Excalidraw MCP Server

hybrid server

The server is able to function both locally and remotely, depending on the configuration or use case.


  • Supports containerized deployment of the MCP server for simplified integration and consistent environment.

  • Enables creation, modification, and manipulation of Excalidraw diagrams, including element control, grouping, alignment, and resource management.

  • Provides installation and dependency management through npm, allowing users to easily set up and run the MCP server.

Excalidraw MCP Server: Powerful Drawing API for LLM Integration

A comprehensive Model Context Protocol (MCP) server that enables seamless interaction with Excalidraw diagrams and drawings. This server provides LLMs (Large Language Models) with the ability to create, modify, query, and manipulate Excalidraw drawings through a structured, developer-friendly API.


  • Full Excalidraw Element Control: Create, update, delete, and query any Excalidraw element
  • Advanced Element Manipulation: Group, align, distribute, lock, and unlock elements
  • Resource Management: Access and modify scene information, libraries, themes, and elements
  • Easy Integration: Works with Claude Desktop and other LLM platforms
  • Docker Support: Simple deployment with containerization options

API Tools Reference

Element Creation and Modification

  • create_element
    • Create a new Excalidraw element (rectangle, ellipse, diamond, etc.)
    • Required inputs: type, x, y coordinates
    • Optional inputs: dimensions, colors, styling properties
  • update_element
    • Update an existing Excalidraw element by ID
    • Required input: id of the element to update
    • Optional inputs: any element property to modify
  • delete_element
    • Delete an Excalidraw element
    • Required input: id of the element to delete
  • query_elements
    • Query elements with optional filtering
    • Optional inputs: type to filter by element type, filter object with key-value pairs

Resource Management

  • get_resource
    • Get a specific resource like scene information or all elements
    • Required input: resource type (scene, library, theme, elements)

Element Organization

  • group_elements
    • Group multiple elements together
    • Required input: elementIds array of element IDs to group
  • ungroup_elements
    • Ungroup a group of elements
    • Required input: groupId of the group to ungroup
  • align_elements
    • Align multiple elements based on specified alignment
    • Required inputs: elementIds array and alignment (left, center, right, top, middle, bottom)
  • distribute_elements
    • Distribute elements evenly across space
    • Required inputs: elementIds array and direction (horizontal or vertical)
  • lock_elements
    • Lock elements to prevent modification
    • Required input: elementIds array of elements to lock
  • unlock_elements
    • Unlock elements to allow modification
    • Required input: elementIds array of elements to unlock

Integration with Claude Desktop

To use this server with the Claude Desktop application, add the following configuration to the "mcpServers" section of your claude_desktop_config.json:

{ "mcpServers": { "excalidraw": { "command": "node", "args": ["src/index.js"], "env": { "LOG_LEVEL": "info", "DEBUG": "false" } } } }

Integration with Cursor

To use this server with Cursor, create a .cursor/mcp.json file in your workspace with the following configuration:

{ "mcpServers": { "excalidraw": { "command": "node", "args": [ "/path/to/your/directory/mcp_excalidraw/src/index.js" ], "env": { "LOG_LEVEL": "info", "DEBUG": "false" } } } }

Make sure to:

  1. Replace /path/to/your/directory with the actual absolute path to your mcp_excalidraw installation
  2. Create the .cursor directory if it doesn't exist
  3. Ensure the path to index.js is correct and the file exists

Docker Integration

{ "mcpServers": { "excalidraw": { "command": "docker", "args": ["run", "-i", "--rm", "mcp/excalidraw"], "env": { "LOG_LEVEL": "info", "DEBUG": "false" } } } }

Installation Guide

NPM Installation

# Install dependencies npm install # Start the server npm start

Docker Installation

# Build the Docker image docker build -t mcp/excalidraw . # Run the container docker run -i --rm mcp/excalidraw

Configuration Options

The server can be configured using the following environment variables:

  • LOG_LEVEL - Set the logging level (default: "info")
  • DEBUG - Enable debug mode (default: "false")
  • DEFAULT_THEME - Set the default theme (default: "light")

Usage Examples

Here are some practical examples of how to use the Excalidraw MCP server:

Creating a Rectangle Element

{ "type": "rectangle", "x": 100, "y": 100, "width": 200, "height": 100, "backgroundColor": "#ffffff", "strokeColor": "#000000", "strokeWidth": 2, "roughness": 1 }

Querying Specific Elements

{ "type": "rectangle", "filter": { "strokeColor": "#000000" } }

Grouping Multiple Elements

{ "elementIds": ["elem1", "elem2", "elem3"] }


This Excalidraw MCP server is licensed under the MIT License. You are free to use, modify, and distribute the software, subject to the terms and conditions of the MIT License. For more details, please see the LICENSE file in the project repository.