Swagger MCP Server

by tuskermanshu
/** * API客户端代码生成器 */ import { promises as fs } from 'fs'; import path from 'path'; import { OpenAPIV3 } from 'openapi-types'; import { BaseCodeGenerator, CodeGenerationResult, CodeGeneratorOptions } from './code-generator'; import { OptimizedSwaggerApiParser } from '../optimized-swagger-parser'; import type { ApiOperation } from '../optimized-swagger-parser'; /** * API客户端生成器选项 */ export interface ApiClientGeneratorOptions extends CodeGeneratorOptions { /** * Swagger/OpenAPI文档URL */ swaggerUrl: string; /** * API客户端技术栈 * @default "axios" */ clientType?: 'axios' | 'fetch' | 'react-query'; /** * 是否生成类型导入 * @default true */ generateTypeImports?: boolean; /** * 类型导入路径 * @default "../types" */ typesImportPath?: string; /** * 分组方式 * @default "tag" */ groupBy?: 'tag' | 'path' | 'none'; /** * 请求头信息 */ headers?: Record<string, string>; /** * 过滤tag列表 */ includeTags?: string[]; /** * 排除tag列表 */ excludeTags?: string[]; /** * 自定义模板路径 */ templatePath?: string; /** * 是否使用缓存 * @default true */ useCache?: boolean; /** * 缓存有效期(分钟) * @default 60 */ cacheTTLMinutes?: number; /** * 是否跳过验证 * @default false */ skipValidation?: boolean; /** * 是否启用懒加载 * @default true */ lazyLoading?: boolean; /** * 进度回调函数 */ progressCallback?: (progress: number, message: string) => void; } /** * API客户端代码生成器类 */ export class ApiClientGenerator extends BaseCodeGenerator<ApiClientGeneratorOptions> { constructor() { super( 'api-client-generator', 'Generates API client code from Swagger/OpenAPI specification' ); } /** * 验证选项 */ validateOptions(options: ApiClientGeneratorOptions): boolean { if (!options.swaggerUrl) { return false; } if (options.clientType && !['axios', 'fetch', 'react-query'].includes(options.clientType)) { return false; } if (options.groupBy && !['tag', 'path', 'none'].includes(options.groupBy)) { return false; } if (options.includeTags && options.excludeTags) { console.warn('Both includeTags and excludeTags are defined. includeTags will take precedence.'); } return true; } /** * 生成API客户端代码 */ async generate(options: ApiClientGeneratorOptions): Promise<CodeGenerationResult> { try { // 确保选项有效 if (!this.validateOptions(options)) { return { files: [], success: false, error: 'Invalid options. swaggerUrl is required.' }; } // 设置默认值 const outputDir = options.outputDir || './generated/api'; const overwrite = options.overwrite || false; const filePrefix = options.filePrefix || ''; const fileSuffix = options.fileSuffix || ''; const clientType = options.clientType || 'axios'; const generateTypeImports = options.generateTypeImports !== false; const typesImportPath = options.typesImportPath || '../types'; const groupBy = options.groupBy || 'tag'; const useCache = options.useCache !== false; const cacheTTLMinutes = options.cacheTTLMinutes || 60; const skipValidation = options.skipValidation || false; const lazyLoading = options.lazyLoading !== false; // 创建输出目录 await this.ensureDirectoryExists(outputDir); // 解析Swagger文档 console.log(`[ApiClientGenerator] 解析Swagger文档: ${options.swaggerUrl}`); // 设置进度日志 const logProgress = (progress: number, message: string) => { console.log(`[ApiClientGenerator] 进度 ${Math.round(progress * 100)}%: ${message}`); if (options.progressCallback) { options.progressCallback(progress, message); } }; // 使用优化的解析器 const parser = new OptimizedSwaggerApiParser({ url: options.swaggerUrl, headers: options.headers, useCache, cacheTTL: cacheTTLMinutes * 60 * 1000, // 转换为毫秒 skipValidation, lazyLoading, progressCallback: logProgress }); logProgress(0.1, '开始获取API文档'); const api = await parser.fetchApi(); logProgress(0.3, 'API文档获取完成,开始获取操作列表'); const operations = await parser.getAllOperations(); if (!operations || operations.length === 0) { return { files: [], success: false, error: 'No API operations found in Swagger document' }; } logProgress(0.4, `找到 ${operations.length} 个API操作,准备生成代码`); // 过滤操作 const filteredOperations = this.filterOperations(operations, options.includeTags, options.excludeTags); logProgress(0.5, `过滤后剩余 ${filteredOperations.length} 个API操作`); // 分组操作 const groupedOperations = this.groupOperations(filteredOperations, groupBy); // 生成客户端代码 const generatedFiles: string[] = []; const warnings: string[] = []; // 获取所有用到的模式 logProgress(0.6, '加载模式定义'); const schemas = await parser.getAllSchemas(); // 为每个分组生成文件 let fileCount = 0; const totalGroups = Object.keys(groupedOperations).length; for (const [groupName, operations] of Object.entries(groupedOperations)) { try { // 格式化分组名称 const formattedGroupName = this.formatGroupName(groupName); // 生成文件名 const fileName = `${filePrefix}${formattedGroupName}${fileSuffix}.ts`; const filePath = path.join(outputDir, fileName); // 检查文件是否存在 const fileExists = await this.fileExists(filePath); if (fileExists && !overwrite) { warnings.push(`跳过已存在的文件: ${fileName}`); continue; } // 生成客户端代码 const clientCode = this.generateClientCode({ groupName: formattedGroupName, operations, schemas, clientType, generateTypeImports, typesImportPath }); // 写入文件 await fs.writeFile(filePath, clientCode, 'utf8'); generatedFiles.push(filePath); // 更新进度 fileCount++; const progress = 0.6 + (0.3 * fileCount / totalGroups); logProgress(progress, `生成文件 ${fileCount}/${totalGroups}: ${fileName}`); } catch (err) { warnings.push(`无法处理分组 ${groupName}: ${err instanceof Error ? err.message : String(err)}`); } } // 生成索引文件 if (generatedFiles.length > 0) { const indexContent = this.generateIndexFile(generatedFiles, outputDir); const indexPath = path.join(outputDir, 'index.ts'); await fs.writeFile(indexPath, indexContent, 'utf8'); generatedFiles.push(indexPath); logProgress(0.95, `已生成索引文件: ${indexPath}`); } // 生成基础客户端配置文件 if (clientType === 'axios' || clientType === 'fetch') { const configFileName = `${clientType}-client.ts`; const configFilePath = path.join(outputDir, configFileName); if (!await this.fileExists(configFilePath) || overwrite) { const configCode = this.generateClientConfigCode(clientType); await fs.writeFile(configFilePath, configCode, 'utf8'); generatedFiles.push(configFilePath); logProgress(0.98, `已生成客户端配置文件: ${configFilePath}`); } } logProgress(1.0, `代码生成完成,共生成 ${generatedFiles.length} 个文件`); return { files: generatedFiles, success: true, warnings: warnings.length > 0 ? warnings : undefined }; } catch (error) { return { files: [], success: false, error: error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error) }; } } /** * 确保目录存在 */ private async ensureDirectoryExists(dir: string): Promise<void> { try { await fs.access(dir); } catch { await fs.mkdir(dir, { recursive: true }); } } /** * 检查文件是否存在 */ private async fileExists(filePath: string): Promise<boolean> { try { await fs.access(filePath); return true; } catch { return false; } } /** * 过滤API操作 */ private filterOperations( operations: ApiOperation[], includeTags?: string[], excludeTags?: string[] ): ApiOperation[] { if (includeTags && includeTags.length > 0) { // 只包含指定tag的操作 return operations.filter(op => op.tags && op.tags.some((tag: string) => includeTags.includes(tag)) ); } else if (excludeTags && excludeTags.length > 0) { // 排除指定tag的操作 return operations.filter(op => !op.tags || !op.tags.some((tag: string) => excludeTags.includes(tag)) ); } return operations; } /** * 分组API操作 */ private groupOperations( operations: ApiOperation[], groupBy: 'tag' | 'path' | 'none' ): Record<string, ApiOperation[]> { const grouped: Record<string, ApiOperation[]> = {}; if (groupBy === 'none') { grouped['api'] = operations; return grouped; } for (const operation of operations) { let groupNames: string[] = []; if (groupBy === 'tag') { // 按tag分组 groupNames = operation.tags && operation.tags.length > 0 ? operation.tags : ['default']; } else if (groupBy === 'path') { // 按路径第一级分组 const pathParts = operation.path.split('/').filter(Boolean); const firstPath = pathParts.length > 0 ? pathParts[0] : 'default'; groupNames = [firstPath]; } // 添加到所有相关分组 for (const name of groupNames) { if (!grouped[name]) { grouped[name] = []; } grouped[name].push(operation); } } return grouped; } /** * 格式化分组名称 */ private formatGroupName(name: string): string { // 移除非法字符 let formattedName = name.