MCP Package Docs Server

local-only server

The server can only run on the client’s local machine because it depends on local resources.


  • Provides Language Server Protocol (LSP) support for CSS through vscode-css-language-server

  • Supports private npm registries including GitHub Packages via .npmrc configuration

  • Supports private npm registries including GitLab via .npmrc configuration

Package Documentation MCP Server

An MCP (Model Context Protocol) server that provides LLMs with efficient access to package documentation across multiple programming languages and language server protocol (LSP) capabilities.


  • Multi-Language Support:
    • Go packages via go doc
    • Python libraries via built-in help()
    • NPM packages via registry documentation (including private registries)
    • Rust crates via and
  • Smart Documentation Parsing:
    • Structured output with description, usage, and examples
    • Focused information to avoid context overload
    • Support for specific symbol/function lookups
    • Fuzzy and exact search capabilities across documentation
  • Advanced Search Features:
    • Search within package documentation
    • Fuzzy matching for flexible queries
    • Context-aware results with relevance scoring
    • Symbol extraction from search results
  • Language Server Protocol (LSP) Support:
    • Hover information for code symbols
    • Code completions
    • Diagnostics (errors and warnings)
    • Currently supports TypeScript/JavaScript
    • Extensible for other languages
  • Performance Optimised:
    • Built-in caching
    • Efficient parsing
    • Minimal memory footprint


npx -y mcp-package-docs

Installing via Smithery

To install Package Docs for Claude Desktop automatically via Smithery:

npx -y @smithery/cli install mcp-package-docs --client claude


As an MCP Server

  1. Add to your MCP settings configuration:
{ "mcpServers": { "package-docs": { "command": "npx", "args": ["-y", "mcp-package-docs"], "env": { "ENABLE_LSP": "true" // Optional: Enable Language Server Protocol support } } } }
  1. The LSP functionality includes default configurations for common language servers:
  • TypeScript/JavaScript: typescript-language-server --stdio
  • HTML: vscode-html-language-server --stdio
  • CSS: vscode-css-language-server --stdio
  • JSON: vscode-json-language-server --stdio

You can override these defaults if needed:

{ "mcpServers": { "package-docs": { "command": "npx", "args": ["-y", "mcp-package-docs"], "env": { "ENABLE_LSP": "true", "TYPESCRIPT_SERVER": "{\"command\":\"/custom/path/typescript-language-server\",\"args\":[\"--stdio\"]}" } } } }
  1. The server provides the following tools:

lookup_go_doc / describe_go_package

Fetches Go package documentation

{ "name": "describe_go_package", "arguments": { "package": "encoding/json", // required "symbol": "Marshal" // optional } }

lookup_python_doc / describe_python_package

Fetches Python package documentation

{ "name": "describe_python_package", "arguments": { "package": "requests", // required "symbol": "get" // optional } }


Fetches Rust crate documentation from and

{ "name": "describe_rust_package", "arguments": { "package": "serde", // required: crate name "version": "1.0.219" // optional: specific version } }


Search within package documentation

{ "name": "search_package_docs", "arguments": { "package": "requests", // required: package name "query": "authentication", // required: search query "language": "python", // required: "go", "python", "npm", "swift", or "rust" "fuzzy": true // optional: enable fuzzy matching (default: true) } }

lookup_npm_doc / describe_npm_package

Fetches NPM package documentation from both public and private registries. Automatically uses the appropriate registry based on your .npmrc configuration.

{ "name": "describe_npm_package", "arguments": { "package": "axios", // required - supports both scoped (@org/pkg) and unscoped packages "version": "1.6.0" // optional } }

The tool reads your ~/.npmrc file to determine the correct registry for each package:

  • Uses scoped registry configurations (e.g., @mycompany:registry=...)
  • Supports private registries (GitHub Packages, GitLab, Nexus, Artifactory, etc.)
  • Falls back to the default npm registry if no custom registry is configured

Example .npmrc configurations:

registry= @mycompany:registry= @mycompany-ct:registry=

Language Server Protocol (LSP) Tools

When LSP support is enabled, the following additional tools become available:


Get hover information for a position in a document

{ "name": "get_hover", "arguments": { "languageId": "typescript", // required: language identifier (e.g., "typescript", "javascript") "filePath": "src/index.ts", // required: path to the source file "content": "const x = 1;", // required: content of the file "line": 0, // required: zero-based line number "character": 6, // required: zero-based character position "projectRoot": "/path/to/project" // optional: project root directory } }


Get completion suggestions for a position in a document

{ "name": "get_completions", "arguments": { "languageId": "typescript", // required: language identifier "filePath": "src/index.ts", // required: path to the source file "content": "const arr = []; arr.", // required: content of the file "line": 0, // required: zero-based line number "character": 16, // required: zero-based character position "projectRoot": "/path/to/project" // optional: project root directory } }


Get diagnostic information (errors, warnings) for a document

{ "name": "get_diagnostics", "arguments": { "languageId": "typescript", // required: language identifier "filePath": "src/index.ts", // required: path to the source file "content": "const x: string = 1;", // required: content of the file "projectRoot": "/path/to/project" // optional: project root directory } }

Example Usage in an LLM

Looking up Documentation

// Looking up Go documentation const goDocResult = await use_mcp_tool({ server_name: "package-docs", tool_name: "describe_go_package", arguments: { package: "encoding/json", symbol: "Marshal" } }); // Looking up Python documentation const pythonDocResult = await use_mcp_tool({ server_name: "package-docs", tool_name: "describe_python_package", arguments: { package: "requests", symbol: "post" } }); // Looking up Rust documentation const rustDocResult = await use_mcp_tool({ server_name: "package-docs", tool_name: "describe_rust_package", arguments: { package: "serde" } }); // Searching within documentation const searchResult = await use_mcp_tool({ server_name: "package-docs", tool_name: "search_package_docs", arguments: { package: "serde", query: "serialize", language: "rust", fuzzy: true } }); // Using LSP for hover information (when LSP is enabled) const hoverResult = await use_mcp_tool({ server_name: "package-docs", tool_name: "get_hover", arguments: { languageId: "typescript", filePath: "src/index.ts", content: "const axios = require('axios');\naxios.get", line: 1, character: 7 } });


  • Node.js >= 20
  • Go (for Go package documentation)
  • Python 3 (for Python package documentation)
  • Internet connection (for NPM package documentation and Rust crate documentation)
  • Language servers (for LSP functionality):
    • TypeScript/JavaScript: npm install -g typescript-language-server typescript
    • HTML/CSS/JSON: npm install -g vscode-langservers-extracted


# Install dependencies npm i # Build npm run build # Watch mode npm run watch


  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/amazing-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add some amazing feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/amazing-feature)
  5. Open a Pull Request


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

You must be authenticated.

security – no known vulnerabilities
license - permissive license
quality - confirmed to work

Facilitates LLMs to efficiently access and fetch structured documentation for packages in Go, Python, and NPM, enhancing software development with multi-language support and performance optimization.

  1. Features
    1. Installation
      1. Installing via Smithery
    2. Usage
      1. As an MCP Server
      2. Language Server Protocol (LSP) Tools
      3. Example Usage in an LLM
    3. Requirements
      1. Development
        1. Contributing
          1. License