Clickzetta MCP Server
by yunqiqiliang
# Clickzetta MCP Server
[]( [](
## Overview
A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server implementation that provides database interaction with [Clickzetta Lakehouse]( This server enables running SQL queries with tools and intereacting with a memo of data insights presented as a resource.

## Components
### Resources
The server exposes a single dynamic resource:
- `memo://insights`: A continuously updated data insights memo that aggregates discovered insights during analysis
- Auto-updates as new insights are discovered via the append-insight tool
### Tools
The server offers six core tools:
#### Query Tools
- `read_query`
- Execute SELECT queries to read data from the database
- Input:
- `query` (string): The SELECT SQL query to execute
- Returns: Query results as array of objects
- `write_query` (with `--allow-write` flag)
- Execute INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE queries
- Input:
- `query` (string): The SQL modification query
- Returns: `{ affected_rows: number }`
- `create_table` (with `--allow-write` flag)
- Create new tables in the database
- Input:
- `query` (string): CREATE TABLE SQL statement
- Returns: Confirmation of table creation
#### Schema Tools
- `list_tables`
- Get a list of all tables in the database
- No input required
- Returns: Array of table names
- `describe-table`
- View column information for a specific table
- Input:
- `table_name` (string): Name of table to describe (can be fully qualified)
- Returns: Array of column definitions with names and types
#### Analysis Tools
- `append_insight`
- Add new data insights to the memo resource
- Input:
- `insight` (string): data insight discovered from analysis
- Returns: Confirmation of insight addition
- Triggers update of memo://insights resource
## Usage with Claude Desktop
### Installing as local MCP Server(This way has been tested and verified on MacOS)
#### Clone this repository:
git clone
cd mcp-clickzetta-server
#### Install the package:
uv pip install -e .
#### Config credentials
Create a .env file based on .env.example with your Clickzetta Lakehouse credentials:
##### Usage
##### Running with uv
After installing the package, you can run the server directly with:
uv run mcp_clickzetta_server
If this is the first time you are running the server, you could run the following command to acclerate the package installation:
UV_INDEX_URL= uv run mcp-clickzetta-server
This will start the stdio-based MCP server, which can be connected to Claude Desktop or any MCP client that supports stdio communication.
You should see output similar to:
uv run mcp_clickzetta_server
2025-03-25 10:11:20,799 - mcp_clickzetta_server - INFO - Starting Clickzetta MCP Server
2025-03-25 10:11:20,799 - mcp_clickzetta_server - INFO - Allow write operations: False
2025-03-25 10:11:20,799 - mcp_clickzetta_server - INFO - Prefetch table descriptions: True
2025-03-25 10:11:20,799 - mcp_clickzetta_server - INFO - Excluded tools: []
2025-03-25 10:11:20,799 - mcp_clickzetta_server - INFO - Prefetching table descriptions
2025-03-25 10:11:21,726 - clickzetta.zettapark.session - INFO - Zettapark Session information:
"version" : 0.1.3,
"python.version" : 3.12.2,
"python.connector.version" :,
"" : dd46bd27-920d-4760-94a6-6f994d31e63e,
"" : Darwin
2025-03-25 10:11:21,728 - clickzetta.connector.v0.client - INFO - clickzetta connector submitting job, id:2025032510112172821098301
2025-03-25 10:11:23,059 - clickzetta.connector.v0.client - INFO - clickzetta connector submitting job, id:2025032510112305897947697
2025-03-25 10:11:23,728 - mcp_clickzetta_server - INFO - Allowed tools: ['read_query', 'append_insight']
2025-03-25 10:11:23,732 - mcp_clickzetta_server - INFO - Server running with stdio transport
##### Claude Desktop Integration
- In Claude Desktop, go to Settings → MCP Servers
- Add a new server with the full path to your uv executable:
"mcpServers": {
"clickzetta-mcp-server" : {
"command": "/Users/******/anaconda3/bin/uv",
"args": [
- You can find your uv path by running which uv in your terminal
- Save the server configuration

##### Example Queries
When using with Claude, you can ask questions like:
- "Can you list all the schemas in my Clickzetta account?"
- "List all views in the PUBLIC schema"
- "Describe the structure of the CUSTOMER_ANALYTICS view in the SALES schema"
- "Show me sample data from the REVENUE_BY_REGION view in the FINANCE schema"
- "Run this SQL query: SELECT customer_id, SUM(order_total) as total_spend FROM SALES.ORDERS GROUP BY customer_id ORDER BY total_spend DESC LIMIT 10"
- "Query the MARKETING database to find the top 5 performing campaigns by conversion rate"
- "帮我从Clickzetta中读取数据,分析下在public这个schema下github_users表里每个公司的用户数。请用中文返回结果,并对结果进行数据可视化展现"
- "帮我从Clickzetta中读取数据,分析下在public这个schema下github_event_issuesevent表里有多少条记录?"
##### Example Result
- The result of "帮我从Clickzetta中读取数据,分析下在public这个schema下github_users表里每个公司的用户数。请用中文返回结果,并对结果进行数据可视化展现":

- The result of "帮我从Clickzetta中读取数据,分析下在public这个schema下github_users表里每个位置 的用户数。请用中文返回结果,并对结果进行数据可视化展现":

#### Security Considerations
This server:
- Enforces read-only operations (only SELECT statements are allowed)
- Automatically adds LIMIT clauses to prevent large result sets
- Uses service account authentication for secure connections
- Validates inputs to prevent SQL injection
- ⚠️ Important: Keep your .env file secure and never commit it to version control. The .gitignore file is configured to exclude it.
### Installing via Smithery(This way is tobe tested and verified)
To install Clickzetta Server for Claude Desktop automatically via [Smithery](
npx -y @smithery/cli@latest install @yunqiqiliang/mcp-clickzetta-server --client claude --key ******
### Installing via UVX(This way is tobe tested and verified)
# Add the server to your claude_desktop_config.json
"mcpServers": {
"clickzetta_pip": {
"command": "uvx",
"args": [
# Optionally: "--allow_write" (but not recommended)
# Optionally: "--log_dir", "/absolute/path/to/logs"
# Optionally: "--log_level", "DEBUG"/"INFO"/"WARNING"/"ERROR"/"CRITICAL"
# Optionally: "--exclude_tools", "{tool name}", ["{other tool name}"]