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]/g, ''); // 转换为驼峰命名 formattedName = formattedName .replace(/-([a-z])/g, (_, letter) => letter.toUpperCase()) .replace(/^([A-Z])/, (_, letter) => letter.toLowerCase()); // 确保名称不以数字开头 if (/^[0-9]/.test(formattedName)) { formattedName = 'api' + formattedName; } return formattedName; } /** * 生成索引文件 */ private generateIndexFile(files: string[], baseDir: string): string { const imports: string[] = []; for (const file of files) { // 排除索引文件本身和客户端配置文件 const basename = path.basename(file); if (basename === 'index.ts' || basename.endsWith('-client.ts')) { continue; } // 获取相对路径 const relativePath = path.relative(baseDir, file); // 移除.ts扩展名 const importPath = './' + relativePath.replace(/\.ts$/, ''); imports.push(`export * from '${importPath}';`); } // 导出客户端配置 imports.push(`export * from './axios-client';`); return imports.join('\n') + '\n'; } /** * 生成客户端代码 */ private generateClientCode(options: { groupName: string; operations: ApiOperation[]; schemas: Record<string, OpenAPIV3.SchemaObject>; clientType: 'axios' | 'fetch' | 'react-query'; generateTypeImports: boolean; typesImportPath: string; }): string { const { groupName, operations, schemas, clientType, generateTypeImports, typesImportPath } = options; // 收集使用到的类型 const usedTypes = new Set<string>(); // 生成导入语句 let imports = ''; if (clientType === 'axios') { imports += `import { axiosInstance } from './axios-client';\n\n`; } else if (clientType === 'fetch') { imports += `import { fetchWithConfig } from './fetch-client';\n\n`; } else if (clientType === 'react-query') { imports += `import { useQuery, useMutation } from '@tanstack/react-query';\n`; imports += `import { axiosInstance } from './axios-client';\n\n`; } // 分析操作,收集使用到的类型 for (const operation of operations) { this.collectTypes(operation, schemas, usedTypes); } // 生成类型导入 if (generateTypeImports && usedTypes.size > 0) { const typeImports = Array.from(usedTypes).join(', '); imports += `import { ${typeImports} } from '${typesImportPath}';\n\n`; } // 生成API函数 const apiFunctions = operations.map(operation => this.generateApiFunction(operation, clientType) ).join('\n\n'); return `${imports}${apiFunctions}\n`; } /** * 收集使用到的类型 */ private collectTypes( operation: ApiOperation, schemas: Record<string, OpenAPIV3.SchemaObject>, usedTypes: Set<string> ): void { // 检查参数类型 if (operation.parameters) { for (const param of operation.parameters) { if ('schema' in param) { this.collectSchemaTypes(param.schema as OpenAPIV3.SchemaObject | undefined, schemas, usedTypes); } } } // 检查请求体类型 if (operation.requestBody?.content) { for (const [_, mediaType] of Object.entries(operation.requestBody.content)) { this.collectSchemaTypes((mediaType as any).schema as OpenAPIV3.SchemaObject | undefined, schemas, usedTypes); } } // 检查响应类型 if (operation.responses) { for (const [_, response] of Object.entries(operation.responses)) { if ((response as any).content) { for (const [__, mediaType] of Object.entries((response as any).content)) { this.collectSchemaTypes((mediaType as any).schema, schemas, usedTypes); } } } } } /** * 从模式中收集类型 */ private collectSchemaTypes( schema: OpenAPIV3.SchemaObject | undefined, schemas: Record<string, OpenAPIV3.SchemaObject>, usedTypes: Set<string> ): void { if (!schema) return; // 处理引用 if ('$ref' in schema && typeof schema.$ref === 'string') { const refParts = schema.$ref.split('/'); const refName = refParts[refParts.length - 1]; usedTypes.add(refName); // 递归处理引用的模式 if (schemas[refName]) { this.collectSchemaTypes(schemas[refName], schemas, usedTypes); } } // 处理数组 if (schema.type === 'array' && schema.items) { this.collectSchemaTypes(schema.items as OpenAPIV3.SchemaObject, schemas, usedTypes); } // 处理对象属性 if (schema.properties) { for (const [_, propSchema] of Object.entries(schema.properties)) { this.collectSchemaTypes(propSchema as OpenAPIV3.SchemaObject, schemas, usedTypes); } } // 处理联合类型 if (schema.oneOf || schema.anyOf) { const subSchemas = schema.oneOf || schema.anyOf || []; for (const subSchema of subSchemas) { this.collectSchemaTypes(subSchema as OpenAPIV3.SchemaObject, schemas, usedTypes); } } // 