

remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.


  • Allows integration with Stripe APIs through function calling, enabling operations such as creating/reading customers, products, prices, payment links, invoices, invoice items, as well as retrieving balance information, creating refunds, reading payment intent information, and searching Stripe documentation.

Stripe Model Context Protocol

The Stripe Model Context Protocol server allows you to integrate with Stripe APIs through function calling. This protocol supports various tools to interact with different Stripe services.


To run the Stripe MCP server using npx, use the following command:

# To set up all available tools npx -y @stripe/mcp --tools=all --api-key=YOUR_STRIPE_SECRET_KEY # To set up specific tools npx -y @stripe/mcp --tools=customers.create,,products.create --api-key=YOUR_STRIPE_SECRET_KEY # To configure a Stripe connected account npx -y @stripe/mcp --tools=all --api-key=YOUR_STRIPE_SECRET_KEY --stripe-account=CONNECTED_ACCOUNT_ID

Make sure to replace YOUR_STRIPE_SECRET_KEY with your actual Stripe secret key. Alternatively, you could set the STRIPE_SECRET_KEY in your environment variables.

Usage with Claude Desktop

Add the following to your claude_desktop_config.json. See here for more details.

{ "mcpServers": { "stripe": { "command": "npx", "args": [ "-y", "@stripe/mcp", "--tools=all", "--api-key=STRIPE_SECRET_KEY" ] } } }

Available tools

customers.createCreate a new customer
customers.readRead customer information
products.createCreate a new product
products.readRead product information
prices.createCreate a new price
prices.readRead price information
paymentLinks.createCreate a new payment link
invoices.createCreate a new invoice
invoices.updateUpdate an existing invoice
invoiceItems.createCreate a new invoice item
balance.readRetrieve balance information
refunds.createCreate a new refund
paymentIntents.readRead payment intent information
documentation.readSearch Stripe documentation

Debugging the Server

To debug your server, you can use the MCP Inspector.

First build the server

npm run build

Run the following command in your terminal:

# Start MCP Inspector and server with all tools npx @modelcontextprotocol/inspector node dist/index.js --tools=all --api-key=YOUR_STRIPE_SECRET_KEY


  1. Replace YOUR_STRIPE_SECRET_KEY with your actual Stripe API secret key.
  2. Run the command to start the MCP Inspector.
  3. Open the MCP Inspector UI in your browser and click Connect to start the MCP server.
  4. You can see the list of tools you selected and test each tool individually.
security - not tested
license - permissive license
quality - not tested

The Stripe Model Context Protocol server allows you to integrate with Stripe APIs through function calling. This protocol supports various tools to interact with different Stripe services.

  1. Setup
    1. Usage with Claude Desktop
  2. Available tools
    1. Debugging the Server
      1. Instructions