Buienradar MCP Server

# Buienradar MCP Server [![smithery badge](https://smithery.ai/badge/@wpnbos/buienradar-mcp-server)](https://smithery.ai/server/@wpnbos/buienradar-mcp-server) ## Overview This is an MCP server that fetches precipitation data for a given latitude and longitude using Buienradar. It exposes a single MCP tool, `get_precipitation_for`, which provides precipitation forecasts for the next two hours. ### Installing via Smithery To install Buienradar MCP Server for Claude Desktop automatically via [Smithery](https://smithery.ai/server/@wpnbos/buienradar-mcp-server): ```bash npx -y @smithery/cli install @wpnbos/buienradar-mcp-server --client claude ``` ## Configuration First, make sure you have `uv` (and Python) installed. To integrate this server with `Claude for Desktop`, update your configuration file at: MacOS/Linux ``` ~/Library/Application Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json ``` Windows ``` code $env:AppData\Claude\claude_desktop_config.json ``` Example configuration: ```json { "mcpServers": { "precipitation": { "command": "uv", "args": [ "--directory", "/ABSOLUTE/PATH/TO/PARENT/FOLDER/buienradar-mcp-server", "run", "server.py" ] } } } ``` Replace `/ABSOLUTE/PATH/TO/PARENT/FOLDER/buienradar-mcp-server` with the actual path where your server is located. Restart Claude for Desktop for the tool to become available. You might have to provide the full path for `uv` instead of just `uv`. To find the full path for your `uv` executable, on MacOS/Linux execute `which uv`. ## Usage If all went well, you should be able to ask Claude about any upcoming precipitation. ``` > Will there be any rain soon in Amsterdam? > No rain predicted in Amsterdam for the next 2 hours. ```