Perplexity MCP Server
by wysh3
#!/usr/bin/env node
// ─── TYPE DECLARATIONS ─────────────────────────────────────────────────
declare global {
interface Window {
chrome: {
app: {
InstallState: {
DISABLED: string;
INSTALLED: string;
RunningState: {
CANNOT_RUN: string;
READY_TO_RUN: string;
RUNNING: string;
getDetails: () => void;
getIsInstalled: () => void;
installState: () => void;
isInstalled: boolean;
runningState: () => void;
runtime: {
OnInstalledReason: {
INSTALL: string;
UPDATE: string;
PlatformArch: {
ARM: string;
ARM64: string;
MIPS: string;
MIPS64: string;
X86_32: string;
X86_64: string;
PlatformNaclArch: {
ARM: string;
MIPS: string;
PNACL: string;
X86_32: string;
X86_64: string;
PlatformOs: {
ANDROID: string;
CROS: string;
LINUX: string;
MAC: string;
OPENBSD: string;
WIN: string;
RequestUpdateCheckStatus: {
NO_UPDATE: string;
THROTTLED: string;
export {}; // This ensures the file is treated as a module
import { Server } from '@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/index.js';
import { StdioServerTransport } from '@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/stdio.js';
import {
} from '@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/types.js';
import puppeteer, { Browser, Page } from 'puppeteer';
import Database from 'better-sqlite3';
import { existsSync, mkdirSync } from 'fs';
import { dirname, join } from 'path';
import { fileURLToPath } from 'url'; // Added for ES Module path resolution
import crypto from 'crypto';
import { Readability } from '@mozilla/readability';
import { JSDOM } from 'jsdom';
import axios from 'axios';
// ─── INTERFACES ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
interface ChatMessage {
role: "user" | "assistant";
content: string;
// ─── CONFIGURATION ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────
const CONFIG = {
USER_AGENT: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36',
// Adaptive timeout profiles (in ms)
navigation: 45000,
selector: 15000,
content: 120000,
recovery: 30000
} as const;
// ─── MAIN SERVER CLASS ─────────────────────────────────────────────────
class PerplexityMCPServer {
// Browser state
private browser: Browser | null = null;
private page: Page | null = null;
private isInitializing = false;
private searchInputSelector: string = 'textarea[placeholder*="Ask"]';
private lastSearchTime = 0;
// Database state
private db: Database.Database;
// Server state
private server: Server;
private idleTimeout: NodeJS.Timeout | null = null;
private readonly IDLE_TIMEOUT_MS = 5 * 60 * 1000; // 5 minutes
private operationCount = 0;
constructor() {
this.server = new Server(
{ name: 'perplexity-mcp', version: '1.0.0' },
{ capabilities: { tools: {} } }
// Initialize SQLite database (chat history) in the server's directory
// Use import.meta.url for path relative to the current module file
const dbPath = join(dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)), '..', 'chat_history.db');
const dbDir = dirname(dbPath);
if (!existsSync(dbDir)) {
mkdirSync(dbDir, { recursive: true });
this.db = new Database(dbPath, { fileMustExist: false });
// Graceful shutdown on SIGINT
process.on('SIGINT', async () => {
if (this.browser) {
await this.browser.close();
if (this.db) {
await this.server.close();
// ─── DATABASE METHODS ────────────────────────────────────────────────
private initializeDatabase() {
chat_id TEXT NOT NULL,
content TEXT NOT NULL,
FOREIGN KEY (chat_id) REFERENCES chats(id)
private getChatHistory(chatId: string): ChatMessage[] {
const messages = this.db
'SELECT role, content FROM messages WHERE chat_id = ? ORDER BY created_at ASC'
return messages as ChatMessage[];
private saveChatMessage(chatId: string, message: ChatMessage) {
// Ensure chat exists
this.db.prepare('INSERT OR IGNORE INTO chats (id) VALUES (?)').run(chatId);
// Save the message
'INSERT INTO messages (chat_id, role, content) VALUES (?, ?, ?)'
.run(chatId, message.role, message.content);
// ─── BROWSER / PUPPETEER METHODS ───────────────────────────────────────
private async initializeBrowser() {
if (this.isInitializing) {
console.log('Browser initialization already in progress...');
this.isInitializing = true;
try {
if (this.browser) {
await this.browser.close();
this.browser = await puppeteer.launch({
headless: true,
args: [
}); = await this.browser.newPage();
await this.setupBrowserEvasion();
await{ width: 1920, height: 1080 });
await this.navigateToPerplexity();
} catch (error) {
console.error('Browser initialization failed:', error);
throw error;
} finally {
this.isInitializing = false;
private async navigateToPerplexity() {
if (! throw new Error('Page not initialized');
try {
console.log('Navigating to');
// Use 'domcontentloaded' as a balance between speed and initial readiness
try {
await'', {
waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded', // Wait for DOM parsing, not full load
} catch (gotoError) {
// Ignore initial goto errors if they are timeout related, as we'll check readiness below
if (gotoError instanceof Error && !gotoError.message.toLowerCase().includes('timeout')) {
console.error('Initial navigation request failed:', gotoError);
throw gotoError; // Rethrow non-timeout errors
console.warn('Navigation with waitUntil: domcontentloaded potentially timed out, proceeding with checks...');
// Crucial check: Ensure the page/frame is still valid immediately after goto
if ( || {
console.error('Page closed or frame detached immediately after navigation attempt.');
throw new Error('Frame detached during navigation');
console.log('Navigation initiated, waiting for search input to confirm readiness...');
const searchInput = await this.waitForSearchInput(); // Wait for a key element
if (!searchInput) {
console.error('Search input not found after navigation, taking screenshot for debugging');
if (! {
await{ path: 'debug_no_search_input.png', fullPage: true });
throw new Error('Search input not found after navigation - page might not have loaded correctly');
console.log('Search input found, page appears ready.');
// Allow some extra time for potential dynamic content loading
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 3000)); // Reduced settle time
// Check page details (wrapped in try/catch)
let pageTitle = 'N/A';
let pageUrl = 'N/A';
try {
if (! {
pageTitle = await;
pageUrl =;
} catch (titleError) {
console.warn('Could not retrieve page title/URL after navigation:', titleError);
console.log(`Page loaded: ${pageUrl} (${pageTitle})`);
// Verify we're on the correct domain (if URL was retrieved)
