
by yuna0x0

remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.


  • Provides tools for accessing and interacting with anime, manga, character, staff, and user data from AniList, including search capabilities, detailed information retrieval, user profiles and lists, filtering options, and genre/media tag data.

AniList MCP Server

A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server that interfaces with the AniList API, allowing LLM clients to access and interact with anime, manga, character, staff, and user data from AniList.


  • Search for anime, manga, characters, staff, and studios
  • Get detailed information about specific anime, manga, characters, and staff members
  • Access user profiles and lists
  • Support for advanced filtering options
  • Retrieve genres and media tags



  • Node.js 18+
  • AniList API token (optional, for authenticated operations like favourite an anime)


Clone the repository and install dependencies:

git clone cd anilist-mcp bun install # or use npm, yarn, pnpm

Get an AniList API Token (Optional)

To get an API token, follow these steps:

  1. Go to AniList settings.
  2. Click on "Create New Client".
  3. Use this URL as your client's "Redirect URL":
  1. Click "Save"
  2. Then go to{clientID}&response_type=token, replace the {clientID} with the client ID you get. It will ask you to log in and then provide you with the token to use.
  3. Copy the generated token and use it in your .env file or environment variables.

API Token Configuration (Optional)

Option 1: Using a .env file

  1. Create a .env file by copying the example:
    cp .env.example .env
  2. Edit the .env file and add your AniList API token:

Option 2: Using environment variables inline

You can also provide the API token directly when running the server:

ANILIST_TOKEN=your_api_token bun start


Start the MCP server

Local installation:

bun start # or use npm, yarn, pnpm

Using bunx (without cloning):

ANILIST_TOKEN=your_api_token bunx anilist-mcp

Debugging with MCP Inspector

You can use the MCP Inspector to test and debug the AniList MCP server:

# Using the package.json script bun run inspector # or use npm, yarn, pnpm # Alternative: Direct use with bunx (or npx) bunx @modelcontextprotocol/inspector -e ANILIST_TOKEN=your_api_token bunx anilist-mcp

Then open your browser to the provided URL (usually http://localhost:5173) to access the MCP Inspector interface. From there, you can:

  1. Connect to your running AniList MCP server
  2. Browse available tools
  3. Run tools with custom parameters
  4. View the responses

This is particularly useful for testing your setup before connecting it to Claude or another AI assistant.

Using with Claude Desktop or other MCP clients

  1. Add this server to your claude_desktop_config.json:
{ "mcpServers": { "anilist": { "command": "npx", "args": ["-y", "anilist-mcp"], "env": { "ANILIST_TOKEN": "your_api_token" } } } }
  1. Restart Claude Desktop
  2. Use the tools to interact with AniList

Available Tools

Misc Tools

  • get_genres - Get all available genres on AniList
  • get_media_tags - Get all available media tags on AniList
  • get_site_statistics - Get AniList site statistics over the last seven days
  • get_studio - Get information about a studio by its AniList ID or name
  • favourite_studio - [Requires Login] Favourite or unfavourite a studio by its ID

Activity Tools

  • delete_activity - [Requires Login] Delete the current authorized user's activity post
  • get_activity - Get a specific AniList activity by its ID
  • get_user_activity - Fetch activities from a user
  • post_message_activity - [Requires Login] Post a new message activity or update an existing one
  • post_text_activity - [Requires Login] Post a new text activity or update an existing one

List Tools

  • get_user_anime_list - Get a user's anime list
  • get_user_manga_list - Get a user's manga list
  • add_list_entry - [Requires Login] Add an entry to the authorized user's list
  • remove_list_entry - [Requires Login] Remove an entry from the authorized user's list
  • update_list_entry - [Requires Login] Update an entry on the authorized user's list

Media Tools

  • get_anime - Get detailed information about an anime by its AniList ID
  • get_manga - Get detailed information about a manga by its AniList ID
  • favourite_anime - [Requires Login] Favourite or unfavourite an anime by its ID
  • favourite_manga - [Requires Login] Favourite or unfavourite a manga by its ID

People Tools

  • get_character - Get information about a character by their AniList ID
  • get_staff - Get information about staff member by their AniList ID
  • favourite_character - [Requires Login] Favourite or unfavourite a character by its ID
  • favourite_staff - [Requires Login] Favourite or unfavourite a staff member by their ID
  • get_todays_birthday_characters - Get all characters whose birthday is today
  • get_todays_birthday_staff - Get all staff members whose birthday is today

Recommendation Tools

  • get_recommendation - Get an AniList recommendation by its ID
  • get_recommendations_for_media - Get AniList recommendations for a specific media

Search Tools

  • search_activity - Search for activities on AniList
  • search_anime - Search for anime with query term and filters
  • search_manga - Search for manga with query term and filters
  • search_character - Search for characters based on a query term
  • search_staff - Search for staff members based on a query term
  • search_studio - Search for studios based on a query term
  • search_user - Search for users on AniList

Thread Tools

  • get_thread - Get a specific thread by its AniList ID
  • get_thread_comments - Get comments for a specific thread
  • delete_thread - [Requires Login] Delete a thread by its ID

User Tools

  • get_user_profile - Get a user's AniList profile
  • get_user_stats - Get a user's AniList statistics
  • get_full_user_info - Get a user's complete profile and stats information
  • get_user_recent_activity - Get recent activity from a user
  • get_authorized_user - [Requires Login] Get profile information of the currently authorized user
  • follow_user - [Requires Login] Follow or unfollow a user by their ID
  • update_user - [Requires Login] Update user settings


Can you search for anime similar to "Bocchi the Rock!"?

Get Character Info

Can you tell me about the character Hitori Gotou? Use the AniList tools to find information.

Compare Studio Works

What anime has Studio Ghibli produced? Can you list their most popular works?


MIT License