Linear MCP Server

remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.


  • Provides comprehensive project management tools for interacting with Linear's API, enabling management of projects, initiatives, issues, and relationships between them, with support for prioritization.

Linear MCP Server

A Model Context Protocol server for the Linear API.

Intended to be more feature rich than existing Linear MCP servers and intended for holistic project management via Claude.

This is based off of with more functionality.


  • Initiatives
  • Projects
  • Issues
  • Relationships
  • Prioritization


Add server config to Claude Desktop.

NOTE: Claude does not work well with nvm environments. Make sure to reference the version of Node with its absolute path.

{ "mcpServers": { "linear": { "command": "/Users/USERNAME/.nvm/versions/node/v22.13.0/bin/node", "args": [ "--experimental-strip-types", "/absolute/path/to/repo/index.ts" ], "env": { "LINEAR_API_KEY": "your_linear_api_key_here" } } } }

Available Tools

Project Management

  • create-project - Create a new Linear project
  • view-project - View a Linear project by ID
  • update-project - Update a Linear project

Initiative Management

  • create-initiative - Create a new Linear initiative
  • view-initiative - View a Linear initiative by ID
  • update-initiative - Update a Linear initiative

Issue Management

  • create-issue - Create a new Linear issue
  • view-issue - View a Linear issue by ID
  • update-issue - Update a Linear issue
  • search-issues - Search Linear issues

Issue Relations

  • create-issue-relation - Create a relation between two issues (blocks, duplicates, etc.)
  • view-issue-relations - View all relations for a given issue
  • delete-issue-relation - Delete a relation between two issues


User: Break the Implement Contact API Endpoints issue into multiple issues, one for each endpoint Claude: I'll break down the API endpoints issue into separate issues for each endpoint and create the appropriate relationships. View result from create-issue from linear (local) View result from create-issue from linear (local) View result from create-issue from linear (local) View result from create-issue from linear (local) View result from create-issue from linear (local) Now let's create the relationships between these new issues and the existing ones. First, they all depend on the TypeScript Models issue: View result from create-issue-relation from linear (local) View result from create-issue-relation from linear (local) View result from create-issue-relation from linear (local) View result from create-issue-relation from linear (local) View result from create-issue-relation from linear (local) I've created five separate issues for each endpoint and set up their relationships: GET /contacts (List) - d1aae514 GET /contacts/:id (Single) - 01850d5d POST /contacts (Create) - 2e0f2b75 PUT /contacts/:id (Update) - d22b143d DELETE /contacts/:id (Delete) - dde30779 All of these endpoints depend on the TypeScript Models issue (2c38c6ee) being completed first. The UI Components issue (dd214884) and Search/Filter issue (81a33a29) now should depend on the completion of these endpoint issues, particularly the GET endpoints. Would you like me to: Create those additional relationships with the UI Components? Add any specific cross-dependencies between the endpoints themselves? Break down any of these endpoint issues into more granular tasks?
security - not tested
license - not found
quality - not tested

Facilitates project management with the Linear API via the Model Context Protocol, allowing users to manage initiatives, projects, issues, and their relationships through features like creation, viewing, updating, and prioritization.

  1. Installation
    1. Available Tools
      1. Project Management
      2. Initiative Management
      3. Issue Management
      4. Issue Relations
    2. Example