if (pageUrl !== 'N/A' && !pageUrl.includes('')) {
console.error(`Unexpected URL: ${pageUrl}`);
throw new Error(`Navigation redirected to unexpected URL: ${pageUrl}`);
console.log('Navigation and readiness check completed successfully');
} catch (error) {
console.error('Navigation failed:', error);
// Try to take a screenshot of the failed state if possible
try {
if ( {
await{ path: 'debug_navigation_failed.png', fullPage: true });
console.log('Captured screenshot of failed navigation state');
} catch (screenshotError) {
console.error('Failed to capture screenshot:', screenshotError);
throw error;
private async setupBrowserEvasion() {
if (! return;
await => {
// Overwrite navigator properties to help avoid detection
Object.defineProperties(navigator, {
webdriver: { get: () => undefined },
hardwareConcurrency: { get: () => 8 },
deviceMemory: { get: () => 8 },
platform: { get: () => 'Win32' },
languages: { get: () => ['en-US', 'en'] },
permissions: {
get: () => ({
query: async () => ({ state: 'prompt' })
// Inject Chrome-specific properties = {
app: {
InstallState: {
DISABLED: 'disabled',
INSTALLED: 'installed',
NOT_INSTALLED: 'not_installed'
RunningState: {
CANNOT_RUN: 'cannot_run',
READY_TO_RUN: 'ready_to_run',
RUNNING: 'running'
getDetails: function () {},
getIsInstalled: function () {},
installState: function () {},
isInstalled: false,
runningState: function () {}
runtime: {
OnInstalledReason: {
CHROME_UPDATE: 'chrome_update',
INSTALL: 'install',
SHARED_MODULE_UPDATE: 'shared_module_update',
UPDATE: 'update'
PlatformArch: {
ARM: 'arm',
ARM64: 'arm64',
MIPS: 'mips',
MIPS64: 'mips64',
X86_32: 'x86-32',
X86_64: 'x86-64'
PlatformNaclArch: {
ARM: 'arm',
MIPS: 'mips',
PNACL: 'pnacl',
X86_32: 'x86-32',
X86_64: 'x86-64'
PlatformOs: {
ANDROID: 'android',
CROS: 'cros',
LINUX: 'linux',
MAC: 'mac',
OPENBSD: 'openbsd',
WIN: 'win'
RequestUpdateCheckStatus: {
NO_UPDATE: 'no_update',
THROTTLED: 'throttled',
UPDATE_AVAILABLE: 'update_available'
private async waitForSearchInput(
): Promise<string | null> {
if (! return null;
const possibleSelectors = [
for (const selector of possibleSelectors) {
try {
const element = await, {
timeout: 5000,
visible: true
if (element) {
const isInteractive = await => {
const el = document.querySelector(sel);
return el && !el.hasAttribute('disabled') && el.getAttribute('aria-hidden') !== 'true';
}, selector);
if (isInteractive) {
console.log(`Found working search input: ${selector}`);
this.searchInputSelector = selector;
return selector;
} catch (error) {
console.warn(`Selector '${selector}' not found or not interactive`);
// Take a screenshot for debugging if none is found
await{ path: 'debug_search_not_found.png', fullPage: true });
console.error('No working search input found');
return null;
private async checkForCaptcha(): Promise<boolean> {
if (! return false;
const captchaIndicators = [
return await => {
return selectors.some((selector) => !!document.querySelector(selector));
}, captchaIndicators);
private determineRecoveryLevel(error?: Error): number {
if (!error) return 3; // Default to full restart if no error info
const errorMsg = error.message.toLowerCase();
if (errorMsg.includes('frame') || errorMsg.includes('detached') || errorMsg.includes('session closed') || errorMsg.includes('target closed')) {
this.log('warn', 'Detached frame or closed session detected, escalating recovery to level 3 (full restart)');
return 3; // Escalate frame issues to full restart for better reliability
if (errorMsg.includes('timeout') || errorMsg.includes('navigation')) {
this.log('warn', 'Timeout or navigation error detected, setting recovery to level 1 (refresh)');
return 1; // Refresh for timeouts/navigation
this.log('warn', `Unknown error type ('${errorMsg.substring(0, 50)}...'), defaulting recovery to level 3`);
return 3; // Full restart for other errors
private async recoveryProcedure(error?: Error): Promise<void> {
const recoveryLevel = this.determineRecoveryLevel(error);
const opId = ++this.operationCount;
this.log('info', 'Starting recovery procedure');
try {
switch(recoveryLevel) {
case 1: // Page refresh
this.log('info', 'Attempting page refresh (Recovery Level 1)');
if ( && ! {
try {
await{ timeout: CONFIG.TIMEOUT_PROFILES.navigation });
} catch (reloadError) {
this.log('warn', `Page reload failed: ${reloadError instanceof Error ? reloadError.message : String(reloadError)}. Proceeding with recovery.`);
} else {
this.log('warn', 'Page was null or closed, cannot refresh. Proceeding with recovery.');
case 2: // New page (Currently unused due to level escalation, kept for potential future use)
this.log('info', 'Creating new page instance (Recovery Level 2)');
if ( {
try {
if (! await;
} catch (closeError) {
this.log('warn', `Ignoring error closing old page: ${closeError instanceof Error ? closeError.message : String(closeError)}`);
} = null;
if (this.browser && this.browser.isConnected()) {
try { = await this.browser.newPage();
await this.setupBrowserEvasion();
await{ width: 1920, height: 1080 });
} catch (newPageError) {
this.log('error', `Failed to create new page: ${newPageError instanceof Error ? newPageError.message : String(newPageError)}. Escalating to full restart.`);
// Force level 3 if creating a new page fails
return await this.recoveryProcedure(new Error('Fallback recovery: new page failed'));
} else {
this.log('warn', 'Browser was null or disconnected, cannot create new page. Escalating to full restart.');
return await this.recoveryProcedure(new Error('Fallback recovery: browser disconnected'));
case 3: // Full restart
this.log('info', 'Performing full browser restart (Recovery Level 3)');
if ( {
try {
if (! await;
} catch (closeError) {
this.log('warn', `Ignoring error closing page during full restart: ${closeError instanceof Error ? closeError.message : String(closeError)}`);
if (this.browser) {
try {
if (this.browser.isConnected()) await this.browser.close();
} catch (closeError) {
this.log('warn', `Ignoring error closing browser during full restart: ${closeError instanceof Error ? closeError.message : String(closeError)}`);
} = null;
this.browser = null;
this.isInitializing = false; // Ensure flag is reset
this.log('info', 'Waiting before re-initializing browser...');
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, CONFIG.RECOVERY_WAIT_TIME));
await this.initializeBrowser(); // This will set page and browser again
this.log('info', 'Recovery completed');
} catch (recoveryError) {
this.log('error', 'Recovery failed: ' + (recoveryError instanceof Error ? recoveryError.message : String(recoveryError)));