处理交叉类型 if (schema.allOf) { for (const subSchema of schema.allOf) { this.collectSchemaTypes(subSchema as OpenAPIV3.SchemaObject, schemas, usedTypes); } } } /** * 生成API函数 */ private generateApiFunction( operation: ApiOperation, clientType: 'axios' | 'fetch' | 'react-query' ): string { const { operationId, method, path, summary, description, parameters, requestBody, responses } = operation; // 生成函数名 const functionName = this.formatOperationId(operationId); // 生成注释 const comments = []; if (summary) comments.push(summary); if (description) comments.push(description); // 生成路径参数映射 const pathParams = parameters?.filter((p: OpenAPIV3.ParameterObject) => (p as any).in === 'path') || []; // 生成查询参数映射 const queryParams = parameters?.filter((p: OpenAPIV3.ParameterObject) => (p as any).in === 'query') || []; // 生成其他参数 const headerParams = parameters?.filter((p: OpenAPIV3.ParameterObject) => (p as any).in === 'header') || []; // 处理请求体类型 let requestBodyType = 'any'; let requestBodyRequired = requestBody?.required || false; if (requestBody?.content) { const contentType = Object.keys(requestBody.content)[0]; if (contentType) { const schema = (requestBody.content[contentType] as any).schema; if (schema) { if (schema.$ref) { const refParts = schema.$ref.split('/'); requestBodyType = refParts[refParts.length - 1]; } else if (schema.type === 'array') { requestBodyType = 'any[]'; } else { requestBodyType = this.mapSwaggerTypeToTS(schema); } } } } // 处理响应类型 let responseType = 'any'; const successResponse = responses?.['200'] || responses?.['201'] || responses?.['204']; if (successResponse && (successResponse as any).content) { const contentType = Object.keys((successResponse as any).content)[0]; if (contentType) { const schema = (successResponse as any).content[contentType].schema; if (schema) { if (schema.$ref) { const refParts = schema.$ref.split('/'); responseType = refParts[refParts.length - 1]; } else if (schema.type === 'array') { let itemType = 'any'; if (schema.items) { const itemSchema = schema.items as OpenAPIV3.SchemaObject; if ('$ref' in itemSchema && typeof itemSchema.$ref === 'string') { const refParts = itemSchema.$ref.split('/'); itemType = refParts[refParts.length - 1]; } else { itemType = this.mapSwaggerTypeToTS(itemSchema); } } responseType = `${itemType}[]`; } else { responseType = this.mapSwaggerTypeToTS(schema); } } } } // 生成参数接口 const paramInterfaceName = `${this.capitalize(functionName)}Params`; let paramInterface = `interface ${paramInterfaceName} {\n`; // 添加路径参数 for (const param of pathParams) { const paramType = this.getParamType(param); paramInterface += ` /** ${(param as any).description || (param as any).name} */\n`; paramInterface += ` ${(param as any).name}: ${paramType};\n`; } // 添加查询参数 if (queryParams.length > 0) { paramInterface += ` /** 查询参数 */\n`; paramInterface += ` queryParams?: {\n`; for (const param of queryParams) { const paramType = this.getParamType(param); const isRequired = (param as any).required ? '' : '?'; paramInterface += ` /** ${(param as any).description || (param as any).name} */\n`; paramInterface += ` ${(param as any).name}${isRequired}: ${paramType};\n`; } paramInterface += ` };\n`; } // 添加请求体 if (requestBody) { paramInterface += ` /** 请求数据 */\n`; paramInterface += ` data${requestBodyRequired ? '' : '?'}: ${requestBodyType};\n`; } // 添加头部参数 if (headerParams.length > 0) { paramInterface += ` /** 头部参数 */\n`; paramInterface += ` headers?: {\n`; for (const param of headerParams) { const paramType = this.getParamType(param); const isRequired = (param as any).required ? '' : '?'; paramInterface += ` /** ${(param as any).description || (param as any).name} */\n`; paramInterface += ` ${(param as any).name}${isRequired}: ${paramType};\n`; } paramInterface += ` };\n`; } paramInterface += `}\n\n`; // 生成注释文档 let commentDoc = '/**\n'; for (const comment of comments) { commentDoc += ` * ${comment}\n`; } commentDoc += ` * @param params 请求参数\n`; commentDoc += ` * @returns ${responseType} 响应结果\n`; commentDoc += ` */\n`; // 根据不同的客户端类型生成不同的API函数 if (clientType === 