GitHub MCP Server

# System Patterns ## Architecture Overview ```mermaid graph TD C[Cline] --- M[MCP Protocol Layer] M --- S[Server Core] S --- GH[GitHub API Client] GH --- API[GitHub REST API] ``` ## Core Components ### 1. MCP Protocol Layer - Handles communication with Cline - Implements MCP server protocol - Exposes tools and resources - Manages request/response lifecycle ### 2. Server Core - Central coordination layer - Authentication management - Error handling and logging - Request validation ### 3. GitHub API Client - GitHub REST API interaction - Rate limiting management - Response parsing - Error translation ## Design Patterns ### 1. Command Pattern - Each GitHub operation encapsulated as a command - Standardized execution flow - Consistent error handling ```python class IssueCommand: def execute(self): pass ``` ### 2. Factory Pattern - Tool and resource creation - Command instantiation - Response formatting ```python class ToolFactory: def create_tool(self, name: str): pass ``` ### 3. Strategy Pattern - Authentication strategies - Response formatting - Rate limiting approaches ```python class AuthStrategy: def authenticate(self): pass ``` ## Component Relationships ### Tool Implementation ```mermaid graph LR T[Tool Request] --> V[Validator] V --> C[Command] C --> G[GitHub API] G --> R[Response] R --> F[Formatter] F --> TR[Tool Response] ``` ### Resource Implementation ```mermaid graph LR R[Resource Request] --> C[Cache Check] C --> |Miss| G[GitHub API] C --> |Hit| RC[Return Cached] G --> S[Store Cache] S --> RR[Return Response] ``` ## Error Handling - Hierarchical error types - Consistent error translation - Clear error messages - Rate limit handling ## Data Flow 1. Request received through MCP 2. Request validated 3. Command created and executed 4. Response formatted 5. Response returned through MCP ## Security Patterns - Credential encryption - Token-based authentication - Secure storage practices - Request validation ## Testing Patterns - Unit tests per component - Integration tests for GitHub API - Mock MCP client for testing - Error scenario coverage