// Fall back to more aggressive recovery if initial attempt fails
if (recoveryLevel < 3) {
this.log('info', 'Attempting higher level recovery');
await this.recoveryProcedure(new Error('Fallback recovery'));
} else {
throw recoveryError;
private log(level: 'info'|'error'|'warn', message: string) {
private resetIdleTimeout() {
if (this.idleTimeout) {
this.idleTimeout = setTimeout(async () => {
console.log('Browser idle timeout reached, closing browser...');
try {
if ( {
await; = null;
if (this.browser) {
await this.browser.close();
this.browser = null;
this.isInitializing = false; // Reset initialization flag
console.log('Browser cleanup completed successfully');
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error during browser cleanup:', error);
// Reset states even if cleanup fails = null;
this.browser = null;
this.isInitializing = false;
private async retryOperation<T>(
operation: () => Promise<T>,
): Promise<T> {
let lastError: Error | null = null;
let consecutiveTimeouts = 0;
let consecutiveNavigationErrors = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < maxRetries; i++) {
try {
console.log(`Attempt ${i + 1}/${maxRetries}...`);
const result = await operation();
// Reset counters on success
consecutiveTimeouts = 0;
consecutiveNavigationErrors = 0;
return result;
} catch (error) {
lastError = error instanceof Error ? error : new Error(String(error));
console.error(`Attempt ${i + 1} failed:`, error);
// Exit early if we've reached the max retries
if (i === maxRetries - 1) {
console.error(`Maximum retry attempts (${maxRetries}) reached. Giving up.`);
// Check for specific error conditions
const errorMsg = error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error);
const isTimeoutError = errorMsg.includes('timeout') || errorMsg.includes('Timed out');
const isNavigationError = errorMsg.includes('navigation') || errorMsg.includes('Navigation');
const isConnectionError = errorMsg.includes('net::') || errorMsg.includes('connection') || errorMsg.includes('network');
const isProtocolError = errorMsg.includes('protocol error'); // Match case-insensitively
const isDetachedFrameError = errorMsg.includes('frame') || errorMsg.includes('detached') || errorMsg.includes('session closed') || errorMsg.includes('target closed');
// --- Prioritize Detached Frame / Protocol Errors ---
if (isDetachedFrameError || isProtocolError) {
console.error(`Detached frame or protocol error detected ('${errorMsg.substring(0, 100)}...'). Initiating immediate recovery.`);
await this.recoveryProcedure(lastError); // Pass error for context
// Wait a bit longer after this type of critical failure
const criticalWaitTime = 10000 + (Math.random() * 5000);
console.log(`Waiting ${Math.round(criticalWaitTime/1000)} seconds after critical error recovery...`);
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, criticalWaitTime));
continue; // Skip other checks and proceed to next retry attempt
// If CAPTCHA is detected, try to recover immediately
// Check CAPTCHA only if the page seems valid
let captchaDetected = false;
if ( && ! && ! {
try {
captchaDetected = await this.checkForCaptcha();
} catch (captchaCheckError) {
console.warn(`Error checking for CAPTCHA: ${captchaCheckError}`);
// Assume no CAPTCHA if check fails, but log it
} else {
console.warn('Skipping CAPTCHA check as page is invalid.');
if (captchaDetected) {
console.error('CAPTCHA detected! Initiating recovery...');
await this.recoveryProcedure();
// Add a small delay after recovery
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 3000));
// Handle timeout errors with progressive backoff
if (isTimeoutError) {
console.error(`Timeout detected during operation (${++consecutiveTimeouts} consecutive), attempting recovery...`);
await this.recoveryProcedure();
// If we have multiple consecutive timeouts, wait longer between attempts
const timeoutWaitTime = Math.min(5000 * consecutiveTimeouts, 30000);
console.log(`Waiting ${timeoutWaitTime/1000} seconds after timeout...`);
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, timeoutWaitTime));
// Handle navigation errors with progressive backoff
if (isNavigationError) {
console.error(`Navigation error detected (${++consecutiveNavigationErrors} consecutive), attempting recovery...`);
await this.recoveryProcedure();
// If we have multiple consecutive navigation errors, wait longer
const navWaitTime = Math.min(8000 * consecutiveNavigationErrors, 40000);
console.log(`Waiting ${navWaitTime/1000} seconds after navigation error...`);
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, navWaitTime));
// Handle connection errors
if (isConnectionError || isProtocolError) {
console.error('Connection or protocol error detected, attempting recovery with longer wait...');
await this.recoveryProcedure();
// Wait longer for connection issues
const connectionWaitTime = 15000 + (Math.random() * 10000);
console.log(`Waiting ${Math.round(connectionWaitTime/1000)} seconds after connection error...`);
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, connectionWaitTime));
// Exponential backoff delay with progressive jitter to avoid thundering herd
// More retries = more jitter to spread out retry attempts
const baseDelay = Math.min(1000 * Math.pow(2, i), 30000);
const maxJitter = Math.min(1000 * (i + 1), 10000); // Jitter increases with retry count
const jitter = Math.random() * maxJitter;
const delay = baseDelay + jitter;
console.log(`Retrying in ${Math.round(delay/1000)} seconds (base: ${Math.round(baseDelay/1000)}s, jitter: ${Math.round(jitter/1000)}s)...`);
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, delay));
// Try re-navigating with error handling
try {
console.log('Attempting to re-navigate to Perplexity...');
await this.navigateToPerplexity();
console.log('Re-navigation successful');
} catch (navError) {
console.error('Navigation failed during retry:', navError);
// If navigation fails, wait a bit longer before next retry
const navFailWaitTime = 10000 + (Math.random() * 5000);
console.log(`Navigation failed, waiting ${Math.round(navFailWaitTime/1000)} seconds before next attempt...`);
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, navFailWaitTime));
// If this is a later retry attempt and navigation keeps failing, try a full recovery
if (i > 1) {
console.log('Multiple navigation failures, attempting full recovery...');
await this.recoveryProcedure();
// If we've exhausted all retries, provide a detailed error message
const errorMessage = lastError ?
