MCP Terminal

by sichang824
.PHONY: setup setup-dev clean install run-stdio run-sse test lint format help # 默认目标 help: @echo "MCP Terminal Makefile" @echo "" @echo "Usage:" @echo " make setup 安装基本依赖" @echo " make setup-iterm 安装iTerm2支持" @echo " make setup-dev 安装开发依赖" @echo " make install 安装包" @echo " make run-stdio 以stdio模式运行服务器" @echo " make run-sse 以SSE模式运行服务器" @echo " make test 运行测试" @echo " make lint 运行代码检查" @echo " make format 格式化代码" @echo " make clean 清理生成的文件" @echo "" # 使用uv安装基本依赖 setup: @echo "Installing dependencies with uv..." uv pip install -e . # 安装iTerm2支持 setup-iterm: @echo "Installing iTerm2 support with uv..." uv pip install -e ".[iterm]" # 安装开发依赖 setup-dev: @echo "Installing development dependencies with uv..." uv pip install -e ".[dev]" # 安装包 install: uv venv .venv @echo "Installing package with uv..." uv pip install -e . # 清理生成的文件 clean: @echo "Cleaning up..." rm -rf build/ dist/ *.egg-info/ .pytest_cache/ __pycache__/ find . -name "__pycache__" -type d -exec rm -rf {} + find . -name "*.pyc" -delete find . -name "*.pyo" -delete find . -name "*.pyd" -delete find . -name ".pytest_cache" -type d -exec rm -rf {} + # 运行stdio模式服务器 run-stdio: @echo "Running MCP Terminal server in stdio mode..." python # 运行SSE模式服务器 run-sse: @echo "Running MCP Terminal server in SSE mode..." python --mode sse --host --port 3000 # 以指定控制器运行 run-iterm: @echo "Running MCP Terminal server with iTerm2 controller..." python --controller iterm run-applescript: @echo "Running MCP Terminal server with AppleScript controller..." python --controller applescript run-subprocess: @echo "Running MCP Terminal server with subprocess controller..." python --controller subprocess # 运行测试 test: @echo "Running tests..." pytest tests/ # 运行代码检查 lint: @echo "Running linters..." black --check src tests isort --check-only src tests # 格式化代码 format: @echo "Formatting code..." black src tests isort src tests