query whitelist/blacklist settings
- Verify SSL/TLS settings
- Ensure the user has appropriate MySQL permissions
4. **Path Resolution**
If you encounter an error "Could not connect to MCP server mcp-server-mysql", explicitly set the path of all required binaries:
"env": {
"PATH": "/path/to/node/bin:/usr/bin:/bin"
5. **Authentication Issues**
- For MySQL 8.0+, ensure the server supports the `caching_sha2_password` authentication plugin
- Check if your MySQL user is configured with the correct authentication method
- Try creating a user with legacy authentication if needed:
CREATE USER 'user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'password';
## Contributing
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request to
### Development Setup
1. Clone the repository
2. Install dependencies: `pnpm install`
3. Build the project: `pnpm run build`
4. Run tests: `pnpm test`
### Project Roadmap
We're actively working on enhancing this MCP server. Check our [](./ for details on planned features, including:
- Enhanced query capabilities with prepared statements
- Advanced security features
- Performance optimizations
- Comprehensive monitoring
- Expanded schema information
If you'd like to contribute to any of these areas, please check the issues on GitHub or open a new one to discuss your ideas.
### Submitting Changes
1. Fork the repository
2. Create a feature branch: `git checkout -b feature/your-feature-name`
3. Commit your changes: `git commit -am 'Add some feature'`
4. Push to the branch: `git push origin feature/your-feature-name`
5. Submit a pull request
## License
This MCP server is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.