`Operation failed after ${maxRetries} retries. Last error: ${lastError.message}` :
`Operation failed after ${maxRetries} retries with unknown error`;
throw new Error(errorMessage);
private async waitForCompleteAnswer(page: Page): Promise<string> {
// Set a timeout to ensure we don't wait indefinitely, but make it much longer
const timeoutPromise = new Promise<string>((_, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
reject(new Error('Waiting for complete answer timed out'));
}, CONFIG.ANSWER_WAIT_TIMEOUT); // Use the dedicated answer wait timeout
const answerPromise = page.evaluate(async () => {
const getAnswer = () => {
const elements = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.prose'));
const answerText = => (el as HTMLElement).innerText.trim()).join('\n\n');
// Extract all URLs from the answer
const links = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.prose a[href]'));
const urls = => (link as HTMLAnchorElement).href)
.filter(href => href && !href.startsWith('javascript:') && !href.startsWith('#'))
.map(href => href.trim());
// Combine text and URLs
if (urls.length > 0) {
return `${answerText}\n\nURLs:\n${ => `- ${url}`).join('\n')}`;
return answerText;
let lastAnswer = '';
let lastLength = 0;
let stabilityCounter = 0;
let noChangeCounter = 0;
const maxAttempts = 60;
const checkInterval = 600;
for (let i = 0; i < maxAttempts; i++) {
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, checkInterval));
const currentAnswer = getAnswer();
const currentLength = currentAnswer.length;
if (currentLength > 0) {
if (currentLength > lastLength) {
lastLength = currentLength;
stabilityCounter = 0;
noChangeCounter = 0;
} else if (currentAnswer === lastAnswer) {
if (currentLength > 1000 && stabilityCounter >= 3) {
console.log('Long answer stabilized, exiting early');
} else if (currentLength > 500 && stabilityCounter >= 4) {
console.log('Medium answer stabilized, exiting');
} else if (stabilityCounter >= 5) {
console.log('Short answer stabilized, exiting');
} else {
stabilityCounter = 0;
lastAnswer = currentAnswer;
if (noChangeCounter >= 10 && currentLength > 200) {
console.log('Content stopped growing but has sufficient information');
const lastProse = document.querySelector('.prose:last-child');
const isComplete = lastProse?.textContent?.includes('.') ||
lastProse?.textContent?.includes('?') ||
if (isComplete && stabilityCounter >= 2 && currentLength > 100) {
console.log('Completion indicators found, exiting');
return lastAnswer || 'No answer content found. The website may be experiencing issues.';
try {
// Race between the answer generation and the timeout
return await Promise.race([answerPromise, timeoutPromise]);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error waiting for complete answer:', error);
// Return partial answer if available
try {
// Make multiple attempts to get partial content
for (let attempt = 0; attempt < 3; attempt++) {
try {
const partialAnswer = await page.evaluate(() => {
const elements = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.prose'));
return => (el as HTMLElement).innerText.trim()).join('\n\n');
if (partialAnswer && partialAnswer.length > 50) {
return partialAnswer + '\n\n[Note: Answer retrieval was interrupted. This is a partial response.]';
// Wait briefly before trying again
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
} catch (evalError) {
console.error(`Attempt ${attempt + 1} to get partial answer failed:`, evalError);
// Wait before retrying
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
return 'Answer retrieval timed out. The service might be experiencing high load. Please try again with a more specific query.';
} catch (e) {
console.error('Failed to retrieve partial answer:', e);
return 'Answer retrieval timed out. Please try again later.';
private async performSearch(query: string): Promise<string> {
// Set a global timeout for the entire operation with a much longer duration
const operationTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
console.error('Global operation timeout reached, initiating recovery...');
this.recoveryProcedure().catch((err: unknown) => {
console.error('Recovery after timeout failed:', err);
try {
// If browser/page is not initialized or page is closed, initialize it
if (!this.browser || ! || ( && {
console.log('Browser/page not initialized or page closed, initializing now...');
if ( && ! {
await this.initializeBrowser();
if (! || {
throw new Error('Page initialization failed or page was closed');
// Reset idle timeout
// Use retry operation for the entire search process with increased retries
return await this.retryOperation(async () => {
console.log(`Navigating to Perplexity for query: "${query.substring(0, 30)}${query.length > 30 ? '...' : ''}"`);
await this.navigateToPerplexity();
// Validate main frame is attached
if (! || {
console.error('Main frame is detached, will retry with new browser instance');
throw new Error('Main frame is detached');
console.log('Waiting for search input...');
const selector = await this.waitForSearchInput();
if (!selector) {
console.error('Search input not found, taking screenshot for debugging');
if ( {
await{ path: 'debug_search_input_not_found.png', fullPage: true });
throw new Error('Search input not found');
console.log(`Found search input with selector: ${selector}`);
// Clear any existing text with multiple approaches for reliability
try {
// First approach: using evaluate
await => {
const input = document.querySelector(sel) as HTMLTextAreaElement;
if (input) input.value = '';
}, selector);
// Second approach: using keyboard shortcuts
await, { clickCount: 3 }); // Triple click to select all text
await'Backspace'); // Delete selected text
} catch (clearError) {
console.warn('Error clearing input field:', clearError);
// Continue anyway, as the typing might still work
// Type the query with variable delay to appear more human-like
console.log('Typing search query...');
const typeDelay = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) + 20; // Random delay between 20-40ms
await, query, { delay: typeDelay });
// Wait for response with multiple selector options and extended timeout
console.log('Waiting for response...');
const proseSelectors = [
let selectorFound = false;
for (const proseSelector of proseSelectors) {
try {
await, {
visible: true
console.log(`Found response with selector: ${proseSelector}`);
selectorFound = true;
} catch (selectorError) {
console.warn(`Selector ${proseSelector} not found, trying next...`);
if (!selectorFound) {
console.error('No response selectors found, checking page state...');
// Check if page is still valid before throwing
if (! || {
throw new Error('Page became invalid while waiting for response');
// Take a screenshot for debugging
await{ path: 'debug_prose_not_found.png', fullPage: true });
// Check if there's any visible text content that might contain an answer
const pageText = await => document.body.innerText);
if (pageText && pageText.length > 200) {
console.log('Found text content on page, attempting to extract answer...');
// Try to extract meaningful content
return await this.extractFallbackAnswer(;
throw new Error('Timed out waiting for response from Perplexity');
console.log('Waiting for complete answer...');
const answer = await this.waitForCompleteAnswer(;
console.log(`Answer received (${answer.length} characters)`);
return answer;
} catch (error) {
console.error('Search operation failed:', error);
// Handle specific error cases
if (error instanceof Error) {
