Shopify MCP Server
by therealhexi
- shopify-mcp-server-main
- src
- ShopifyClient
export type Nullable<T> = T | null;
export type ISODate = string;
export type Maybe<T> = T | null | undefined;
export type CreateDiscountCodeResponse = {
id: string;
priceRuleId: string;
code: string;
usageCount: number;
export enum ShopifyWebhookTopicGraphql {
export enum ShopifyWebhookTopic {
ORDERS_UPDATED = "orders/updated",
export type ShopifyWebhook = {
id: string;
callbackUrl: string;
topic: ShopifyWebhookTopic;
export type ShopifyPriceRule = {
id: number;
value_type: string;
value: string;
customer_selection: string;
target_type: string;
target_selection: string;
allocation_method: string;
allocation_limit: number | null;
once_per_customer: boolean;
usage_limit: number | null;
starts_at: string;
ends_at: string | null;
created_at: string;
updated_at: string;
entitled_product_ids: number[];
entitled_variant_ids: number[];
entitled_collection_ids: number[];
entitled_country_ids: number[];
prerequisite_product_ids: number[];
prerequisite_variant_ids: number[];
prerequisite_collection_ids: number[];
prerequisite_saved_search_ids: number[];
prerequisite_customer_ids: number[];
prerequisite_subtotal_range: {
greater_than_or_equal_to: string;
} | null;
prerequisite_quantity_range: {
greater_than_or_equal_to: number;
} | null;
prerequisite_shipping_price_range: {
less_than_or_equal_to: string;
} | null;
prerequisite_to_entitlement_quantity_ratio: {
prerequisite_quantity: number;
entitled_quantity: number;
} | null;
title: string;
admin_graphql_api_id: string;
export type ShopifyCreatePriceRuleResponse = {
price_rule: ShopifyPriceRule;
export type ShopifyDiscountCode = {
id: number;
price_rule_id: number;
code: string;
usage_count: number;
created_at: string;
updated_at: string;
export type ShopifyCreateDiscountCodeResponse = {
discount_code: ShopifyDiscountCode;
export type CreatePriceRuleInput = {
title: string;
targetType: "LINE_ITEM" | "SHIPPING_LINE";
allocationMethod: "ACROSS" | "EACH";
valueType: "fixed_amount" | "percentage";
value: string;
entitledCollectionIds: string[];
usageLimit?: number;
startsAt: ISODate;
endsAt?: ISODate;
export type CreateBasicDiscountCodeInput = {
title: string;
code: string;
startsAt: ISODate;
endsAt?: ISODate;
valueType: string;
value: number;
usageLimit?: number;
includeCollectionIds: string[];
excludeCollectionIds: string[];
appliesOncePerCustomer: boolean;
combinesWith: {
productDiscounts: boolean;
orderDiscounts: boolean;
shippingDiscounts: boolean;
export type CreateBasicDiscountCodeResponse = {
id: string;
code: string;
export type BasicDiscountCodeResponse = {
data: {
discountCodeBasicCreate: {
codeDiscountNode: {
id: string;
codeDiscount: {
title: string;
codes: {
nodes: Array<{
code: string;
startsAt: string;
endsAt: string;
customerSelection: {
allCustomers: boolean;
customerGets: {
appliesOnOneTimePurchase: boolean;
appliesOnSubscription: boolean;
value: {
percentage?: number;
amount?: {
amount: number;
currencyCode: string;
items: {
allItems: boolean;
appliesOncePerCustomer: boolean;
recurringCycleLimit: number;
userErrors: Array<{
field: string[];
code: string;
message: string;
export type CreatePriceRuleResponse = {
id: string;
export type UpdateProductPriceResponse ={
success: boolean;
errors?: Array<{field: string; message: string}>;
product?: {
id: string;
variants: {
edges: Array<{
node: {
price: string;
type DiscountCode = {
code: string | null;
amount: string | null;
type: string | null;
export type ShopifyCustomer = {
id?: number;
email?: string;
first_name?: string;
last_name?: string;
phone?: string;
orders_count?: number;
email_marketing_consent?: {
state?: "subscribed" | "not_subscribed" | null;
opt_in_level?: "single_opt_in" | "confirmed_opt_in" | "unknown" | null;
consent_updated_at?: string;
sms_marketing_consent?: {
state?: string;
