MCP Server Template
by stevennevins
import { Tool } from '@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/types.js'
import { log } from '../utils/helpers.js'
import { ToolHandlers } from '../utils/types.js'
import z from 'zod'
import { execa } from 'execa'
import commandExists from 'command-exists'
import { ToolResult } from '../utils/TestClient.js'
// Define input validation schema using zod
const architectInputSchema = z.object({
input: z.string().min(1, 'Input must not be empty'),
conversationId: z.string().optional()
// Tool definition
const ARCHITECT_TOOL: Tool = {
name: 'architect',
description: 'MCP server for the LLM Architect tool. Exposes resource "/llm-architect/chat" accepting POST requests with a prompt and optional conversationId, and interacts with the llm chat CLI to provide architectural design feedback while maintaining conversation context.',
inputSchema: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
input: {
type: 'string',
description: 'Input prompt to process',
minLength: 1
conversationId: {
type: 'string',
description: 'Optional conversation ID for context',
nullable: true
required: ['input']
// Export tools
async function executeCommand(args: string[], input?: string): Promise<string> {
log('Executing command', { args, input });
try {
const result = await execa('llm', args, input ? { input, env: process.env } : { env: process.env });
const output = result.stdout.trim();
log('Command output', output);
if (!output) {
throw new Error('Command failed to return a response');
return output;
} catch (error) {
const errorMessage = error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error);
throw new Error(`Failed to execute LLM command: ${errorMessage}`);
// Helper function to get the latest conversation ID
async function getLatestConversationId(): Promise<string> {
log('Getting latest conversation ID');
const output = await executeCommand(['logs', '--current', '--json']);
let logs;
try {
logs = JSON.parse(output);
} catch (e) {
throw new Error('Failed to parse logs JSON');
if (!Array.isArray(logs) || logs.length === 0 || !logs[0]?.conversation_id) {
throw new Error('No valid conversation ID found in logs');
const conversationId = logs[0].conversation_id;
log('Found conversation ID', conversationId);
return conversationId;
// Helper function to handle conversation logic
async function handleConversation(cleanedInput: string, conversationId?: string): Promise<{ conversationId: string, response: string }> {
log('Handling conversation', { cleanedInput, conversationId });
if (conversationId) {
const response = await executeCommand(['prompt', '--conversation', conversationId, '--no-stream'], cleanedInput);
log('Continued conversation response', response);
return { conversationId, response };
} else {
const response = await executeCommand(['prompt', '--no-stream'], cleanedInput);
const newConversationId = await getLatestConversationId();
log('New conversation created', { response, newConversationId });
return { conversationId: newConversationId, response };
// Main processing function for architect
async function handleArchitectProcess(input: string, conversationId?: string): Promise<{ conversationId: string, response: string }> {
const cleanedInput = input.replace(/\n/g, ' ').trim();
return await handleConversation(cleanedInput, conversationId);
// Export handlers
export const ARCHITECT_HANDLERS: ToolHandlers = {
'architect': async (request): Promise<ToolResult> => {
try {
const { input, conversationId } = request.params.arguments as { input: string, conversationId?: string };
// Validate input using zod
architectInputSchema.parse({ input, conversationId });
// Ensure the 'llm' command exists
if (!(await commandExists('llm'))) {
throw new Error('LLM command not found. Please ensure it is installed and in your PATH.');
const result = await handleArchitectProcess(input, conversationId);
return {
toolResult: {
content: [{ type: 'text', text: JSON.stringify({ conversationId: result.conversationId, response: result.response }) }],
} catch (error) {
const errorMessage = error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error);
throw new Error(`Failed to process input: ${errorMessage}`);