GitHub PR Comments MCP Server

by shaileshahuja
import { Octokit } from '@octokit/rest'; import { GetPRCommentsParams, Comment, CommentReply } from './types.js'; export class GitHubService { private octokit: Octokit; constructor(token: string) { this.octokit = new Octokit({ auth: token }); } async getPRComments({ owner, repo, pull_number }: GetPRCommentsParams): Promise<Comment[]> { try { // Fetch review comments on the pull request (line comments) const { data: reviewComments } = await this.octokit.pulls.listReviewComments({ owner, repo, pull_number, per_page: 100 }); // Group comments by their path and in_reply_to_id const groupedComments = new Map<number, Comment>(); const replyMap = new Map<number, CommentReply[]>(); // Process all comments and separate top-level comments from replies for (const comment of reviewComments) { if (comment.in_reply_to_id) { // This is a reply to another comment const reply: CommentReply = { id:, body: comment.body, user: { login: comment.user?.login || 'unknown' }, created_at: comment.created_at }; if (!replyMap.has(comment.in_reply_to_id)) { replyMap.set(comment.in_reply_to_id, []); } replyMap.get(comment.in_reply_to_id)?.push(reply); } else { // This is a top-level comment const newComment: Comment = { id:, path: comment.path, body: comment.body, line: comment.line || undefined, start_line: comment.start_line || undefined, user: { login: comment.user?.login || 'unknown' }, created_at: comment.created_at, replies: [] }; groupedComments.set(, newComment); } } // Attach replies to their parent comments for (const [commentId, replies] of replyMap.entries()) { const parentComment = groupedComments.get(commentId); if (parentComment) { parentComment.replies = replies; } } return Array.from(groupedComments.values()); } catch (error) { console.error('Error fetching PR comments:', error); throw error; } } }