opt_in_level?: string | null;
consent_updated_at?: string;
consent_collected_from?: string;
tags?: string;
currency?: string;
default_address?: {
first_name?: string | null;
last_name?: string | null;
company?: string | null;
address1?: string | null;
address2?: string | null;
city?: string | null;
province?: string | null;
country?: string | null;
zip?: string | null;
phone?: string | null;
name?: string | null;
province_code?: string | null;
country_code?: string | null;
country_name?: string | null;
export type LoadCustomersResponse = {
customers: Array<ShopifyCustomer>;
next?: string | undefined;
export type ShopifyOrder = {
id: string;
createdAt: string;
currencyCode: string;
discountApplications: {
nodes: Array<{
code: string | null;
value: {
amount: string | null;
percentage: number | null;
__typename: string;
displayFinancialStatus: string | null;
name: string;
totalPriceSet: {
shopMoney: { amount: string; currencyCode: string };
presentmentMoney: { amount: string; currencyCode: string };
totalShippingPriceSet: {
shopMoney: { amount: string; currencyCode: string };
presentmentMoney: { amount: string; currencyCode: string };
customer?: {
id: string;
email: string;
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
phone: string;
export type ShopifyOrdersResponse = {
data: {
orders: {
edges: Array<{
node: ShopifyOrder;
pageInfo: {
hasNextPage: boolean;
endCursor: string;
export function isShopifyOrder(
shopifyOrder: any
): shopifyOrder is ShopifyOrder {
return (
shopifyOrder &&
"id" in shopifyOrder &&
"createdAt" in shopifyOrder &&
"currencyCode" in shopifyOrder &&
"discountApplications" in shopifyOrder &&
"displayFinancialStatus" in shopifyOrder &&
"name" in shopifyOrder &&
"totalPriceSet" in shopifyOrder &&
"totalShippingPriceSet" in shopifyOrder
// Shopify webhook payload is the same type as the order
// We expose the same type for having an easier to read and consistent API across all webshop clients
export type ShopifyOrderWebhookPayload = ShopifyOrder;
export function isShopifyOrderWebhookPayload(
webhookPayload: any
): webhookPayload is ShopifyOrderWebhookPayload {
return isShopifyOrder(webhookPayload);
export type ShopifyCollectionsQueryParams = {
sinceId?: string; // Retrieve all orders after the specified ID
name?: string;
limit: number;
export type ShopifyCollection = {
id: number;
handle: string;
title: string;
updated_at: string;
body_html: Nullable<string>;
published_at: string;
sort_order: string;
template_suffix?: Nullable<string>;
published_scope: string;
image?: {
src: string;
alt: string;
export type ShopifySmartCollectionsResponse = {
smart_collections: ShopifyCollection[];
export type ShopifyCustomCollectionsResponse = {
custom_collections: ShopifyCollection[];
export type LoadCollectionsResponse = {
collections: ShopifyCollection[];
next?: string;
export type ShopifyShop = {
id: string;
name: string;
domain: string;
myshopify_domain: string;
currency: string;
enabled_presentment_currencies: string[];
address1: string;
created_at: string;
updated_at: string;
export type LoadStorefrontsResponse = {
shop: ShopifyShop;
export type ShopifyQueryParams = {
query?: string; // Custom query string for advanced filtering
| "ID"
reverse?: boolean;
before?: string;
after?: string;
// Keeping these for backwards compatibility, but they should be used in query string
sinceId?: string;
updatedAtMin?: string;
createdAtMin?: string;
| "PAID"
| "ANY"
ids?: string[];
status?: "OPEN" | "CLOSED" | "CANCELLED" | "ANY";
limit?: number;
export type ShippingZone = {
id: string;
name: string;
countries: Array<{
id: string;
name: string;
code: string;
export type ShopifyLoadOrderQueryParams = {
orderId: string;
fields?: string[];
export type ProductImage = {
src: string;
height: number;
width: number;
export type ProductOption = {
id: string;
name: string;
values: string[];