'axios') { return this.generateAxiosFunction( functionName, method, path, paramInterfaceName, responseType, paramInterface, commentDoc ); } else if (clientType === 'fetch') { return this.generateFetchFunction( functionName, method, path, paramInterfaceName, responseType, paramInterface, commentDoc ); } else if (clientType === 'react-query') { return this.generateReactQueryFunction( functionName, method, path, paramInterfaceName, responseType, paramInterface, commentDoc ); } return ''; } /** * 生成Axios API函数 */ private generateAxiosFunction( functionName: string, method: string, path: string, paramInterfaceName: string, responseType: string, paramInterface: string, commentDoc: string ): string { // 构建URL模板 const urlTemplate = this.generateUrlTemplate(path); // 构建函数体 const functionBody = ` ${paramInterface}${commentDoc}export async function ${functionName}(params: ${paramInterfaceName}): Promise<${responseType}> { // 替换URL中的路径参数 let url = \`${urlTemplate}\`; // 设置请求配置 const config: any = { method: '${method.toUpperCase()}', url, }; // 设置查询参数 if (params.queryParams) { config.params = params.queryParams; } // 设置请求体 if (params.data) { config.data = params.data; } // 设置头部参数 if (params.headers) { config.headers = params.headers; } // 发送请求 const response = await axiosInstance(config); return response.data; } `; return functionBody.trim(); } /** * 生成Fetch API函数 */ private generateFetchFunction( functionName: string, method: string, path: string, paramInterfaceName: string, responseType: string, paramInterface: string, commentDoc: string ): string { // 构建URL模板 const urlTemplate = this.generateUrlTemplate(path); // 构建函数体 const functionBody = ` ${paramInterface}${commentDoc}export async function ${functionName}(params: ${paramInterfaceName}): Promise<${responseType}> { // 替换URL中的路径参数 let url = \`${urlTemplate}\`; // 构建查询参数 if (params.queryParams) { const queryString = new URLSearchParams( Object.entries(params.queryParams) .filter(([_, value]) => value !== undefined) .map(([key, value]) => [key, String(value)]) ).toString(); if (queryString) { url += \`?\${queryString}\`; } } // 设置请求选项 const options: RequestInit = { method: '${method.toUpperCase()}', }; // 设置请求体 if (params.data) { options.body = JSON.stringify(params.data); options.headers = { ...options.headers, 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }; } // 设置头部参数 if (params.headers) { options.headers = { ...options.headers, ...params.headers, }; } // 发送请求 const response = await fetchWithConfig(url, options); return response.json(); } `; return functionBody.trim(); } /** * 生成React Query函数 */ private generateReactQueryFunction( functionName: string, method: string, path: string, paramInterfaceName: string, responseType: string, paramInterface: string, commentDoc: string ): string { // 构建URL模板 const urlTemplate = this.generateUrlTemplate(path); // 判断是否是查询方法 const isQuery = ['get'].includes(method.toLowerCase()); let functionBody = `${paramInterface}`; // 首先生成基础API函数 functionBody += `${commentDoc}export async function ${functionName}Raw(params: ${paramInterfaceName}): Promise<${responseType}> { // 替换URL中的路径参数 let url = \`${urlTemplate}\`; // 设置请求配置 const config: any = { method: '${method.toUpperCase()}', url, }; // 设置查询参数 if (params.queryParams) { config.params = params.queryParams; } // 设置请求体 if (params.data) { config.data = params.data; } // 设置头部参数 if (params.headers) { config.headers = params.headers; } // 发送请求 const response = await axiosInstance(config); return response.data; }\n\n`; // 然后根据HTTP方法生成React Query钩子 if (isQuery) { // 为GET请求生成useQuery钩子 functionBody += `/** * 使用React Query的${functionName}查询钩子 * @param params 请求参数 * @param options React Query选项 */ export function use${this.capitalize(functionName)}( params: ${paramInterfaceName}, options?: UseQueryOptions<${responseType}, Error> ) { return useQuery<${responseType}, Error>( // 查询键,用于缓存和依赖更新 ['${functionName}', params], // 查询函数 () => ${functionName}Raw(params), // 附加选项 options ); }\n`; } else { // 为非GET请求生成useMutation钩子 functionBody += `/** * 使用React Query的${functionName}变更钩子 * @param options React Query选项 */ export function use${this.capitalize(functionName)}( options?: UseMutationOptions<${responseType}, Error, ${paramInterfaceName}> ) { return useMutation<${responseType}, Error, ${paramInterfaceName}>( // 变更函数 (params) => ${functionName}Raw(params), // 附加选项 options ); }\n`; } return functionBody.trim(); } /** * 生成URL模板,将路径参数替换为模板变量 */ private generateUrlTemplate(path: string): string { // 替换路径参数,从{paramName}格式转换为ES6模板字符串${params.paramName} return path.replace(/{([^}]+)}/g, '${params.