PostgreSQL MCP Server
by vignesh-codes
#!/usr/bin/env node
import { Server } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/index.js";
import { StdioServerTransport } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/stdio.js";
import {
} from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/types.js";
import pg from "pg";
// Initialize the server
const server = new Server(
name: "example-servers/postgres",
version: "0.1.0",
capabilities: {
resources: {},
tools: {},
const args = process.argv.slice(2);
// Check if the database URL is passed
if (args.length === 0) {
const databaseUrl = args[0];
const resourceBaseUrl = new URL(databaseUrl);
resourceBaseUrl.protocol = "postgres:";
resourceBaseUrl.password = "";
const pool = new pg.Pool({
connectionString: databaseUrl,
const SCHEMA_PATH = "schema";
// Debug Insert for testing purposes
async function insertDebugEntry() {
const client = await pool.connect();
try {
// Example insert query into `example_table`
const result = await client.query(
"INSERT INTO users (name, email, age) VALUES ($1, $2, $3) RETURNING id",
["sample1", "", 30],
} catch (error) {
} finally {
// List resources handler - provides information about all available database tables
server.setRequestHandler(ListResourcesRequestSchema, async () => {
const client = await pool.connect();
try {
const result = await client.query(
"SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'public'"
return {
resources: => ({
uri: new URL(`${row.table_name}/${SCHEMA_PATH}`, resourceBaseUrl).href,
mimeType: "application/json",
name: `"${row.table_name}" database schema`,
description: `Schema information for the "${row.table_name}" table, including column names and data types. Use this to understand the table structure before querying or modifying it.`,
} catch (error) {
throw error;
} finally {
// Read resource handler - retrieves detailed schema information for a specific table
server.setRequestHandler(ReadResourceRequestSchema, async (request) => {
const resourceUrl = new URL(request.params.uri);
const pathComponents = resourceUrl.pathname.split("/");
const schema = pathComponents.pop();
const tableName = pathComponents.pop();
if (schema !== SCHEMA_PATH) {
throw new Error("Invalid resource URI - must end with '/schema' to retrieve table schema information");
const client = await pool.connect();
try {
const result = await client.query(
"SELECT column_name, data_type FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = $1",
return {
contents: [
uri: request.params.uri,
mimeType: "application/json",
text: JSON.stringify(result.rows, null, 2),
} catch (error) {
throw error;
} finally {
// This handler returns the list of tools that the server supports
server.setRequestHandler(ListToolsRequestSchema, async () => {
return {
tools: [
name: "query",
description: "Run a read-only SQL query against the PostgreSQL database and return the results as JSON. Use this tool to retrieve data without modifying the database. Only SELECT statements and other non-modifying operations are allowed. Example: Query all users with age greater than 18.",
inputSchema: {
type: "object",
properties: {
sql: {
type: "string",
description: "The SQL query to execute. Must be a SELECT statement or other read-only operation. Example: 'SELECT * FROM users WHERE age > 18'"
name: "create_table",
description: "Create a new table in the PostgreSQL database with specified columns and data types. Use this tool to define new database tables with custom schemas. Example: Create a users table with id, name, email, and created_at columns.",
inputSchema: {
type: "object",
properties: {
tableName: {
type: "string",
description: "Name for the new table. Should follow SQL naming conventions (letters, numbers, underscores). Example: 'users' or 'product_inventory'"
columns: {
type: "array",
description: "List of column definitions for the table, each with a name and PostgreSQL data type. Example: [{\"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"SERIAL PRIMARY KEY\"}, {\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"VARCHAR(255)\"}, {\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"TEXT\"}, {\"name\": \"created_at\", \"type\": \"TIMESTAMP\"}]",
items: {
type: "object",
properties: {
name: {
type: "string",
description: "Column name. Should follow SQL naming conventions. Example: 'user_id' or 'email_address'"
type: {
type: "string",
description: "PostgreSQL data type for this column. Examples: 'INTEGER', 'TEXT', 'VARCHAR(255)', 'TIMESTAMP', 'BOOLEAN', 'SERIAL PRIMARY KEY'"
required: ["name", "type"],
required: ["tableName", "columns"],
name: "insert_entry",
description: "Insert a new row/record into an existing table in the PostgreSQL database. Use this tool to add data to your tables. Example: Add a new user with name 'John Doe', email '', and age 30 to the users table.",
inputSchema: {
type: "object",
properties: {
tableName: {
type: "string",
description: "Name of the existing table to insert data into. Example: 'users'"
values: {
type: "object",
description: "Key-value pairs where keys are column names and values are the data to insert. All values are passed as strings and converted to appropriate types by PostgreSQL. Example: {\"name\": \"John Doe\", \"email\": \"\", \"age\": \"30\"}",
additionalProperties: {
type: "string",
description: "String representation of the value to insert. Will be converted to the appropriate type by PostgreSQL."
required: ["tableName", "values"],
name: "delete_table",
description: "Permanently delete/drop an entire table from the PostgreSQL database, including all its data. Use with caution as this operation cannot be undone. Example: Delete a temporary_logs table that is no longer needed.",
inputSchema: {
type: "object",
properties: {
tableName: {
type: "string",
description: "Name of the table to delete. This operation cannot be undone. Example: 'temporary_logs'"
required: ["tableName"],
name: "update_entry",
description: "Update existing rows in a PostgreSQL table that match specified conditions. Use this tool to modify data that already exists in the database. Example: Update the status to 'active' and last_login to current date for user with ID 42.",
inputSchema: {
type: "object",
properties: {
tableName: {
type: "string",
description: "Name of the table containing records to update. Example: 'users'"
values: {
type: "object",
description: "Key-value pairs of columns to update and their new values. Example: {\"status\": \"active\", \"last_login\": \"2025-03-23\"}",
additionalProperties: {
type: "string",
description: "String representation of the new value. Will be converted to the appropriate type by PostgreSQL."
