Markdownify MCP Server

import { exec } from "child_process"; import { promisify } from "util"; import path from "path"; import fs from "fs"; import os from "os"; import { fileURLToPath } from "url"; const execAsync = promisify(exec); const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url); const __dirname = path.dirname(__filename); export type MarkdownResult = { path: string; text: string; }; export class Markdownify { private static async _markitdown( filePath: string, projectRoot: string, uvPath: string, ): Promise<string> { const venvPath = path.join(projectRoot, ".venv"); const markitdownPath = path.join(venvPath, "bin", "markitdown"); if (!fs.existsSync(markitdownPath)) { throw new Error("markitdown executable not found"); } const { stdout, stderr } = await execAsync( `${uvPath} run ${markitdownPath} "${filePath}"`, ); if (stderr) { throw new Error(`Error executing command: ${stderr}`); } return stdout; } private static async saveToTempFile(content: string): Promise<string> { const tempOutputPath = path.join( os.tmpdir(), `markdown_output_${}.md`, ); fs.writeFileSync(tempOutputPath, content); return tempOutputPath; } static async toMarkdown({ filePath, url, projectRoot = path.resolve(__dirname, ".."), uvPath = "~/.local/bin/uv", }: { filePath?: string; url?: string; projectRoot?: string; uvPath?: string; }): Promise<MarkdownResult> { try { let inputPath: string; let isTemporary = false; if (url) { const response = await fetch(url); const content = await response.text(); inputPath = await this.saveToTempFile(content); isTemporary = true; } else if (filePath) { inputPath = filePath; } else { throw new Error("Either filePath or url must be provided"); } const text = await this._markitdown(inputPath, projectRoot, uvPath); const outputPath = await this.saveToTempFile(text); if (isTemporary) { fs.unlinkSync(inputPath); } return { path: outputPath, text }; } catch (e: unknown) { if (e instanceof Error) { throw new Error(`Error processing to Markdown: ${e.message}`); } else { throw new Error("Error processing to Markdown: Unknown error occurred"); } } } static async get({ filePath, }: { filePath: string; }): Promise<MarkdownResult> { if (!fs.existsSync(filePath)) { throw new Error("File does not exist"); } const text = await fs.promises.readFile(filePath, "utf-8"); return { path: filePath, text: text, }; } }