
by xxxbrian
[build-system] requires = ["hatchling"] build-backend = "" [project] name = "mcp-rquest" version = "0.1.13" description = "A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server providing advanced HTTP request capabilities with realistic browser emulation for Claude and other LLMs" readme = "" requires-python = ">=3.10" license = {text = "MIT"} authors = [ {name = "Bojin Li", email = ""} ] keywords = ["mcp", "http", "request", "api", "claude", "llm", "browser-emulation", "tls-fingerprint", "ja3", "ja4", "anti-bot"] classifiers = [ "Development Status :: 4 - Beta", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.12", "Intended Audience :: Developers", "Operating System :: OS Independent", "Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP", "Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules", ] dependencies = [ "markdownify>=0.13.1,<0.14.0", #FIXME: marker-pdf needs "markdownify>=0.13.1,<0.14.0", but the latest version is 1.1.0 "mcp[cli]>=1.4.1", "rnet>=2.0.0", "tiktoken>=0.5.0", "marker-pdf>=1.6.1", ] [project.optional-dependencies] dev = [ "ruff>=0.0.292", "pytest>=7.0.0", "pytest-asyncio>=0.21.1", "black>=23.9.1", "build>=1.0.3", "twine>=6.1.0", ] [project.urls] "Homepage" = "" "Bug Tracker" = "" [project.scripts] mcp-rquest = "mcp_rquest.server:main" mcp-simple-tool = "mcp_simple_tool.server:main" [] packages = ["mcp_rquest"] [tool.ruff] line-length = 130 target-version = "py310" select = ["E", "F", "I", "N", "W"] [] line-length = 130 target-version = ["py310"]