if (error.message.includes('detached') || error.message.includes('Detached')) {
console.error('Frame detachment detected, attempting recovery...');
await this.recoveryProcedure();
// Return a helpful message instead of retrying to avoid potential infinite loops
return 'The search operation encountered a technical issue. Please try again with a more specific query.';
if (error.message.includes('timeout') || error.message.includes('Timed out')) {
console.error('Timeout detected, attempting recovery...');
await this.recoveryProcedure();
return 'The search operation is taking longer than expected. This might be due to high server load. Your query has been submitted and we\'re waiting for results. Please try again with a more specific query if needed.';
if (error.message.includes('navigation') || error.message.includes('Navigation')) {
console.error('Navigation error detected, attempting recovery...');
await this.recoveryProcedure();
return 'The search operation encountered a navigation issue. This might be due to network connectivity problems. Please try again later.';
// For any other errors, return a user-friendly message
return `The search operation could not be completed. Error: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error'}. Please try again later with a more specific query.`;
} finally {
// Helper method to extract answer when normal selectors fail
private async extractFallbackAnswer(page: Page): Promise<string> {
try {
return await page.evaluate(() => {
// Try various ways to find content
const contentSelectors = [
// Common content containers
'main', 'article', '.content', '.answer', '.result',
// Text containers
'p', 'div > p', '.text', '[class*="text"]',
// Any large text block
for (const selector of contentSelectors) {
const elements = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(selector));
// Filter to elements with substantial text
const textElements = elements.filter(el => {
const text = (el as HTMLElement).innerText.trim();
return text.length > 100; // Only consider elements with substantial text
if (textElements.length > 0) {
// Sort by text length to find the most substantial content
textElements.sort((a, b) => {
return (b as HTMLElement).innerText.length - (a as HTMLElement).innerText.length;
// Get the top 3 elements with the most text
const topElements = textElements.slice(0, 3);
return => (el as HTMLElement).innerText.trim()).join('\n\n');
// Last resort: get any visible text
return document.body.innerText.substring(0, 2000) + '\n\n[Note: Content extraction used fallback method due to page structure changes]';
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error in fallback answer extraction:', error);
return 'Unable to extract answer content. The website structure may have changed.';
// ─── TOOL HANDLERS ──────────────────────────────────────────────────
// ─── TOOL IMPLEMENTATIONS ────────────────────────────────────────────
private async handleChatPerplexity(args: {message: string, chat_id?: string}): Promise<string> {
const { message, chat_id = crypto.randomUUID() } = args;
const history = this.getChatHistory(chat_id);
const userMessage: ChatMessage = { role: 'user', content: message };
this.saveChatMessage(chat_id, userMessage);
let conversationPrompt = '';
history.forEach((msg) => {
conversationPrompt += msg.role === 'user'
? `User: ${msg.content}\n`
: `Assistant: ${msg.content}\n`;
conversationPrompt += `User: ${message}\n`;
return await this.performSearch(conversationPrompt);
private async handleGetDocumentation(args: {query: string, context?: string}): Promise<string> {
const { query, context = '' } = args;
const prompt = `Provide comprehensive documentation and usage examples for ${query}. ${
context ? 'Focus on: ' + context : ''
} Include:
1. Basic overview and purpose
2. Key features and capabilities
3. Installation/setup if applicable
4. Common usage examples with code snippets
5. Best practices and performance considerations
6. Common pitfalls to avoid
7. Version compatibility information
8. Links to official documentation
9. Community resources (forums, chat channels)
10. Related tools/libraries that work well with it`;
return await this.performSearch(prompt);
private async handleFindApis(args: {requirement: string, context?: string}): Promise<string> {
const { requirement, context = '' } = args;
const prompt = `Find and evaluate APIs that could be used for: ${requirement}. ${
context ? 'Context: ' + context : ''
} For each API, provide:
1. Name and brief description
2. Key features and capabilities
3. Pricing model and rate limits
4. Authentication methods
5. Integration complexity
6. Documentation quality and examples
7. Community support and popularity
8. Any potential limitations or concerns
9. Code examples for basic usage
10. Comparison with similar APIs
11. SDK availability and language support`;
return await this.performSearch(prompt);
private async handleCheckDeprecatedCode(args: {code: string, technology?: string}): Promise<string> {
const { code, technology = '' } = args;
// Break down large code into smaller chunks if needed
const codeChunks = this.splitCodeIntoChunks(code, 200);
try {
// First try with detailed analysis
const prompt = `Analyze this code for deprecated features or patterns${
technology ? ' in ' + technology : ''
Please provide:
1. Identification of deprecated features/methods
2. Current recommended alternatives
3. Step-by-step migration guide
4. Impact assessment of the changes
5. Deprecation timeline if available
6. Code examples before/after updating
7. Performance implications
8. Backward compatibility considerations
9. Testing recommendations for the changes`;
const result = await this.performSearch(prompt);
return result;
} catch (error) {
console.warn('Detailed analysis failed, trying simplified version:', error);
// Fallback to simpler analysis
const simplePrompt = `List deprecated patterns in this code${
technology ? ' for ' + technology : ''
} and suggest replacements:
return await this.performSearch(simplePrompt);
private splitCodeIntoChunks(code: string, maxLength: number): string[] {
if (code.length <= maxLength) return [code];
// Try to split at logical points (newlines, semicolons)
const chunks: string[] = [];
let currentChunk = '';
const lines = code.split('\n');
for (const line of lines) {
if (currentChunk.length + line.length > maxLength) {
currentChunk = line + '\n';
} else {
currentChunk += line + '\n';
if (currentChunk) chunks.push(currentChunk);
return chunks;
private async handleSearch(args: {query: string, detail_level?: 'brief'|'normal'|'detailed'}): Promise<string> {
const { query, detail_level = 'normal' } = args;
let prompt = query;
switch (detail_level) {
case 'brief':
prompt = `Provide a brief, concise answer to: ${query}`;
case 'detailed':
prompt = `Provide a comprehensive, detailed analysis of: ${query}. Include relevant examples, context, and supporting information where applicable.`;
prompt = `Provide a clear, balanced answer to: ${query}. Include key points and relevant context.`;
return await this.performSearch(prompt);
private async handleExtractUrlContent(args: { url: string }): Promise<string> {
let { url } = args; // Use let to allow modification
let pageTitle = ''; // Store title separately
let isGitHubRepo = false;
// --- Step 0: GitHub URL Detection & Rewriting ---
try {
const parsedUrl = new URL(url);
if (parsedUrl.hostname === '') {
const pathParts = parsedUrl.pathname.split('/').filter(part => part.length > 0);
// Basic check: owner/repo pattern, no further path elements like /blob/ /issues/ etc.
