SearXNG MCP Server
by tisDDM
- searxng-mcp
- src
#!/usr/bin/env node
import { Server } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/index.js";
import { StdioServerTransport } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/stdio.js";
import {
} from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/types.js";
import axios from "axios";
import dotenv from "dotenv";
import { parse } from "yaml";
// Get environment variables for SearXNG configuration
const SEARXNG_URL = process.env.SEARXNG_URL;
const USE_RANDOM_INSTANCE = process.env.USE_RANDOM_INSTANCE !== "false"; // Default to true if not set
// URL for the list of SearXNG instances
// Function to fetch and select a random SearXNG instance
async function getRandomSearXNGInstance(): Promise<string> {
try {
console.error("[SearXNG] Fetching list of SearXNG instances...");
const response = await axios.get(INSTANCES_LIST_URL);
const instancesData = parse(;
// Debug the structure
console.error("[SearXNG] Instances data structure:", Object.keys(instancesData));
// Filter for standard internet instances (not onion or hidden)
const standardInstances: string[] = [];
// The instances.yml file has a structure where each key is a URL
for (const [url, data] of Object.entries(instancesData)) {
const instanceData = data as any;
// Check if it's a standard instance (not hidden or onion)
if (
instanceData &&
(!instanceData.comments ||
(!instanceData.comments.includes("hidden") &&
!instanceData.comments.includes("onion"))) &&
(!instanceData.network_type || instanceData.network_type === "normal")
) {
console.error(`[SearXNG] Found ${standardInstances.length} standard instances`);
if (standardInstances.length === 0) {
throw new Error("No standard SearXNG instances found");
// Select a random instance
const randomInstance = standardInstances[Math.floor(Math.random() * standardInstances.length)];
console.error(`[SearXNG] Selected random instance: ${randomInstance}`);
return randomInstance;
} catch (error) {
console.error("[SearXNG] Error fetching instances:", error);
throw new Error("Failed to fetch SearXNG instances list");
// No need to determine the URL here, we'll do it in the run() method
// Basic auth credentials are optional
// Interface for SearXNG search parameters
interface SearchParams {
q: string;
language?: string;
time_range?: string;
categories?: string[];
engines?: string[];
format?: string;
safesearch?: number;
pageno?: number;
// Interface for SearXNG search result
interface SearXNGResult {
title: string;
url: string;
content: string;
engine: string;
score?: number;
category?: string;
pretty_url?: string;
publishedDate?: string;
// Interface for SearXNG search response
interface SearXNGResponse {
query: string;
number_of_results: number;
results: SearXNGResult[];
answers?: string[];
corrections?: string[];
infoboxes?: any[];
suggestions?: string[];
unresponsive_engines?: string[];
class SearXNGClient {
private server: Server;
private axiosInstance: any;
private instanceUrl: string;
constructor(instanceUrl?: string) {
this.instanceUrl = instanceUrl || "";
this.server = new Server(
name: "searxngmcp",
version: "0.2.0",
capabilities: {
resources: {},
tools: {},
// Initialize without axios instance - will be created during run()
private setupErrorHandling(): void {
this.server.onerror = (error) => {
console.error("[MCP Error]", error);
process.on('SIGINT', async () => {
await this.server.close();
private setupHandlers(): void {
private setupToolHandlers(): void {
this.server.setRequestHandler(ListToolsRequestSchema, async () => {
// Define available tools
const tools: Tool[] = [
name: "searxngsearch",
description: "Perform web searches using SearXNG, a privacy-respecting metasearch engine. Returns relevant web content with customizable parameters.",
inputSchema: {
type: "object",
properties: {
query: {
type: "string",
description: "Search query"
language: {
type: "string",
description: "Language code for search results (e.g., 'en', 'de', 'fr'). Default: 'en'",
default: "en"
time_range: {
type: "string",
enum: ["day", "week", "month", "year"],
description: "Time range for search results. Options: 'day', 'week', 'month', 'year'. Default: null (no time restriction).",
default: null
categories: {
type: "array",
items: { type: "string" },
description: "Categories to search in (e.g., 'general', 'images', 'news'). Default: null (all categories).",
default: null
engines: {
type: "array",
items: { type: "string" },
description: "Specific search engines to use. Default: null (all available engines).",
default: null
safesearch: {
type: "number",
enum: [0, 1, 2],
description: "Safe search level: 0 (off), 1 (moderate), 2 (strict). Default: 1 (moderate).",
default: 1
pageno: {
type: "number",
description: "Page number for results. Must be minimum 1. Default: 1.",
minimum: 1,
default: 1
max_results: {
type: "number",
description: "Maximum number of search results to return. Range: 1-50. Default: 10.",
default: 10,
minimum: 1,
maximum: 50
required: ["query"]
return { tools };
this.server.setRequestHandler(CallToolRequestSchema, async (request) => {
try {
if ( !== "searxngsearch") {
throw new McpError(
`Unknown tool: ${}`
const args = request.params.arguments ?? {};
// Validate required parameters
if (!args.query || typeof args.query !== 'string') {
throw new McpError(
"Query parameter is required and must be a string"
// Prepare search parameters with defaults
const searchParams: SearchParams = {
q: args.query,
format: 'json',
language: typeof args.language === 'string' ? args.language : 'en',
safesearch: typeof args.safesearch === 'number' ? args.safesearch : 1,
pageno: typeof args.pageno === 'number' ? args.pageno : 1,
// Add optional parameters if provided
if (args.time_range && typeof args.time_range === 'string') searchParams.time_range = args.time_range;
if (Array.isArray(args.categories)) searchParams.categories = args.categories;
if (Array.isArray(args.engines)) searchParams.engines = args.engines;
console.error(`[SearXNG] Searching for: ${args.query}`);
// Make request to SearXNG
const response = await this.axiosInstance.get('/search', {
params: searchParams
const searchResults: SearXNGResponse =;
// Limit results if max_results is specified
const maxResults = typeof args.max_results === 'number' ? args.max_results : 10;
const limitedResults = searchResults.results.slice(0, maxResults);
// Construct a new response object with the limited results
const finalResponse: SearXNGResponse = {
...searchResults, // Copy other fields like query, answers, suggestions etc.