conditions: {
type: "object",
description: "Key-value pairs that specify which rows to update (WHERE clause conditions). Only rows matching ALL conditions will be updated. Example: {\"user_id\": \"42\", \"status\": \"pending\"}",
additionalProperties: {
type: "string",
description: "String representation of the condition value. Will be compared using equality (=) operator."
required: ["tableName", "values", "conditions"],
name: "delete_entry",
description: "Delete rows/records from a PostgreSQL table that match specified conditions. Use this tool to remove data from your database tables. Example: Delete all inactive users or users who haven't logged in since January 1, 2024.",
inputSchema: {
type: "object",
properties: {
tableName: {
type: "string",
description: "Name of the table to delete records from. Example: 'users'"
conditions: {
type: "object",
description: "Key-value pairs that specify which rows to delete (WHERE clause conditions). Only rows matching ALL conditions will be deleted. Example: {\"status\": \"inactive\", \"last_login_before\": \"2024-01-01\"}",
additionalProperties: {
type: "string",
description: "String representation of the condition value. Will be compared using equality (=) operator."
required: ["tableName", "conditions"],
// Call tool handler for SQL operations
server.setRequestHandler(CallToolRequestSchema, async (request) => {
if ( === "query") {
const sql = request.params.arguments?.sql as string;
const client = await pool.connect();
try {
await client.query("BEGIN TRANSACTION READ ONLY");
const result = await client.query(sql);
return {
content: [{ type: "text", text: JSON.stringify(result.rows, null, 2) }],
isError: false,
} catch (error) {
throw error;
} finally {
await client.query("ROLLBACK");
if ( === "create_table") {
const { tableName, columns } = request.params.arguments as {
tableName: string;
columns: { name: string; type: string }[];
const columnDefinitions = columns
.map((col) => `${} ${col.type}`)
.join(", ");
const client = await pool.connect();
try {
const createTableQuery = `CREATE TABLE ${tableName} (${columnDefinitions})`;
await client.query(createTableQuery);
return {
content: [
type: "text",
text: `Table "${tableName}" created successfully with columns: ${columns
.map((col) => `${} (${col.type})`)
.join(", ")}`,
isError: false,
} catch (error) {
throw error;
} finally {
if ( === "insert_entry") {
const { tableName, values } = request.params.arguments as {
tableName: string;
values: Record<string, string>;
const columns = Object.keys(values).join(", ");
const placeholders = Object.keys(values)
.map((_, index) => `$${index + 1}`)
.join(", ");
const valuesArray = Object.values(values);
const client = await pool.connect();
try {
const insertQuery = `INSERT INTO ${tableName} (${columns}) VALUES (${placeholders}) RETURNING *`;
const result = await client.query(insertQuery, valuesArray);
return {
content: [
type: "text",
text: `Inserted into table "${tableName}": ${JSON.stringify(
isError: false,
} catch (error) {
throw error;
} finally {
if ( === "delete_table") {
const { tableName } = request.params.arguments as {
tableName: string;
const client = await pool.connect();
try {
const deleteTableQuery = `DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${tableName}`;
await client.query(deleteTableQuery);
return {
content: [
type: "text",
text: `Table "${tableName}" deleted successfully`,
isError: false,
} catch (error) {
throw error;
} finally {
if ( === "update_entry") {
const { tableName, values, conditions } = request.params.arguments as {
tableName: string;
values: Record<string, string>;
conditions: Record<string, string>;
const setClauses = Object.entries(values)
.map(([key, _], index) => `${key} = $${index + 1}`)
.join(", ");
const whereClauses = Object.entries(conditions)
.map(([key, _], index) => `${key} = $${Object.keys(values).length + index + 1}`)
.join(" AND ");
const queryParams = [...Object.values(values), ...Object.values(conditions)];
const client = await pool.connect();
try {
const updateQuery = `UPDATE ${tableName} SET ${setClauses} WHERE ${whereClauses} RETURNING *`;
const result = await client.query(updateQuery, queryParams);
return {
content: [
type: "text",
text: `Updated entry in table "${tableName}": ${JSON.stringify(result.rows, null, 2)}`,
isError: false,
} catch (error) {
throw error;
} finally {
if ( === "delete_entry") {
const { tableName, conditions } = request.params.arguments as {
tableName: string;
conditions: Record<string, string>;
const whereClauses = Object.entries(conditions)
.map(([key, _], index) => `${key} = $${index + 1}`)
.join(" AND ");
const queryParams = Object.values(conditions);
const client = await pool.connect();
try {
const deleteQuery = `DELETE FROM ${tableName} WHERE ${whereClauses} RETURNING *`;
const result = await client.query(deleteQuery, queryParams);
return {
content: [
type: "text",
text: `Deleted entry from table "${tableName}": ${JSON.stringify(result.rows, null, 2)}`,
isError: false,
} catch (error) {
throw error;
} finally {
throw new Error(`Unknown tool: ${}`);
// Run the server
async function runServer() {
// Insert the debug entry for testing
// await insertDebugEntry();
const transport = new StdioServerTransport();
await server.connect(transport);
runServer().catch((error) => {