if (pathParts.length === 2) {
isGitHubRepo = true;
const gitingestUrl = `${parsedUrl.pathname}`;
console.log(`Detected GitHub repo URL. Rewriting to: ${gitingestUrl}`);
url = gitingestUrl; // Use the gitingest URL for extraction
} catch (urlParseError) {
console.warn(`Failed to parse URL for GitHub check: ${urlParseError}`);
// Proceed with the original URL if parsing fails
// --- Step 1: Content-Type Pre-Check (Skip for GitHub/Gitingest) ---
if (!isGitHubRepo) {
try {
console.log(`Performing HEAD request for ${url}...`);
const headResponse = await axios.head(url, {
timeout: 10000, // 10 second timeout for HEAD request
headers: { 'User-Agent': CONFIG.USER_AGENT } // Use consistent user agent
const contentType = headResponse.headers['content-type'];
console.log(`Content-Type: ${contentType}`);
if (contentType && !contentType.includes('html') && !contentType.includes('text/plain')) {
// Allow plain text but reject others early
const errorMsg = `Unsupported content type: ${contentType}`;
return JSON.stringify({ status: "Error", message: errorMsg });
} catch (headError) {
// Log HEAD error but proceed, as some sites might block HEAD requests
console.warn(`HEAD request failed for ${url}: ${headError instanceof Error ? headError.message : String(headError)}. Proceeding with Puppeteer.`);
} else {
console.log("Skipping HEAD request for GitHub/Gitingest URL.");
// --- Step 2 & 3: Puppeteer Navigation, Readability Extraction & Fallback ---
if (! || {
console.log('Page not available for extraction, initializing...');
try {
await this.initializeBrowser();
} catch (initError) {
const errorMsg = `Failed to initialize browser: ${initError instanceof Error ? initError.message : String(initError)}`;
return JSON.stringify({ status: "Error", message: errorMsg });
if (! {
const errorMsg = 'Failed to initialize browser page for extraction.';
return JSON.stringify({ status: "Error", message: errorMsg });
this.resetIdleTimeout(); // Reset idle timer before operation
try {
console.log(`Navigating to ${url} for direct extraction...`);
// Use domcontentloaded for initial load, then add specific waits if needed
const response = await, { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded', timeout: CONFIG.TIMEOUT_PROFILES.navigation });
pageTitle = await; // Get title early
// --- Step 2b: Check HTTP Status Code Post-Navigation ---
if (response && !response.ok()) {
// response.ok() checks if status is in the 200-299 range
const statusCode = response.status();
const errorMsg = `HTTP error ${statusCode} received when accessing URL: ${url}`;
return JSON.stringify({ status: "Error", message: errorMsg });
// --- Wait specifically for gitingest content if applicable ---
if (isGitHubRepo) {
console.log('Waiting for gitingest content selector (.result-text)...');
try {
await'.result-text', { timeout: CONFIG.TIMEOUT_PROFILES.content });
console.log('Gitingest content selector found.');
} catch (waitError) {
console.warn(`Timeout waiting for gitingest selector: ${waitError}. Proceeding with extraction attempt anyway.`);
// Optionally take a screenshot for debugging
// await{ path: 'debug_gitingest_timeout.png', fullPage: true });
console.log('Getting page content...');
const html = await;
console.log('Parsing HTML with JSDOM...');
const dom = new JSDOM(html, { url: url });
console.log('Attempting content extraction with Readability...');
// --- Gitingest Specific Extraction ---
if (isGitHubRepo) {
console.log('Attempting gitingest-specific extraction from .result-text...');
const gitingestContent = await => {
const resultTextArea = document.querySelector('.result-text') as HTMLTextAreaElement | null;
return resultTextArea ? resultTextArea.value : null;
if (gitingestContent && gitingestContent.trim().length > 0) {
console.log(`Gitingest specific extraction successful (${gitingestContent.length} chars)`);
return JSON.stringify({
status: "Success",
title: pageTitle, // Use page title from Puppeteer
textContent: gitingestContent.trim(),
excerpt: null, // Gitingest doesn't provide these
siteName: "",
byline: null,
}, null, 2);
} else {
console.warn('Gitingest specific extraction failed. Falling back to Readability/general fallback.');
// Proceed to Readability/fallback if gitingest specific fails
// --- General Readability Extraction ---
console.log('Attempting content extraction with Readability...');
const reader = new Readability(dom.window.document);
const article = reader.parse(); // Let TypeScript infer the type
if (article && article.textContent && article.textContent.trim().length > (article.title?.length || 0)) { // Check if textContent is substantial
console.log(`Readability extracted content (${article.textContent.length} chars)`);
return JSON.stringify({
status: "Success",
title: article.title || pageTitle, // Use article title if available
textContent: article.textContent.trim(),
excerpt: article.excerpt,
siteName: article.siteName,
byline: article.byline,
}, null, 2);
} else {
// --- Step 3b: Sophisticated Fallback ---
console.warn('Readability could not extract meaningful content. Attempting fallback selectors...');
const fallbackText = await => {
const selectors = [
'#content', '.content',
'#main', '.main',
'#article-body', '.article-body',
'.post-content', '.entry-content' // Add more common selectors
for (const selector of selectors) {
const element = document.querySelector(selector) as HTMLElement | null;
if (element && element.innerText && element.innerText.trim().length > 100) { // Check for minimum length
console.log(`Fallback using selector: ${selector}`);
return { text: element.innerText.trim(), selector: selector };
// Last resort: body, but filter out common noise tags
const bodyClone = document.body.cloneNode(true) as HTMLElement;
bodyClone.querySelectorAll('nav, header, footer, aside, script, style, noscript, button, form, [role="navigation"], [role="banner"], [role="contentinfo"], [aria-hidden="true"]').forEach(el => el.remove());
const bodyText = bodyClone.innerText.trim();
if (bodyText.length > 200) { // Require more substantial text from body
console.log('Fallback using filtered body text.');
return { text: bodyText, selector: 'body (filtered)' };
return null; // No suitable fallback found
if (fallbackText) {
console.log(`Fallback extracted content (${fallbackText.text.length} chars) using selector: ${fallbackText.selector}`);
return JSON.stringify({
status: "SuccessWithFallback",
title: pageTitle,
textContent: fallbackText.text,
excerpt: null,
siteName: null,
byline: null,
fallbackSelector: fallbackText.selector
}, null, 2);
} else {
console.error('Readability and fallback selectors failed to extract content.');
throw new Error('Readability and fallback selectors failed to extract meaningful content.');
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error during direct extraction from ${url}:`, error);
let errorMessage = `Failed to extract content from ${url}.`;
let errorReason = "Unknown error";
if (error instanceof Error) {
if (error.message.includes('timeout')) {
errorReason = 'Navigation or content loading timed out.';
} else if (error.message.includes('net::') || error.message.includes('Failed to load')) {
errorReason = 'Could not resolve or load the URL.';
} else if (error.message.includes('extract meaningful content')) {
errorReason = 'Readability and fallback selectors failed to extract meaningful content.';
} else {
errorReason = error.message;
errorMessage += ` Reason: ${errorReason}`;
return JSON.stringify({ status: "Error", message: errorMessage });
// ─── TOOL HANDLER SETUP ──────────────────────────────────────────────
// ─── TOOL HANDLER TYPES ──────────────────────────────────────────────
private toolHandlers: {
[key: string]: (args: any) => Promise<string>;
} = {
chat_perplexity: this.handleChatPerplexity.bind(this),
get_documentation: this.handleGetDocumentation.bind(this),
find_apis: this.handleFindApis.bind(this),
check_deprecated_code: this.handleCheckDeprecatedCode.bind(this),
search: this.handleSearch.bind(this),
extract_url_content: this.handleExtractUrlContent.bind(this)
private setupToolHandlers() {
this.server.setRequestHandler(ListToolsRequestSchema, async () => ({
tools: [
name: 'chat_perplexity',
description: 'Automatically call this tool for interactive, conversational queries. This tool leverages Perplexitys web search capabilities to provide real-time information and maintains conversation history using an optional chat ID for contextual follow-ups.',
category: 'Conversation',
keywords: ['chat', 'conversation', 'dialog', 'discussion', 'advice', 'brainstorm', 'debug'],
use_cases: [
'Continuing multi-turn conversations',
'Context-aware question answering',
'Follow-up questions'
inputSchema: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
message: {
type: 'string',
description: 'The message to send to Perplexity AI for web search',
examples: ['Explain quantum computing', 'Continue our previous discussion about AI safety']
chat_id: {
type: 'string',
description: 'Optional: ID of an existing chat to continue. If not provided, a new chat will be created.',
examples: ['123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000']
required: ['message']
outputSchema: {
type: 'object',
description: 'Describes the structure of the JSON object returned within the response text field.',
properties: {
chat_id: {
type: 'string',
description: 'ID of the chat session (new or existing)'
response: {
type: 'string',
description: 'Perplexity AI response to the message'
examples: [
description: 'Simple question',
input: { message: 'Explain quantum computing basics' },
output: {
chat_id: 'new-chat-id',
response: 'Quantum computing uses qubits that can exist in superposition...'