results: limitedResults, // Use the truncated results list
number_of_results: limitedResults.length // Update the count to reflect the truncation
// Return the modified JSON data
return {
content: [{
type: "text",
text: JSON.stringify(finalResponse, null, 2)
} catch (error: any) {
console.error("[SearXNG Error]", error);
if (axios.isAxiosError(error)) {
// Handle authentication errors
if (error.response?.status === 401) {
return {
content: [{
type: "text",
text: "Authentication failed. Please check your SearXNG username and password."
isError: true,
return {
content: [{
type: "text",
text: `SearXNG API error: ${error.response?.data?.message ?? error.message}`
isError: true,
return {
content: [{
type: "text",
text: `Error: ${error.message}`
isError: true,
private formatResults(query: string, results: SearXNGResult[], fullResponse: SearXNGResponse): string {
const output: string[] = [];
output.push(`# Search Results for: ${query}`);
output.push(`Found ${fullResponse.number_of_results} results\n`);
// Add answers if available
if (fullResponse.answers && fullResponse.answers.length > 0) {
output.push(`## Answers`);
fullResponse.answers.forEach(answer => {
output.push(`- ${answer}`);
// Add suggestions if available
if (fullResponse.suggestions && fullResponse.suggestions.length > 0) {
output.push(`## Suggestions`);
fullResponse.suggestions.forEach(suggestion => {
output.push(`- ${suggestion}`);
// Add corrections if available
if (fullResponse.corrections && fullResponse.corrections.length > 0) {
output.push(`## Did you mean?`);
fullResponse.corrections.forEach(correction => {
output.push(`- ${correction}`);
// Format detailed search results
output.push('## Results');
results.forEach((result, index) => {
output.push(`\n### ${index + 1}. ${result.title}`);
output.push(`URL: ${result.url}`);
if (result.engine) output.push(`Engine: ${result.engine}`);
if (result.category) output.push(`Category: ${result.category}`);
if (result.publishedDate) output.push(`Published: ${result.publishedDate}`);
// Add unresponsive engines if any
if (fullResponse.unresponsive_engines && fullResponse.unresponsive_engines.length > 0) {
output.push('\n## Unresponsive Engines');
output.push(fullResponse.unresponsive_engines.join(', '));
return output.join('\n');
async run(): Promise<void> {
// Determine which SearXNG instance to use
if (!this.instanceUrl) {
// Use the specified URL if provided
this.instanceUrl = SEARXNG_URL;
console.error(`[SearXNG] Using specified instance: ${this.instanceUrl}`);
// Only fetch random instance if no URL is specified and random instances are enabled
console.error("[SearXNG] No URL specified, will use a random instance");
try {
this.instanceUrl = await getRandomSearXNGInstance();
console.error(`[SearXNG] Using random instance: ${this.instanceUrl}`);
} catch (error) {
console.error("[SearXNG] Error getting random instance:", error);
throw new Error("Failed to get a random SearXNG instance. Please provide SEARXNG_URL or fix the instance fetching issue.");
} else {
// If no URL is specified and random instances are disabled, throw an error
throw new Error("SEARXNG_URL environment variable is required when USE_RANDOM_INSTANCE is set to false");
// Create axios instance with the determined URL and auth if provided
this.axiosInstance = axios.create({
baseURL: this.instanceUrl,
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
...(hasBasicAuth && {
auth: {
const transport = new StdioServerTransport();
await this.server.connect(transport);
console.error("SearXNG MCP server running on stdio");
console.error(`Connected to SearXNG instance at: ${this.instanceUrl}`);
console.error(`Basic auth: ${hasBasicAuth ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled'}`);
console.error(`Random instance selection: ${USE_RANDOM_INSTANCE ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled'}`);
const server = new SearXNGClient();;