MCP Operator
by willer
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Computer implementations for the OpenAI Computer Use Agent (CUA)
import asyncio
import base64
from typing import List, Dict, Tuple, Literal, Protocol, Any
from urllib.parse import urlparse
# Computer Protocol that defines the required methods for our CUA computer
class AsyncComputer(Protocol):
"""Defines the methods and properties required for our CUA computer"""
def environment(self) -> Literal["browser"]: ...
def dimensions(self) -> Tuple[int, int]: ...
async def screenshot(self) -> str: ...
async def click(self, x: int, y: int, button: str = "left") -> None: ...
async def double_click(self, x: int, y: int) -> None: ...
async def scroll(self, x: int, y: int, scroll_x: int, scroll_y: int) -> None: ...
async def type(self, text: str) -> None: ...
async def wait(self, ms: int = 1000) -> None: ...
async def move(self, x: int, y: int) -> None: ...
async def keypress(self, keys: List[str]) -> None: ...
async def drag(self, path: List[Dict[str, int]]) -> None: ...
async def get_current_url(self) -> str: ...
async def goto(self, url: str) -> None: ...
class AsyncPlaywrightComputer:
"""Base implementation for Playwright-based browser automation using the Async API"""
environment: Literal["browser"] = "browser"
dimensions = (1280, 1024) # Default dimensions for the browser
def __init__(self, allowed_domains=None):
self._playwright = None
self._browser = None
self._page = None
self.allowed_domains = allowed_domains or ['about:blank']
async def __aenter__(self):
from playwright.async_api import async_playwright
# Start Playwright
self._playwright = await async_playwright().start()
self._browser, self._page = await self._get_browser_and_page()
# Set up domain blocking based on allowed domains
async def handle_route(route, request):
url = request.url
hostname = urlparse(url).hostname or ""
# For important resources like stylesheets, scripts, fonts, and images, be more permissive
resource_type = request.resource_type
essential_resources = ["stylesheet", "script", "font", "image", "fetch", "xhr", "other"]
# Check if it's allowed based on our domain list
is_allowed = any(hostname.endswith(domain) for domain in self.allowed_domains)
# Additional check for essential resources from CDNs
cdn_domains = ["cdn", "jsdelivr", "cloudflare", "unpkg", "googleapis", "fontawesome"]
is_cdn = any(cdn in hostname for cdn in cdn_domains)
# Allow essential resources from known CDNs even if not explicitly in our domain list
if resource_type in essential_resources and is_cdn:
is_allowed = True
# Special case for assets in the main application domain
main_domain = urlparse(self._page.url).hostname
if main_domain and hostname and hostname.endswith(main_domain):
is_allowed = True
# If we can't get the current URL, be more lenient
if not is_allowed:
# Only log and block non-essential resources to reduce noise
if resource_type not in ["image", "stylesheet", "font"]:
print(f"Blocking disallowed domain: {url}")
await route.abort()
await route.continue_()
await self._page.route("**/*", handle_route)
return self
async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
if self._browser:
await self._browser.close()
if self._playwright:
await self._playwright.stop()
async def screenshot(self) -> str:
"""Capture a screenshot of the current page"""
# Export as PNG
png_bytes = await self._page.screenshot(full_page=False)
# Convert to base64 for API
return base64.b64encode(png_bytes).decode("utf-8")
async def click(self, x: int, y: int, button: str = "left") -> None:
"""Click at the specified coordinates"""
if button == "back":
await self.back()
elif button == "forward":
await self.forward()
elif button == "wheel":
await self._page.mouse.wheel(x, y)
button_mapping = {"left": "left", "right": "right", "middle": "middle"}
button_type = button_mapping.get(button, "left")
await, y, button=button_type)
async def double_click(self, x: int, y: int) -> None:
"""Double-click at the specified coordinates"""
await self._page.mouse.dblclick(x, y)
async def scroll(self, x: int, y: int, scroll_x: int, scroll_y: int) -> None:
"""Scroll from a position"""
await self._page.mouse.move(x, y)
await self._page.evaluate(f"window.scrollBy({scroll_x}, {scroll_y})")
async def type(self, text: str) -> None:
"""Type text with the keyboard"""
await self._page.keyboard.type(text)
async def wait(self, ms: int = 1000) -> None:
"""Wait for a specified time in milliseconds"""
await asyncio.sleep(ms / 1000)
async def move(self, x: int, y: int) -> None:
"""Move the mouse to the specified coordinates"""
await self._page.mouse.move(x, y)
async def keypress(self, keys: List[str]) -> None:
"""Press keyboard keys"""
# Map common key names to Playwright key names
key_mapping = {
"CTRL": "Control",
"CMD": "Meta",
"ESC": "Escape",
"ALT": "Alt",
"SHIFT": "Shift",
"TAB": "Tab",
"ENTER": "Enter",
"BACKSPACE": "Backspace",
"DELETE": "Delete",
"HOME": "Home",
"END": "End",
"PAGEUP": "PageUp",
"PAGEDOWN": "PageDown",
"ARROWUP": "ArrowUp",
"ARROWDOWN": "ArrowDown",
"ARROWLEFT": "ArrowLeft",
"ARROWRIGHT": "ArrowRight",
"SPACE": " "
for key in keys:
# Convert key to lowercase for case-insensitive comparison
key_lower = key.lower()
# Use the mapping if available
mapped_key = key_mapping.get(key.upper(), key)
async def drag(self, path: List[Dict[str, int]]) -> None:
"""Perform a drag operation along a path"""
if not path:
await self._page.mouse.move(path[0]["x"], path[0]["y"])
await self._page.mouse.down()
for point in path[1:]:
await self._page.mouse.move(point["x"], point["y"])
await self._page.mouse.up()
async def get_current_url(self) -> str:
"""Get the current page URL"""
return self._page.url
async def goto(self, url: str) -> None:
"""Navigate to a URL"""
await self._page.goto(url, wait_until="domcontentloaded", timeout=30000)
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error navigating to {url}: {e}")
async def back(self) -> None:
"""Go back in browser history"""
await self._page.go_back()
async def forward(self) -> None:
"""Go forward in browser history"""
await self._page.go_forward()
async def _get_browser_and_page(self):
"""Set up browser and page - must be implemented by child classes"""
raise NotImplementedError("Child classes must implement this method")
class AsyncLocalPlaywrightComputer(AsyncPlaywrightComputer):
"""Implementation of a local Playwright browser using the Async API"""
def __init__(self, headless: bool = True, width: int = 1280, height: int = 1024, allowed_domains=None):
self.headless = headless
self.dimensions = (width, height)
async def _get_browser_and_page(self):
"""Create a local browser instance"""
width, height = self.dimensions
# Launch arguments
launch_args = [
"--disable-web-security", # Allow cross-domain cookies
"--allow-running-insecure-content", # Allow mixed content
"--ignore-certificate-errors", # Ignore SSL errors
# Launch the browser
browser = await self._playwright.chromium.launch(
# Create a new browser context with more permissive settings
context = await browser.new_context(
viewport={"width": width, "height": height},
user_agent="Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
ignore_https_errors=True, # Ignore HTTPS errors
accept_downloads=True, # Accept downloads
# Set up default permissions
# Grant all permissions to make the browser work more like a human user's browser
permissions = [
await context.grant_permissions(permissions)
# Create a page
page = await context.new_page()
# Load blank page initially
await page.goto("about:blank")
return browser, page