GitHub MCP Server

by ualUsham

hybrid server

The server is able to function both locally and remotely, depending on the configuration or use case.


  • Enables interaction with the GitHub API, providing tools for creating issues, retrieving repository information, listing repository issues, and searching repositories.

GitHub MCP (Model Context Protocol) server

Hello! This is a GitHub MCP server designed to enable MCP-compatible LLMs, such as Claude, to communicate with my MCP server and interact with the GitHub API.


  • TypeScript (programming language)
  • Octokit (for making API requests to GitHub)
  • Model Context Protocol SDK

Setup the project locally

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Run npm install
  3. Add .env file looking at the sample provided in .env.example file
  4. To build the TypeScript files to Javascript, run npx tsc
  5. To finally run the project, run node build/index.js

Ways to test

You can test your MCP server in 2 ways:

  • MCP inspector
  • Claude Desktop

Test using MCP inspector

  1. Simply run npx @modelcontextprotocol/inspector node build/index.js in the terminal
  2. Go to http://localhost:5173
  3. You can now see the MCP inspector and test.

Test using Claude Desktop

  1. Download and install Claude Desktop from here
  2. Go to File > Settings... > Developer > Edit Config
  3. It should open up the location of claude_desktop_config.json file.
  4. Open that file in your code editor and add the following:
    { "mcpServers": { "gh": { "command": "node", "args": ["absolute\\path\\to\\your\\index.js\\file"], "env": { "GITHUB_TOKEN": "your-github-personal-access-token" } } } }
  5. Exit and reopen Claude desktop


The MCP supports mainly two features:

  • Tools (4)
    • create-issue: create a new issue in a GitHub repository
    • get-repo-info: get information about a specific GitHub repository
    • list-issues: list issues in a GitHub repository
    • search-repos: Search for GitHub repositories
  • Prompts (5)
    • create-issue-description: generate a description for a GitHub issue
    • create-pull-request-description: generate a description for a GitHub pull request
    • search-repos-prompt: generate a query for searching GitHub repositories
    • create-issue-prompt: generate parameters for creating a GitHub issue
    • enhance-github-response: format and enhance raw GitHub API response data

You can write your own prompts or select a suitable prompt from the dropdown in the "Choose an integration" option for MCP in Claude desktop

security - not tested
license - not found
quality - not tested

An MCP server that enables Claude and other compatible LLMs to interact with the GitHub API, supporting features like creating issues, retrieving repository information, listing issues, and searching repositories.

  1. Requirements
    1. Setup the project locally
    2. Ways to test
    3. Test using MCP inspector
    4. Test using Claude Desktop
    5. Functionalities