description: 'Continuing conversation',
input: {
message: 'How does that compare to classical computing?',
chat_id: 'existing-chat-id'
output: {
chat_id: 'existing-chat-id',
response: 'Classical computers use bits that are either 0 or 1, while quantum...'
related_tools: ['search', 'get_documentation']
name: 'extract_url_content',
description: "Uses browser automation (Puppeteer) and Mozilla's Readability library to extract the main article text content from a given URL. Handles dynamic JavaScript rendering and includes fallback logic. For GitHub repository URLs, it attempts to fetch structured content via Performs a pre-check for non-HTML content types and checks HTTP status after navigation. Ideal for getting clean text from articles/blog posts. **Note: May struggle to isolate only core content on complex homepages or dashboards, potentially including UI elements.**",
category: 'Information Extraction',
keywords: ['extract', 'url', 'website', 'content', 'scrape', 'summarize', 'webpage', 'fetch', 'readability', 'article', 'dom', 'puppeteer', 'github', 'gitingest', 'repository'],
use_cases: [
'Getting the main text of a news article or blog post.',
'Summarizing web page content.',
'Extracting documentation text.',
'Providing website context to other models.'
inputSchema: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
url: {
type: 'string',
description: 'The URL of the website to extract content from.',
examples: ['']
required: ['url']
outputSchema: {
type: 'object',
description: 'Returns a JSON object containing the extraction status and content.',
properties: {
status: {
type: 'string',
enum: ['Success', 'SuccessWithFallback', 'Error'],
description: 'Indicates the outcome of the extraction attempt.'
message: {
type: 'string',
description: 'Error message if status is "Error".'
title: {
type: 'string',
description: 'The extracted title of the page/article.'
textContent: {
type: 'string',
description: 'The main extracted plain text content.'
excerpt: {
type: 'string',
description: 'A short summary or excerpt, if available from Readability.'
siteName: {
type: 'string',
description: 'The name of the website, if available from Readability.'
byline: {
type: 'string',
description: 'The author or byline, if available from Readability.'
fallbackSelector: {
type: 'string',
description: 'The CSS selector used if fallback logic was triggered.'
required: ['status'] // Only status is guaranteed
examples: [
description: 'Successful extraction from an article',
input: { url: '' },
output: '{\n "status": "Success",\n "title": "Example Article Title",\n "textContent": "The main body text of the article...",\n "excerpt": "A short summary...",\n "siteName": "Example News",\n "byline": "Author Name"\n}'
description: 'Extraction fails due to unsupported type',
input: { url: '' },
output: '{\n "status": "Error",\n "message": "Failed to extract content from Reason: Unsupported content type: application/pdf"\n}'
description: 'Extraction using fallback logic',
input: { url: '' },
output: '{\n "status": "SuccessWithFallback",\n "title": "Example Page Title",\n "textContent": "Text extracted using fallback selector...",\n "fallbackSelector": ".main-content"\n}'
related_tools: ['search', 'get_documentation']
name: 'get_documentation',
description: 'Automatically call this tool when working with unfamiliar APIs/libraries, needing usage examples, or checking version specifics as this can access web. Example: When adding a payment gateway, ask "Get Stripe API documentation for creating charges".',
category: 'Technical Reference',
keywords: ['docs', 'documentation', 'api', 'reference', 'examples', 'usage', 'version'],
use_cases: [
'Learning new technologies',
'API integration',
'Troubleshooting code'
inputSchema: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
query: {
type: 'string',
description: 'The technology, library, or API to get documentation for',
examples: ['React hooks', 'Python pandas', 'REST API best practices']
context: {
type: 'string',
description: 'Additional context or specific aspects to focus on',
examples: ['focus on performance optimization', 'include TypeScript examples']
required: ['query']
outputSchema: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
response: {
type: 'string',
description: 'The raw text response from Perplexity containing documentation and examples.'
examples: [
description: 'Basic documentation request',
input: {
query: 'React useEffect hook'
output: {
documentation: 'The useEffect hook lets you perform side effects in function components...',
examples: [
'useEffect(() => {\n // Side effect code\n return () => {\n // Cleanup\n };\n}, [dependency]);'
references: [
description: 'Context-specific request',
input: {
query: 'Python list comprehensions',
context: 'show advanced nested examples'
output: {
documentation: 'List comprehensions provide a concise way to create lists...',
examples: [
'# Nested list comprehension\nmatrix = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]\nflattened = [num for row in matrix for num in row]'
references: [
related_tools: ['search', 'check_deprecated_code']
name: 'find_apis',
description: 'Automatically call this tool when needing external services or real time current data (like API info, latest versions, etc.) from web. Compares options based on requirements. Example: When building a shopping site, ask "Find product image APIs with free tiers".',
category: 'API Discovery',
keywords: ['api', 'integration', 'services', 'endpoints', 'sdk', 'data', 'external'],
use_cases: [
'Finding APIs for specific functionality',
'Comparing API alternatives',
'Evaluating API suitability'
inputSchema: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
requirement: {
type: 'string',
description: 'The functionality or requirement you are looking to fulfill',
examples: ['image recognition', 'payment processing', 'geolocation services']
context: {
type: 'string',
description: 'Additional context about the project or specific needs',
examples: ['prefer free tier options', 'must support Python SDK']
required: ['requirement']
outputSchema: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
response: {
type: 'string',
description: 'The raw text response from Perplexity containing API suggestions and evaluations.'