export type SelectedProductOption = {
name: string;
value: string;
export type ProductVariant = {
id: string;
title: string;
price: string;
sku: string;
availableForSale: boolean;
image: Nullable<ProductImage>;
inventoryPolicy: "CONTINUE" | "DENY";
selectedOptions: SelectedProductOption[];
export type ShopResponse = {
data: {
shop: {
shipsToCountries: string[];
export type MarketResponse = {
data: {
market: {
name: string;
enabled: string;
regions: {
nodes: {
name: string;
code: string;
export type GetPriceRuleInput = { query?: string };
export type GetPriceRuleResponse = {
priceRules: {
nodes: [
id: string;
title: string;
status: string;
export type ProductVariantWithProductDetails = ProductVariant & {
product: {
id: string;
title: string;
description: string;
images: {
edges: {
node: ProductImage;
export type ProductNode = {
id: string;
handle: string;
title: string;
description: string;
publishedAt: string;
updatedAt: string;
options: ProductOption[];
images: {
edges: {
node: ProductImage;
variants: {
edges: {
node: ProductVariant;
export type LoadProductsResponse = {
currencyCode: string;
products: ProductNode[];
next?: string;
export type LoadProductsByIdsResponse = {
currencyCode: string;
products: ProductNode[];
export type LoadVariantsByIdResponse = {
currencyCode: string;
variants: ProductVariantWithProductDetails[];
export type CreateDraftOrderPayload = {
lineItems: Array<{
variantId: string;
quantity: number;
appliedDiscount?: {
title: string;
value: number;
shippingAddress: {
address1: string;
address2?: string;
countryCode: string;
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
zip: string;
city: string;
country: string;
province?: string;
provinceCode?: string;
phone?: string;
billingAddress: {
address1: string;
address2?: string;
countryCode: string;
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
zip: string;
city: string;
country: string;
province?: string;
provinceCode?: string;
phone?: string;
email: string;
tags: string;
note: string;
export type DraftOrderResponse = {
draftOrderId: string;
draftOrderName: string;
export type CompleteDraftOrderResponse = {
draftOrderId: string;
draftOrderName: string;
orderId: string;
function serializeError(err: any): any {
if (Array.isArray(err)) {
return => serializeError(item));
} else if (typeof err === "object" && err !== null) {
const result: Record<string, any> = {};
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(err).forEach((key) => {
result[key] = serializeError(err[key]);
return result;
return err;
type InnerError =
| Error
| Error[]
| string
| string[]
| Record<string, any>
| undefined;
export interface CustomErrorPayload {
customCode?: string;
message?: string;
innerError?: InnerError;
* Used to add custom data that will be logged
contextData?: any;
export class CustomError extends Error {
public code: string;
public innerError: InnerError;
public contextData: any;
constructor(message: string, code: string, payload: CustomErrorPayload = {}) {
this.code = payload.customCode ? `${code}.${payload.customCode}` : code;
if (payload.message) this.message = message;
this.innerError = payload.innerError;
this.contextData = payload.contextData; =;
toJSON(): unknown {
return {
message: this.message,
innerError: serializeError(this.innerError),
code: this.code,
contextData: this.contextData,
static is<E extends typeof CustomError & { code: string }>(
error: any,
ErrorClass: E
): error is InstanceType<E> {
return "code" in error && error.code === ErrorClass.code;
export class ShopifyClientErrorBase extends CustomError {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type
static make(message: string, code: string) {
return class extends ShopifyClientErrorBase {
static code = code;
constructor(payload?: CustomErrorPayload) {
super(message, code, payload);
export class ShopifyCastObjError extends ShopifyClientErrorBase.make(