$1}'); } /** * 获取参数类型 */ private getParamType(param: any): string { if (!param.schema) return 'any'; const schema = param.schema; // 处理引用 if (schema.$ref) { const refParts = schema.$ref.split('/'); return refParts[refParts.length - 1]; } return this.mapSwaggerTypeToTS(schema); } /** * 映射Swagger类型到TypeScript类型 */ private mapSwaggerTypeToTS(schema: OpenAPIV3.SchemaObject): string { switch (schema.type) { case 'integer': case 'number': return 'number'; case 'boolean': return 'boolean'; case 'string': if (schema.format === 'date' || schema.format === 'date-time') { return 'string'; // 或者可以使用 'Date' } return 'string'; case 'array': if (schema.items) { const itemSchema = schema.items as OpenAPIV3.SchemaObject; return `${this.mapSwaggerTypeToTS(itemSchema)}[]`; } return 'any[]'; case 'object': if (schema.properties) { const props = Object.entries(schema.properties).map(([key, prop]) => { const isRequired = schema.required?.includes(key) ? '' : '?'; return `${key}${isRequired}: ${this.mapSwaggerTypeToTS(prop as OpenAPIV3.SchemaObject)}`; }); return `{ ${props.join('; ')} }`; } return 'Record<string, any>'; default: return 'any'; } } /** * 格式化操作ID */ private formatOperationId(operationId: string): string { // 移除空格和特殊字符 let formatted = operationId.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, ' '); // 转换为驼峰命名 formatted = formatted .split(' ') .filter(Boolean) .map((word, index) => index === 0 ? word.toLowerCase() : word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + word.slice(1).toLowerCase() ) .join(''); return formatted; } /** * 首字母大写 */ private capitalize(str: string): string { return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1); } /** * 生成客户端配置代码 */ private generateClientConfigCode(clientType: 'axios' | 'fetch'): string { if (clientType === 'axios') { return `import axios from 'axios'; /** * 全局Axios实例配置 */ export const axiosInstance = axios.create({ baseURL: process.env.API_BASE_URL || '', timeout: 10000, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json', }, }); /** * 请求拦截器 */ axiosInstance.interceptors.request.use( (config) => { // 在发送请求前做些什么 // 例如,添加身份验证令牌 // const token = localStorage.getItem('token'); // if (token) { // config.headers.Authorization = \`Bearer \${token}\`; // } return config; }, (error) => { // 对请求错误做些什么 return Promise.reject(error); } ); /** * 响应拦截器 */ axiosInstance.interceptors.response.use( (response) => { // 对响应数据做些什么 return response; }, (error) => { // 对响应错误做些什么 // 例如,处理401未授权错误 // if (error.response && error.response.status === 401) { // // 重定向到登录页面或刷新令牌 // } return Promise.reject(error); } );`; } else if (clientType === 'fetch') { return `/** * 全局Fetch配置 */ const defaultConfig: RequestInit = { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json', }, credentials: 'same-origin', }; /** * 扩展的Fetch函数,包含默认配置和错误处理 */ export async function fetchWithConfig( url: string, options?: RequestInit ): Promise<Response> { // 合并配置 const config = { ...defaultConfig, ...options, headers: { ...defaultConfig.headers, ...options?.headers, }, }; // 添加身份验证令牌 // const token = localStorage.getItem('token'); // if (token) { // config.headers.Authorization = \`Bearer \${token}\`; // } // 添加基础URL const baseUrl = process.env.API_BASE_URL || ''; const fullUrl = url.startsWith('http') ? url : \`\${baseUrl}\${url}\`; // 发送请求 const response = await fetch(fullUrl, config); // 检查响应状态 if (!response.ok) { // 处理HTTP错误 const error = await response.text(); throw new Error(\`HTTP error \${response.status}: \${error}\`); } return response; }`; } return ''; } }