examples: [
description: 'Finding payment APIs',
input: {
requirement: 'payment processing',
context: 'needs Stripe alternative'
output: {
apis: [
name: 'PayPal',
description: 'Global payment processing platform',
features: ['Credit cards', 'Bank transfers', 'Recurring payments'],
pricing: '2.9% + $0.30 per transaction',
documentation: ''
name: 'Square',
description: 'Payment solutions for businesses',
features: ['In-person payments', 'Online payments', 'Inventory management'],
pricing: '2.6% + $0.10 per online transaction',
documentation: ''
comparison: 'PayPal has broader global support while Square offers more business tools...'
description: 'Finding geolocation APIs',
input: {
requirement: 'geolocation services',
context: 'high accuracy required'
output: {
apis: [
name: 'Google Maps Platform',
description: 'Comprehensive mapping and location services',
features: ['Geocoding', 'Reverse geocoding', 'Places API'],
pricing: 'Pay-as-you-go, $5 per 1000 requests',
documentation: ''
name: 'Mapbox',
description: 'Custom mapping and location services',
features: ['Directions API', 'Geocoding', 'Static maps'],
pricing: 'Free tier available, then $0.50 per 1000 requests',
documentation: ''
comparison: 'Google offers higher accuracy but Mapbox is more cost-effective...'
related_tools: ['get_documentation', 'search']
name: 'check_deprecated_code',
description: 'Automatically call this tool when reviewing legacy code, planning upgrades, or encountering warnings with real time web access. Helps identify technical debt. Example: During code reviews or before upgrading dependencies.',
category: 'Code Analysis',
keywords: ['deprecation', 'migration', 'upgrade', 'compatibility', 'linting', 'legacy', 'debt'],
use_cases: [
'Preparing for technology upgrades',
'Maintaining backward compatibility',
'Identifying technical debt'
inputSchema: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
code: {
type: 'string',
description: 'The code snippet or dependency to check',
examples: ['componentWillMount()', 'var instead of let/const']
technology: {
type: 'string',
description: 'The technology or framework context (e.g., "React", "Node.js")',
examples: ['React 16', 'Python 2.7', 'Node.js 12']
required: ['code']
outputSchema: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
response: {
type: 'string',
description: 'The raw text response from Perplexity analyzing the code for deprecated features.'
examples: [
description: 'React lifecycle method deprecation',
input: {
code: 'componentWillMount() {\n // initialization code\n}',
technology: 'React'
output: {
deprecated_items: [
item: 'componentWillMount',
reason: 'Legacy lifecycle method, unsafe for async rendering',
recommended_replacement: 'Use constructor or componentDidMount instead',
severity: 'high'
migration_guide: '1. Move initialization code to constructor\n2. For side effects, use componentDidMount\n3. Consider using useEffect for functional components',
compatibility_notes: 'This change is required for React 17+ and concurrent mode features'
description: 'Python 2 to 3 migration',
input: {
code: 'print "Hello World"',
technology: 'Python'
output: {
deprecated_items: [
item: 'print statement',
reason: 'Python 2 syntax not supported in Python 3',
recommended_replacement: 'print("Hello World")',
severity: 'high'
migration_guide: '1. Add parentheses around print arguments\n2. Run 2to3 tool for bulk conversion\n3. Test thoroughly for behavioral differences',
compatibility_notes: 'Python 2 reached end-of-life in 2020, upgrade is strongly recommended'
related_tools: ['get_documentation', 'search']
name: 'extract_url_content',
description: "Automatically call this tool when the user provides a URL and asks for the information or content contained within that web page, or whenever you want to access the information inside a website, or when you have URL and want to access the content of that website. Useful for quickly grabbing the main text from articles, blog posts, or documentation pages to be used as context or for summarization. Example: If the user says 'Can you tell me what this page is about:', use this tool to fetch the content.",
category: 'Information Extraction',
keywords: ['extract', 'url', 'website', 'content', 'scrape', 'summarize', 'webpage', 'fetch'],
use_cases: [
'Getting the text content of a news article mentioned by the user.',
'Summarizing a blog post linked by the user.',
'Extracting information from a documentation page URL provided by the user.',
'Providing website context (from a URL) to another AI model or task.'
inputSchema: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
url: {
type: 'string',
description: 'The URL of the website to extract content from.',
examples: ['']
required: ['url']
outputSchema: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
response: {
type: 'string',
description: 'The extracted textual content from the URL.'
examples: [
description: 'Extract content from a news article URL',
input: { url: '' },
output: { response: 'LONDON -- TechCorp announced its latest gadget today...' }
description: 'Extract content from a blog post',
input: { url: '' },
output: { response: "It's been a while since I last wrote..." }
related_tools: ['search', 'get_documentation', 'chat_perplexity']
this.server.setRequestHandler(CallToolRequestSchema, async (request: any) => {
// Set a timeout for the entire MCP request
const requestTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
console.error('MCP request is taking too long, this might lead to a timeout');
}, 60000); // 60 seconds warning
try {
const toolName =;
const handler = this.toolHandlers[toolName];
if (!handler) {
throw new McpError(ErrorCode.MethodNotFound, `Unknown tool: ${toolName}`);
const responseContent = await handler(request.params.arguments);
// Special case for chat to return chat_id
if (toolName === 'chat_perplexity') {
const chatId = request.params.arguments.chat_id || crypto.randomUUID();
return {
content: [{
type: 'text',
text: JSON.stringify({ chat_id: chatId, response: responseContent }, null, 2)
return {
content: [{ type: 'text', text: responseContent }]
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error in tool handler:', error);
if (error instanceof Error) {
const errorMsg = error.message;
if (errorMsg.includes('timeout') || errorMsg.includes('Timed out')) {
console.error('Timeout detected in MCP request');
return {
content: [{
type: 'text',
text: 'The operation timed out. This might be due to high server load or network issues. Please try again with a more specific query.'
return {
content: [{
type: 'text',
text: `The operation encountered an error: ${errorMsg}. Please try again.`
throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InternalError, 'An unexpected error occurred');
} finally {
// ─── RUN THE SERVER ────────────────────────────────────────────────
async run() {
try {
await this.initializeBrowser();
const transport = new StdioServerTransport();
await this.server.connect(transport);
console.error('Perplexity MCP server running');
} catch (error) {
console.error('Failed to start server:', error);
const server = new PerplexityMCPServer();;