"Error occurred on Shopify cast object",
) {}
export class ShopifyAuthorizationError extends ShopifyClientErrorBase.make(
"Shopify authorization error",
) {}
export class ShopifyRequestError extends ShopifyClientErrorBase.make(
"Shopify request error",
) {}
export class ShopifyInputError extends ShopifyClientErrorBase.make(
"Shopify input error",
) {}
export class ShopifyRateLimitingError extends ShopifyClientErrorBase.make(
"Shopify rate limiting error",
) {}
export class ShopifyServerInfrastructureError extends ShopifyClientErrorBase.make(
"Shopify server or infrastructure error",
) {}
export class ShopifyPaymentError extends ShopifyClientErrorBase.make(
"Shopify payment error",
) {}
export class GeneralShopifyClientError extends ShopifyClientErrorBase.make(
"Error occurred on Shopify API client",
) {}
export class ShopifyWebShopNotFoundError extends ShopifyClientErrorBase.make(
"The Shopify webshop not found",
) {}
export class ShopifyProductVariantNotFoundError extends ShopifyClientErrorBase.make(
"The Shopify product variant not found",
) {}
export class ShopifyProductVariantNotAvailableForSaleError extends ShopifyClientErrorBase.make(
"The Shopify product variant is not available for sale",
) {}
export class InvalidShopifyCurrencyError extends ShopifyClientErrorBase.make(
"The Shopify currency is invalid",
) {}
export class ShopifyWebhookNotFoundError extends ShopifyClientErrorBase.make(
"The Shopify webhook not found",
) {}
export class ShopifyWebhookAlreadyExistsError extends ShopifyClientErrorBase.make(
"The Shopify webhook already exists",
) {}
export function getHttpShopifyError(
error: any,
statusCode: number,
contextData?: Record<string, any>
): ShopifyClientErrorBase {
switch (statusCode) {
case 401:
case 403:
case 423:
case 430:
return new ShopifyAuthorizationError({ innerError: error, contextData });
case 400:
case 405:
case 406:
case 414:
case 415:
case 783:
return new ShopifyRequestError({ innerError: error, contextData });
case 404:
case 409:
case 422:
return new ShopifyInputError({ innerError: error, contextData });
case 429:
return new ShopifyRateLimitingError({ innerError: error, contextData });
case 500:
case 501:
case 502:
case 503:
case 504:
case 530:
case 540:
return new ShopifyServerInfrastructureError({
innerError: error,
case 402:
return new ShopifyPaymentError({ innerError: error, contextData });
return new GeneralShopifyClientError({
innerError: error,
export function getGraphqlShopifyUserError(
errors: any[],
contextData?: Record<string, any>
): ShopifyClientErrorBase {
const hasErrorWithMessage = (messages: string[]): boolean =>
errors.some((error) => messages.includes(error.message));
if (hasErrorWithMessage(["Product variant not found."])) {
return new ShopifyProductVariantNotFoundError({
innerError: errors,
if (hasErrorWithMessage(["Webhook subscription does not exist"])) {
return new ShopifyWebhookNotFoundError({
innerError: errors,
if (hasErrorWithMessage(["Address for this topic has already been taken"])) {
return new ShopifyWebhookAlreadyExistsError({
innerError: errors,
return new GeneralShopifyClientError({
innerError: errors,
export function getGraphqlShopifyError(
errors: any[],
statusCode: number,
contextData?: Record<string, any>
): ShopifyClientErrorBase {
const hasErrorWithCode = (codes: string[]): boolean =>
errors.some((error) => codes.includes(error.extensions?.code));
switch (statusCode) {
case 403:
case 423:
return new ShopifyAuthorizationError({
innerError: errors,
case 400:
return new ShopifyRequestError({
innerError: errors,
case 404:
return new ShopifyInputError({
innerError: errors,
case 500:
case 501:
case 502:
case 503:
case 504:
case 530:
case 540:
return new ShopifyServerInfrastructureError({
innerError: errors,
case 402:
return new ShopifyPaymentError({
innerError: errors,
return new ShopifyAuthorizationError({
innerError: errors,
