Bash MCP (Master Control Program)

by yannbam

local-only server

The server can only run on the client’s local machine because it depends on local resources.


  • Built as a TypeScript application that provides a secure interface for bash command execution with comprehensive session management for interactive command sessions.

Bash MCP (Master Control Program)

A TypeScript application that allows Claude to safely execute bash commands with security safeguards.


  • Execute bash commands in a controlled environment
  • Support for both stateless and stateful (interactive) command execution
  • Security safeguards:
    • Whitelisted commands
    • Whitelisted directories
    • Command validation
    • Output sanitization
  • Session management for interactive commands
  • Comprehensive logging


npm install npm run build


The configuration is stored in config/default.json. You can customize:

  • Allowed commands
  • Allowed directories
  • Session settings
  • Security settings
  • Logging settings

Example configuration:

{ "allowedCommands": ["ls", "cat", "echo", "pwd"], "allowedDirectories": ["/tmp", "/home"], "session": { "timeout": 300, "maxActiveSessions": 5, "defaultMode": "stateless" }, "security": { "validateCommandsStrictly": true, "sanitizeOutput": true, "maxOutputSize": 1048576, "commandTimeout": 30 }, "logging": { "level": "info", "file": "logs/bash-mcp.log", "maxSize": 10485760, "maxFiles": 5 } }


Simple Command Execution

import { executeCommand } from 'bash-mcp'; const result = await executeCommand('ls -la', { cwd: '/home/user' }); console.log(result.output);

Interactive Sessions

import { initBashMCP } from 'bash-mcp'; const mcp = await initBashMCP(); // Create a session const session = mcp.createSession('/home/user'); const sessionId = session.sessionId; // Execute a command in the session const result1 = await mcp.executeCommand('ls -la', { sessionId }); console.log(result1.output); // Send input to the session const result2 = await mcp.sendInput({ sessionId, input: 'echo "Hello, world!"' }); console.log(result2.output); // Close the session when done mcp.closeSession(sessionId);

Security Considerations

This MCP is designed with security in mind, but it's important to:

  • Keep the allowed commands and directories list as restrictive as possible
  • Regularly review and update the configuration
  • Monitor the logs for suspicious activity
  • Keep the MCP and its dependencies up to date



npm run build

Linting and Formatting

To check for linting issues:

npm run lint

To automatically fix linting and formatting issues:


Or manually:

npm run lint:fix # Fix linting issues npm run format # Format code


npm test
security - not tested
license - not found
quality - not tested

A TypeScript application that allows Claude to safely execute bash commands with security safeguards including whitelisted commands, directories, and comprehensive logging.

  1. Features
    1. Installation
      1. Configuration
        1. Usage
          1. Simple Command Execution
          2. Interactive Sessions
        2. Security Considerations
          1. Development
            1. Building
            2. Linting and Formatting
            3. Testing