Mythic MCP

by xpn

local-only server

The server can only run on the client’s local machine because it depends on local resources.

Mythic MCP

A quick MCP demo for Mythic, allowing LLMs to pentest on our behalf!


  1. uv
  2. python3
  3. Claude Desktop (or other MCP Client)

Usage with Claude Desktop

To deploy this MCP Server with Claude Desktop, you'll need to edit your claude_desktop_config.json to add the following:

{ "mcpServers": { "mythic_mcp": { "command": "/Users/xpn/.local/bin/uv", "args": [ "--directory", "/full/path/to/mythic_mcp/", "run", "", "mythic_admin", "mythic_admin_password", "localhost", "7443" ] } } }

Once done, kick off Claude Desktop. There are sample prompts to show how to task the LLM, but really anything will work along the lines of:

You are an automated pentester, tasked with emulating a specific threat actor. The threat actor is APT31. Your objective is: Add a flag to C:\win.txt on DC01. Perform any required steps to meet the objective, using only techniques documented by the threat actor.
security - not tested
license - not found
quality - not tested

A demonstration server that allows large language models to perform penetration testing tasks autonomously by interfacing with the Mythic C2 framework.

  1. Requirements
    1. Usage with Claude Desktop