if (hasErrorWithCode(["UNPROCESSABLE"])) {
return new ShopifyInputError({
innerError: errors,
if (hasErrorWithCode(["THROTTLED"])) {
return new ShopifyRateLimitingError({
innerError: errors,
if (hasErrorWithCode(["INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR"])) {
return new ShopifyServerInfrastructureError({
innerError: errors,
return new GeneralShopifyClientError({
innerError: errors,
export type ShopifyOrderGraphql = {
id: string;
name: string;
createdAt: string;
displayFinancialStatus: string;
email: string;
phone: string | null;
totalPriceSet: {
shopMoney: { amount: string; currencyCode: string };
presentmentMoney: { amount: string; currencyCode: string };
customer: {
id: string;
email: string;
} | null;
shippingAddress: {
provinceCode: string | null;
countryCode: string;
} | null;
lineItems: {
nodes: Array<{
id: string;
title: string;
quantity: number;
originalTotalSet: {
shopMoney: { amount: string; currencyCode: string };
variant: {
id: string;
title: string;
sku: string | null;
price: string;
} | null;
export type ShopifyOrdersGraphqlQueryParams = {
first?: number;
after?: string;
query?: string;
| "ID"
reverse?: boolean;
export type ShopifyOrdersGraphqlResponse = {
orders: ShopifyOrderGraphql[];
pageInfo: {
hasNextPage: boolean;
endCursor: string | null;
export interface ShopifyClientPort {
accessToken: string,
shop: string,
priceRuleInput: CreatePriceRuleInput
): Promise<CreatePriceRuleResponse>;
accessToken: string,
shop: string,
code: string,
priceRuleId: string
): Promise<CreateDiscountCodeResponse>;
accessToken: string,
shop: string,
priceRuleId: string
): Promise<void>;
accessToken: string,
shop: string,
priceRuleId: string,
discountCodeId: string
): Promise<void>;
accessToken: string,
shop: string,
discountInput: CreateBasicDiscountCodeInput
): Promise<CreateBasicDiscountCodeResponse>;
accessToken: string,
shop: string,
discountCodeId: string
): Promise<void>;
accessToken: string,
shop: string,
queryParams: ShopifyOrdersGraphqlQueryParams
): Promise<ShopifyOrdersGraphqlResponse>;
accessToken: string,
myshopifyDomain: string,
queryParams: ShopifyLoadOrderQueryParams
): Promise<ShopifyOrder>;
accessToken: string,
myshopifyDomain: string,
callbackUrl: string,
topic: ShopifyWebhookTopic
): Promise<ShopifyWebhook>;
accessToken: string,
myshopifyDomain: string,
webhookId: string
): Promise<void>;
accessToken: string,
myshopifyDomain: string,
callbackUrl: string,
topic: ShopifyWebhookTopic
): Promise<ShopifyWebhook | null>;
accessToken: string,
myshopifyDomain: string,
queryParams: ShopifyQueryParams,
next?: string
): Promise<LoadCollectionsResponse>;
accessToken: string,
myshopifyDomain: string
): Promise<LoadStorefrontsResponse>;
accessToken: string,
myshopifyDomain: string,
limit?: number,
next?: string
): Promise<LoadCustomersResponse>;
accessToken: string,
myshopifyDomain: string,
tags: string[],
customerId: string
): Promise<boolean>;
accessToken: string,
myshopifyDomain: string,
searchTitle: string | null,
limit?: number,
afterCursor?: string
): Promise<LoadProductsResponse>;
accessToken: string,
myshopifyDomain: string,
collectionId: string,
limit?: number,
afterCursor?: string
): Promise<LoadProductsResponse>;
accessToken: string,
shop: string,
productIds: string[]
): Promise<LoadProductsByIdsResponse>;
accessToken: string,
shop: string,
productId: string,
price: string
): Promise<UpdateProductPriceResponse>;
accessToken: string,
shop: string,
variantIds: string[]
): Promise<LoadVariantsByIdResponse>;
accessToken: string,
shop: string,
draftOrderData: CreateDraftOrderPayload,
idempotencyKey: string
): Promise<DraftOrderResponse>;
accessToken: string,
shop: string,
draftOrderId: string,
variantId: string
): Promise<CompleteDraftOrderResponse>;
getIdFromGid(gid: string): string;
loadShopDetail(accessToken: string, shop: string): Promise<ShopResponse>;